
Just can’t wait to be King

I am in Crawfordsville, Indiana now! Ooib just graduated today but that’s a story for another day <3

Last week as you all know, I was in San Fransisco! And we visited Fisherman’s Wharf!

But before I talk about that I have to tell about another fish experience I had the night before I left KL. A bunch of us were at Pizza Hut to try out their new pizza flavor – Fish King Pizza 😀

Fish King Pizza.

*skeptical about Fish King beating my alltime favorite Hawaiian flavor

Sadly for Hawaiian, it did.

Importantly because the pizza has 8 fish fingers made of a fish called Alaskan Pollock on top AND crabsticks!
(I loves crabsticks)

Plus Mozarella cheese, capsicums, pineapple and a very yummy mayo sauce!

Om nom nom nom.

KY kept taking pickchurs of me I like /shy

Huai Bin doing his share of om nom nom-ing.

We also got to watch the tv commercial for it which was quite cheesy (pun not intended) and funny.

Us luckeh people: Pink Stilettos, Citygal (Kampungboy not around), Proudduck (who is damn pretty lor I couldn’t take my eyes off her wtf), KY (without whom no food review would be complete) and HB!

Tempura shrimp and onion rings to keep us company !

Pizza Hut literally piled us with food! They also gave us 2-3 different kinds of pasta besides, 2 types of chicken tenders and plates of chicken wings and free flow of drinks!

Some more we kept pausing halfway to take photos of the food/each other etc so we got full fairly quickly 
Luckily I was wearing stretchy leggings and a loose top wtf. KY cheat wan he’s a food blogger but I ate two and a half times more than him ok!

Another group picture! Wombeh busy behind networking wtf.

Onion rings had multiple uses that night! Here they double as night vision goggles which midgets can’t leave home without wtf.

Me and my Assam Boi which is Pizza Hut’s signature drink!

Prettiest pregnant lady ever!

Wei Zhi whose sweetness I’ll never forget cos she gave me a bow necklace just cos she heard I was looking for one <3

Proudduck *still cannot get over how pretty she is

Posing with Fish King pizza. KY cheat wan!

He took the real pizza from me and labeled me Fish King ! :O

So I ma be Fish King lor wtf.

Since Fish King is a new pizza flavor, if you write a blog post called “Big Fish Moment with Pizza Hut” and share your Fish King experience whether at a Pizza Hut outlet or by delivery (pictures are always a good bonus!) you might win RM2,000 cash from Pizza Hut!

Contest runs 6 May 2010 to 30 May 2010.

For more details go to the Nuffnang blog post or Pizza Hut .

Comments (15)

  • forget about the bow necklace lol! yes, vivy is sooooooo pretty. *envy*

  • hahahahahaha u do look like the fish king in the last picture.

    and i miss you soooooooooooo much T_______________________________T damn alot things happened actually T____________________T go online n i’ll tell you T____________________T

  • hahaha hallo fish king why u wore pajamas out in US!

  • halo. you are much more prettier, cuter, nicer and whatever than Ringo/cheesie/cheeserland. lol. hahaha. i am serious 😀

  • how you do the hello kitty Polaroid pictureeee? So nais!

  • Wah wah wahh.. must try this new flavour..

    harror fish Queen 😀

  • fish king looks abit like kennysia. wtf

  • kampungboycitygal: hahaha noooo i was so touched! yalor she so pretty we stand in shadow next to her wtf

    angie: right im so good at imitating! i miss u too T____________T and im talking to u now on msn wtf T_________T

    ky: not pajamas la ok HAAHAHAH

    nicole: haha awww thanks! /shy but i think ringo is awesomely pretty!

    pinky: haha u have to buy the polaroids!

    ahlost: ya damn nice really!

    antz: ahahaha kenny cuter la!

  • more pics of san francisco please!
    i love your dressing style. so cute!

  • The pizza looks really good! So many ingredients..hehehe

  • What’s with nicole’s sudden mention of cheesie/ringo/cheeserland being much much less prettier than aud? LOL, that’s detestable attempt to try to sow dissension among friends(everyone who reads their blogs knows they’re friends).

    Both are beautiful in their own way, don’t be an idiot nicole!

  • omg you are so much prettier! so sweet la you! have fun in san francisco. damn jealous.

  • proudduck is chinese or malay ?

  • CONGRATS BRO OOI!!! hahaha 😀

  • hey u urself are pretty/cute/beautiful too, audrey!

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