
I never know what to title these random snippets

Some random updates cos I’m sleepy.


Fat Her spent the whole of Sunday lugging around a plastic bottle and peeing into it whenever the need arose (hahahahahaha) He carted the whole bottle back to the hospital but not without spilling some much to the nurse’s horror hahahaha.  He’s awaiting the results now..


Tim and I were so bored the other day so we made these!  Oreo truffles which basically consist of nothing but mashed up Oreos and cream cheese mixed together and dipped into chocolate.

Very sinful and looks like rabbit poop / pieces of tar but they actually tasted quite nice!


Jen Han asked us to go for Comedy Thursday at Zouk cos it was his first year anniversary performing there so we dragged the Parents Ooi along and it was damn funny ok!!  Every month TimeOutKL holds Comedy Thursdays to showcase like up and coming talents in comedy IF I GOT IT RIGHT wtf.

There were some funnier than others but generally they were all amazing!  Especially the guy above forgot his name let’s just call him Steve wtf.  I think I like political and racist jokes better than sex ones though I am just a prude 🙁

Parents Ooi loved it too — when we were younger Fat Her used to take us to watch Comedy Court and Instant Cafe Theater and all that so it was right up their alley.  Dunno why we stopped though either they stopped performing or they got too expensive wtf.

(me and Tim in the corner laughing up a storm at Kavin, one of the comedians) – stolen off Kavin’s Facebook


The older I get, the more people I realize I don’t like 🙁 I don’t agree with a lot of things that other people do or say or the principles they live their lives by.  When I was younger if I didn’t like a person I would mount an all out campaign to villianify them and stay away  because I didn’t want to compromise my own beliefs.  But recently I think it’s becoming easier to keep quiet and just bystep them.

Comments (14)

  • Hey Aud! 🙂 Those oreo truffles actually look good! I’d be afraid to make it…because I might eat them all. o__0 But I must try it one day anyway. 🙂

  • hahhaha the last pic u stole from kavin looks even dumber on fb your expression like DAMNNN ADMIRE DAMNNN ENJOY LIKE THAT HAHAHAHHAHA

  • no.4=same here!


  • Cannot agree more with point 4!
    Now, I don’t tolerate people just because I want to be nice.

    I just ignore and erase them from my life.

    Is that such a bad thing? :/

  • I’m going thru the same thing… alot of people that’s I dont like… but then I realise.. people are not perfect… need to close one eye..

    because i’m not perfect too hey..

  • No. 4 makes a good point, and yea, is that so bad?

    Only reminds me of how much older I am now wtf

  • baby i miss you :'( *emo

  • oh wow. i din know they hv this in Msia. *jakun* not in a club! lol~ cool stuff yo!

  • no4. it’s becuz u have someone now, that u can turn to no matter what. who shares the same belief. who shares the same principle. who will always be there for u, even when the whole world disagrees with u.

  • hey.. your truffles are damn nice la.. will need like exact measurements from you.. or u simply whack wan? hahaha..

  • eee i wish i went to timeout kl also 🙁 my friend saw you and tim there and got damn excited hahaha


  • jane: u should some day! tell me how it goes, it’ll probably look alot better than mine!


    pj: cilek! wtf

    carol: that shouldnt be a question at all carol!

    lisa: maybe its just part of getting used to it and growing old 🙁

    samuel: yes i agree!

    jean: hahaha yea me too!

    jam: i miss u too T_____T

    cindy: ya next time we should go together!

    melly: that’s a interesting point! i never thought of it that way 🙂

    liyen: hahaha i tell u tomorrow

    fresh: we go next month together!

    angie: talked to u already la wtf

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