The first time David mentioned uKimono to me, I thought wah they’re giving me a kimono! followed by hope in my eyes wtf.
Actually uKimono doesn’t mean kimono ok I misunderstood -_-
The OSIM uKimono is a new massage belt that helps to break down fatty tissue in the tummy, butt and thighs, and tone your muscles to give you a slimmer figure.
(no need to go for Suanie’s bootcamp)
The uKimono’s program is developed by a Japanese Shiatsu Massage expert. I’ve never actually had the chance to try out Shiatsu but I believe ok look at the ninjas last time damn deadly ok.
The uKimono targets both sides of the body, to relieve muscle aches and fatigue, particularly in the lumbar area.
All you have to do is strap it on and let it work it’s magic!
At first I thought this could be the answer to my sedentary lifestyle! Ever since I started working I’ve been getting fat in the middle but still refuse to take any action to save myself (besides doing 5 situps every night before I go to sleep) so this is damn good for me! Can lose abdomen lard while watching TV or blogging. But better not take my word for it – I’m sure the uKimono works best complementing any exercise program and healthy eating.
Appropriately, the ambassadors of the OSIM uKimono massage belt are
S.H.E. !!
And Selina, Hebe and Ella will be in KL this March 6 2010, 8pm at National Stadium (Outdoor) Bukit Jalil for their “S.H.E is the One, Live in Kuala Lumpur” Concert!
To refresh your memory or in case you need to be hastily educated, SHE gave us hits like these..
I am giving out 15 pairs of tickets worth RM198 each (30 tickets in total) to 15 Fourfeetnine readers who can comment and answer correctly and the most creatively the following three questions:
- What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
- uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
- Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
However, if you don’t manage to win tickets here, there is an alternative to my blog *sobs wtf
OSIM has VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM800 and RM600 (but my RM198 ones are still wonderful nonetheless) and a whole lot of OSIM merchandise and cash vouchers to give away.
For your chance to win VIP tickets (with these tickets, you’ll be able to see their sweat droplets, kinky fellas), follow these simple steps:
1) Become a fan on the OSIM Facebook page.
2) Send an email to with your full name, contact number and IC number, and Facebook identity name, latest by 8pm, this Friday, 26 February 2010.
3) OSIM will be in touch with the first 30 participants to do so, and invite them to come to the ‘OSIM Trim and Healthy Competition’ that will be held this Sunday, 28 February 2010, at the LG Blue Concourse, Sunway Pyramid.
4) The invited participants will then go through three VERY EASY obstacles:
- do twenty squats
- answer a question on uKimono or uKimono mini
- hula hoop for twenty times wearing the uKimono or uKimono mini.
Participants will be judged on the FASTEST TIMES to complete all three obstacles.
(I will never win)
But for the rest of you: Winning has never been so EASY!
What can you win?
- 1st place – Two VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM 800 each AND an OSIM uKimono mini
- 2nd place – Two VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM 600 each AND an OSIM uKimono mini
- 3rd place to 5th place – Two S.H.E tickets worth RM 198 each AND a RM100 OSIM cash voucher.
- 6th place to 15th place – RM50 OSIM cash voucher
*Disclaimer: Contest is open to all Malaysian residents and those residing anywhere else (if you can take the next flight out to Malaysia, that is!). You have to be over 18 years of age to take part in this contest.
Comments (67)
1)Orange; red; purple or indigo
3)Im hoping to get the tickets for my sis who is a big fan of SHE. Though im now on the other end of the globe, I hope this will be the best pressie for my sis’s bday.
1.What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
Red, purple, orange
2 uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Because I like their songs and most importantly my girlfriend really want to go to SHE concert and I want to bring her go. Please help me I have no money T_T
1. 1.What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
Red, Orange, Purple
2.uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
3.Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Because I really like their song and I hope I could meet them live on my birthday! Please help me fulfill my wish! <3
Brings me back to my secondary school years… good times.. good times
1) Orange, Red, Purple
2) True
3) I want to go to the S.H.E. concert because I’ve been a big fan of S.H.E ever since I’ve listened to their hit single Superstar. So, is my girlfriend and if I get to win passes from you, me and my girlfriend will have yet another great date together. You will get to see our faces glow as orange as it can get. You don’t want to make our faces turn red and purple right?
1) Orange, Red, Purple
2) True
3) Because their songs are reminising of my life-happy, sad, love, young and etc. They just make me so young.. >_<
looks like fake nails. lol
1. Orange, Red and Purple
2. True
3. Because I frigging missed their last 2 concerts in Malaysia just because they always choose to come during exam period! now I’m free from school and I so wanted to go!
and also because I planed to buy the RM198 tickets and you are giving it!
and I read your
01. There are 3 colours, orange, red and purple
Plus I can’t hula-hoop even if my life depended on it.
I swear I’ll be purple sick at the attempt. Lol.
02. TRUE!
03. I really really reeaaaally want to attend SHE concert because it fell on the same day as me and my boyfiiee’s 1st anniversary together! And he’s coming all the way down from Malacca so it’ll be awesome to go for it and celebrate.
* What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
* uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
* Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
I believe the SHE Concert can makes me release out my stress after work as 3 of them are very energetic in singing or dancing! Let me scrrreeeeaaammm and dance together with them!
1. Orange, Red and Purple
3. Because my sister and I are huge fans of S.H.E and their songs reminded me of our sisterhood where we will sing and dance in front of the television when we turned on S.H.E’s were the days! And I wanna reconnect with my sister again to remember those good old days..
1. Orange, Purple, Red
2. True
3. I wanna go to S.H.E concert because they have many nice songs, nice outfits, nice vocals, great dancers, amazing stage decorations and most important, they are S.H.E, my favorite girls band since secondary school!!! They are A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! *hands up* choose me..choose me..choose me~~~!!!
1. Red, Orange, Purple

2. True
3. I wanna watch SHE’s concert desperately because I totally love them & I simply couldn’t afford to purchase this RM198’s tickets -_- & the thing is I’ll give a nice surprise to my bestie by bringing her to the concert with me, I think she’ll faint if I told her!! hehe. Anyways, I’m also deprived of some entertainment lately (besides reading fourfeetnine!! sorry a bit cheesy but I’m serious!!), and I would love to let loose and go crazy with my bestie!
1. Red, orange, purple
3. i bet there’ll be tons of other ppl giving the same reason, which is to bring their bf/gf to the concert…but i wanna go to the S.H.E concert because i still owe my bf his valentine’s pressie n i really really really wanna do something special for him. plus, i wanna give him the chance of a lifetime to ogle at Selina,Hebe and Ella coz he’s crazy about them.
such a generous gf am i??
willing to allow my own bf to look at other gorgeous girls….
please and thank u!!! =D
1. Orange, Red & Purple
2. True
3. Cause Selina is the most awesome-ness gurl ever.. Im definitely have no regrets if I can see Selina perform right in front of my eyes.. ^^
1. Orange, purple and red
2. True
3. Because i wanted to go but my bf doesn’t wanna buy me tickets and accompany me (he said it’s worthless to see SHE ==’), therefore i hope to win the tickets so that he will have no choice but to bring me to the concert… ^^
1. Purple, Red, Orange
2. True
3. I wanna go because S.H.E. has three pretty+cute ladies like Audrey-4fnine. Miss them so much as I haven’t see them perform live since high school. Summore S.H.E. are the “Superstars” that “Always on my mind” wor!
Creative enough? haha!
1) Orange, Red and Purple.
2) True
3)I would love to go to S.H.E concert because I have heard their amazing voice over the radio and albums many times but to be able to hear them live once, will truly be a magical moment for me.
1.Purple,Orange and Red!
2. True!
3.Why do I wanna go S.H.E concert? I remember the last time I watched S.H.E concert, I was only 12 years old and that was my first time. Before that, I’ve never been to any stadium to watch any concert. Yeah, and not they are coming to Malaysia again, I hope that I really can watch their awesome concert so as if I could get tickets from, and I’m able to watch it, it will be my second time to watch concert. HAHA! *hopefully*
1. Red, Orange, Purple
2. True
3. I’ve been S.H.E.’s fan since primary school (now 19 years old) and I swear to God that the first concert I must attend is S.H.E.. And also I’m a uni student who wants to give a nice surprise to one of my seniors with the other ticket because she’s such a nice girl.
please and please with sincereness!
1.Red, Purple and Orange.
3.I wanna go to their concert so badly as I have not missed any of their concert since their 1st concert in Msia! I love them since I heard their 1st song, 恋人未满. Their concert mean a lot to me as they also mark the close relationship with my cousin. Because of SHE, we find so much things in common gradually our bond became closer. I wanna win the tickets and bring her to the concert with me!
1. orange, purple, red
2. true
3. so that i can be on the spot to experience S.H.E shake bukit jalil stadium!
1. Red, Orange, Purple
2. True
3. If there’s only 1 last thing i could do before the end of the world, it will be GOING TO S.H.E’s CONCERT!!!!!!!!
1.Orange,Purple, Red
3.Going to S.H.E’s concert is just like celebrating an anniversary with them! I didn’t miss out any one of their Malaysia concert! Besides that,i didn’t buy any of their album because of my financial prob but i attend EACH and EVERY concert of theirs in Malaysia with the cheapest ticket. For once, I wanna have a change and be nearer to them!!
Oh no.. so many comments already.. always a slow poke in reading ppl’s giveaways=p
but optimism is the key to success eh? hehe
1)Red, Purple, Orange
3)Concerts should be awesome experience and I ve never been to other concerts except the AAR one..
and I was told in high school apparently that I resemble one of the s.h.e member =p
plus, their songs are catchy and it’ll be a good experience to win tickets!!
1. Red, Orange, Purple
2. True
3. I darn like them as they can act cute and look pretty at the same time. Also looking cute and pretty do not mean that they are dumb as they could sing really well, especially Ella who can rap. She’s my fave among all three as she not only the first tomboyish girl ever that become the ‘uhh-ahh’ of those guys but she is also the first tomboyish girl who can gives me such feminine + cute feel.
*Ok I know my answers are weird. Am bad in expressing all my loves toward S.H.E as what I am doing now is praying super duper hard for you to give me the tickets so that I can shout “SHE! SHE!” or “ENCO! ENCO” at the stadium. LOL
1. Purple, Red, Orange
*why no Pink one ?? =(*
2. True,Yes,Betul !
3. My BF is going to work in overseas permanently in mid of March while i’m still stuck in dis tanah air, so before he leaves the country at least we have a MEMORABLE place to “paktor“ (unlike our usual movies/dinner dates) !! Summore these tickets are given by so the even though the ticket worth RM198 only, but to me it’s like a SuperVIP tickets (worth like 19K maybe??) already coz i love AudreyyyyyyyyYYyYYyy and S.H.E so muchh !!
*sincere one, not bcoz of the tickets i write this ok~ So can i have the tickets please please pleaseee ….*bigweteyes with real tears* (@@,,,,,)
I loveeee S.H.E
Answers are:
1. cheerful ORANGE, sweet Purple and sexy RED.
2. True!
3. I wanna go to S.H.E concert simply because I love them. My love to them are hard to descirbe or pun into words, they are like part of my life! I listen to their song everyday and never gets bored of it. I would sing their song when ever I go for karaoke and pratically would have a singing rehearsal before S.H.E concert. I bought files, notebooks, lanterns, calenders, and even mooncakes which have their face printed on it! They accompanied me through my growth from a naive teen to a mature adult. Still, forver I will act like the kid, just like the old days how I’ve been crazy about them. =)
1) Red, Purple and Orange color
2) True
3) I wish to give the tickets to my younger sister. She love S.H.E so much and got all the original CDs of them, from 1st album till the latest one. Even bought the imported one from Taiwan.I know she wanted so much to be part of S.H.E fans in this coming soon concert. If I won the tickets I wish this will be the best birthday gift I can give it to her. her birthday just passed 2 weeks ago
Thanks Audrey
1. Purple, Orange and Red.
2. Obviously very very true!
3. Because the big sister is 6850 miles away, and wanting to surprise the kid sister who is studying in kl. Big sister (me) is a banana (you understand what i mean, don’t you? :D), and hence doesn’t listen to she, but kid sister does, and she would like those tickets really much.
Big sister did once spend godzillion amount of money getting tiesto’s ticket in malaysia for her (all the way from 6850 miles away >..<
So please? With strawberry ice-cream on top? =D
1. Orange, Purple, Red
2. True
3. I wanna go to S.H.E concert because I have always listened my friends singing their songs and i dont really understand the way the feel about their songs. Hopefully if i win those tickets. i can go with a friend who appreciates SHE and i can see the awesomeness of their songs too
1) Red, Orange and Purple.
3) Aud, I have been a fan of them since they started out in 2001. I am one of the longest member in their fans club (since 2002). I have attended their previous two concerts. Unfortunately, I am unemployed. I couldn’t cough up the money to buy those tickets. I wish I could see them again as I might be leaving the country soon to further my studies or find jobs overseas.
Anyway, it’s good to see bloggers know S.H.E.Thanks for a good opportunity to let fans to watch their concert as I know this year’s concert has the best arrangements!
.What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
Red, Purple, Orange
2 uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Because I so wanna see their flat tummies, sexy thighs and butt on stage singing Superstar, while i’ll be down there looking up, jiggling my fat tummy around trying to be a superstar.. jiggle jiggle >.< hehe
(1) Orange, Purple and Red
And SHE is totally awesome. I totally love the girl band, especially Ella =) I never really have better luck in lucky draw or anything but I would really love to give this a try. Would you grant me my wish to watch the concert?
(2) Absolutely true =D
(3) Other than in my home country (Brunei), I have never in my life, seen a concert. Ok, other than in television! =( I would be in Malaysia for my one last year of study. It would be great to be able to add this great concert as part of my last year study life’s memories
1. Orange, Red & Purple
2. True
3. Because I want to see how fat Selina is upclose
WA SO MANY ANGIES. SHE’s new song very nice babie i send to u when u go online !
1. Orange, Purple & Red
still remember one of their songs that touched my heart the each time i listen to it back in high school, totally portrait the real story of a best friend of mine. Hope to listen to their songs in real life 
thank you hehe *pray hard*
2. True
3. I’ve been a fan of SHE since forever and their songs are just amazing
Also, i am so envy of some of my friends who manage to go to the concert everytime SHE had a concert here previously but due to so many reasons i couldn’t make it. so hopefully i manage to make it for this time ones, red, purple
3. so that i can be on the spot to experience S.H.E rocks bukit jalil’s stadium
1. Orange, Purple, Red
2. True
3. Because their songs are meaningful and their voices are so perfectly joined together which touched each and everyone especially hearing it LIVES. And because i want to give this as a birthday gift to my bestie which she’s also a BIG Fan of SHE.
1) Orange, Red, Purple
2) True
3) Because….
reason (i): I attended with my ex-bf when S.H.E first came to Malaysia for their concert few years back. This year I found out that he is bringing his new gf to the concert!
(we broke up because he cheated on me). I want the ticket badly because I can proudly bring my new bf to the concert and show it to him that he is not the only guy in this world.
reason (ii): March 6th 2010 will be the 3rd anniversary for me and my bf! =))
reason (iii): I love S.H.E!
Mind if I ask when will the results be out?:D
Q: What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
A: Orange, Red, Purple.
Q: uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
Q: Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
A: Reason is i would like to dance and rock with 3 pretty ambassadors of the OSIM uKimono massage belt whom had gained a great result in toning muscles. Thus, it would be a great concert which i could not miss it.
1 What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
Orange, Purple, Red
2 uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
3 Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Why i want to go? Because for so many reason, i cant go on their January 2006 Genting concert because i’m still at east malaysia and cant afford to pay flight and ticket. Then, when it comes to December 2007 when S.H.E onces again having concert at KL, i missed the chances again because return hometown for holiday then for the same reason i cant afford.But now, there’s a chance and i’m in west malaysia studying..I hope that i can win a ticket to go. Because if able to seeing them sing songs that lyrics with my story “watch me shine”;”戀人未滿”;”无可取代”;”谢谢你让我爱过你”;”我和幸福有约定”;”天使在唱歌”;”Always on my Mind”. Although, these song bring back memories, it is a sweet one even we never been really together. and not being able to go with ‘her’ again’. Finally, NO DOUBT i’m a fans of S.H.E. So do a reader of yours..hehe
1.What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
Orange, Red, Purple
2.uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
3.Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
I’ve been to their concert once and it was great. I wish I could meet them again in this coming concert. I am their fans since they first debut their album and nonetheless. Their songs are great and their concert was awesome. Thus, I would like to experience it once again.
I can’t wait for the result. I hope I can bring my girlfriend go. So nervous
What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
– red, orange,purple
uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Because I’m the fans ever since I’m young and I seriously love their amazing voice.
1. オレンジ!赤い!紫!
3. コンサートを見たことない!my mom disallows me to watch any concert because she thinks its silly to pay for somebody to sing for u unless it’s FREE! so pleaseeeeeee giv me the tickets!!!!!!!! that wil b my 1st time to watch a concert !!! *watery eyes*
1) red, purple, orangeeee <3<3
2) true true true
3) Me and my cousin sis (I see her almost everyday, crazy close type) are mad huge fans of S.H.E ever since their first album! We grow up by listening to S.H.E songs. Apparently my cousin is going to UK for few years to continue her studies soon
I hope to get the tix to enjoy this concert with her and also recall all our nostalgic momments T^T
1.What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
3 out of the 7 rainbow colors-Orange, Red, Purple.I’m convinced that OSIM will come out with the other 4 colors soon.
2.uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
3.Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
Being able to hear them sing live should be quite an experience.And because i just lup them!And i lup free tickets too!Why pay if i can go for free?!I lup SHEeeeeeeeeeeee!