Ok this post is actually a thank you post to the sponsors, Adidas Action 3, P1 and MAS for without them Project Alpha would not have happened!
And not forgetting Kenny and his now fehmes Level Up gym for putting me through hell welcoming us for aerobics and filming!
Taukeh and Mike being nice and waiting for us to arrive!
Since everyone’s going crazy about Project Alpha Season 2 lemme try to show more of what the behind the scenes look like. The Season 1 segment anyway.
This is us all in the van heading to Level Up! David’s in the front with the driver, Jojo and Nicole and Mrs Budiey, and Budiey and Red Mummy (with a big clip in her hair hahahaahah)
(I think Huai Bin is next to Mira and Beautiful Nara is right at the back with me and Tim)
See behind the scenes footage! The big furry thing above Huai Bin’s head is the boom and it’s to capture sound. Basically a big furry overgrown microphone wtf.
And RM is talking a lot as usual hahahahahaha
Why are me and Kenny both scratching our back. I scratch your back you scratch mine wtf.
Actually I was kidding about the gym being torture! It’s probably the most fun I had in any gym because Kenny signed us all up for an aerobics class!
Very hard to follow so have to pay serious attention. And you need extraordinary brain-limb coordination ok wtf.
Ah Lost! And Anna and Mike (and sorry I forgot the other guy T_T or did I even meet him wtf)
Think they’re regulars of the aerobics class cos they looked like it was effortless *awe
Everyone totally not in sync -_____-
I don’t know what move this was. Krumping? wtf
This was the aerobics instructor! Forgot his name fml but I thought he was very cute cos he was all smiley and energetic.
And his ass muscles are very capable WTF.
Group photo!
After we were done with aerobics we had to just quickly touch up our makeup and move on to the next location because we only had so many days in Kuching O_O
No time to shower also! So luckily one of our sponsors is Adidas Action 3 and they provided us with lotsa nice smelling Anti-Perspirant Spray!
And also lotsa shower gel which I tapaued home wtf.
Part of the filming involved us giving tips on certain things in life – like personal grooming. I think because they think we pretty so they ask us
I forgot what mine were now but I’ll just think up new ones they’re probably the same la wtf.
- Shower WTF obviously! Basically make sure you smell nais (better if with the product above nyehe) BO is a huge turn off and if I’m in a car with you and you smell, I will open the car door and jump WTF. Same goes for bad breath.
- Pluck your armpit hair wtf (if you’re a girl). If you can’t stand the pain, shave, wax whatever. If you’re a boy, never wear sleeveless shirts where we can all see your pit hair peeking above your sleeves if people wanted to see the Amazon they can go to Brazil wtf.
(omg revelation is this why they call it the Brazilian wax?) - Wear makeup. It goes a long way in making a good impression because humans are visual creatures. It’s a good thing to look like you care about yourself.
- Oh and always apply sunblock religiously everyday even if you don’t go out in the sun. Sunblock keeps away UV rays which cause premature aging.
I don’t think these were my actual tips but whatever! Let me pretend to be Beauty Guru today ok.
Oh I have one tip for going to the gym too!
Whether you go to Level Up or other gyms (insert generic gym name) make sure you bring socks!!!! Forgot mine because I never wear sneakers and had to do aerobics with no socks on wtf.
I am on a roll with tip giving!
Totally digressing but I found this picture of Huai Bin right after we got to our Kuching hotel. While we were still waiting to check in he ran to the computer in the lobby to check his blog hahaha
And I had to wait in line behind him to check mine dammit.
So appropriate that P1 was another of our sponsors right!
Last season we gave what we each felt were our personal blogging tips. And a lot of people come up to me and ask for tips on blogging or how to get more traffic.
I dunno leh! I don’t think there are any hard and fast rules to successful blogging but this is what I think should be guidelines to blogging…
- Learn how to type properly. I know it’s easier on your time and fingers but it’s not on your readers’ eyes if you type like this “I noe u dunch lyke reading words spelld lyke dis”
- Please no music on your blogs! Especially when it’s a song I don’t like and I can’t find the off button, I usually end up shutting the page without reading.
- You knew it was coming! Make sure you have a good Internet connection! Nothing makes you more suicidal than typing out a whole blog entry complete with pictures only to click save or publish and get The Page is Not Responding wtf. Can try P1 broadband for connectivity ^^
- Success doesn’t necessarily mean getting a lot of people to read your blog. You shouldn’t even actually be writing to cater to people although I think I’m guilty of that sometimes. Write whatever you want. Be original. People will appreciate that. And some day ten years down the road you’ll want to look back and read your old entries and be proud of the person you were.
- Oh and of course if you steal other people’s content, may you be cursed with perpetual mosquito bites on your lips and the soles of your feet ^^
I think I probably mentioned this before but can you believe they let us go into the cockpit and take pictures there!!
These are my traveling tips! I’m getting quite good at it since besides trips I also shuttle back and forth between my house and Wombeh’s wtf.
- Always make a checklist of things you need to bring or do before you go. Wombeh made one for me because he couldn’t stand me forgetting at least one item everywhere we went. Unfortunately usually I forget to use the list WTF but in theory it works really well to make sure you have everything you need on a trip.
- Make sure you have enough money on you! Or credit cards. I once traveled halfway across the world with only USD40 in my purse which is understandable as I was a broke college student but also a very stupid thing to do because what if I missed my flight or something happened that I hadn’t accounted for.
- Put all your toiletries in a waterproof bag! Wombeh’s have an unfortunate way of bursting open midflight and covering his clothes in goo hahahahaah.
- Get your visa early T_____________T I was so terrified that I wouldn’t be able to get my US visa on time and caused myself ten kinds of unnecessary stress and hair shedding T___________T seriously I beg of you don’t put yourself in my situation.
Ok that’s all. Again, thank you to all our sponsors for being so generous and for making Project Alpha Seasons 1 & 2 a possibility ^________^
For those who haven’t yet caught us hamming it up for the camera, below are the first 3 episodes of Project Alpha Season 2 – Season 1 bloggers in Kuching
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 – Gym! Ironically, my favorite episode.
Comments (15)
good morning Audrey
I watched those videos last week and u were so cute la, coz u couldn’t balance like others and kept falling during the Aerobics’ dance, made me LOL and rewind the video wtf..
and indeed the trainer ass muscle is super geng chao… =.=”
Hi audrey
can i know what sun block u use? 🙂
yer..ur mine hat on HB’s head looked so inappropriate wtf.
and why u so cute on aerobic class.without socks summore wtf.and I remembered you said you forgot alot of things in the hotel’s lift right.omg why u so clumsy wan!
hai audrey..you are so cute…
hahahaha why your blog post title always so funny one!!
dunch worry about your aerobics, nara was also like fumbling in the wrong directions HAHAHA.
i sayang you most among S1 bloggers ya shhh T___________T
HAHAHAHA You look like you’re photobombing the pilot in the cockpit photo!!!
Looking at the gym pics made me miss fitness industry!
[Please no music on your blogs! Especially when it’s a song I don’t like and I can’t find the off button, I usually end up shutting the page without reading.]
Agree max!!
donna: ya hahaha i only realized i was so terrible at balancing then -_-
chen: i use shiseido 🙂
xiiinyii: hahaha he had to use it to cover his tragic hair! ya seriously i forgot so many things that trip T____T
kak ina kl: aww thanks <3
fresh: hahaha HAIH fwesh cos of my blog title i get even more spam cos i think spam bots are picking it up as im really giving away free stuff WTF. ahh dont bluff me im sure you tell everyone that! /scuffs shoe
charles: wah you were in the industry before?
I miss you all while reading this T.T Come back to Kuching soon can? We go for another dance aerobic together 😀
The instructor’s name is Busman 😀
and the guy besides Mike is Steve. I think Kenny mentioned that he’s Level Up’s Pump Instructor 😀
I super like your last picha.. So niceeeeeee ~
i like the caption & picture of you & kenny scratching backs:)
I also love the instructor and his bulging crotch which leaves nothing to the imagination. !hi
i’ll never get to go into a cockpit… )=
i speak no lies! 😀 you ask hb and see if i said that to him before. um on second thought nvm, later he emo. !hi
fresh: I emo. 🙁