I would like to think that at age 25, I know what love is.
I’ve been loved unconditionally by my family, fallen in love, had my heart broken, found love again, made great friends, fell out with friends, and remained close with other friends.
But let’s talk about the love that occurs between friends.
When I was younger, friends consumed a huge part of my life. At all times, I had to have a fixed group of girlfriends to hang out with, to listen to each other talk about crushes, and be there whenever I needed a friend. Even in college, there was a pretty set group of us – Angela, Mild, Elise, Jeannie, Suet, Shan Shan.
But now that I’m working, it’s a little different. My friends are all over the place – Angela is in SF, Tze is in London, Jammie is in Melbourne, Suet is in South Hadley, Hsin is in Perth.
And for a while I felt lost. I’d log on to Facebook and look at pictures of groups of girls and be emo because I didn’t have that WTF.
But I think I’ve more or less come to terms that your best friends don’t have to be physically there to be your best friends. They don’t all need to come from the same group of friends either. When I was on Facebook one day (not emoing ok wtf), I came across this quote on a friend’s profile: “True friendship isn’t being inseparable, it’s being separated and nothing changes.”
So clichéd but so true! People change over time and that’s only natural but true friendships are the ones that change with you. When I was younger, I used to get really upset whenever a friend changed, or maybe I changed and we fell out.
But now, if they change they change la what are you going to do. Sit on their face and ask them to change back ah wtf. It’s just life’s way of weeding out the friends that you don’t fit anymore so you have time for those you do.
That said, I’m so thankful for the friends I have that have evolved with me over the years and grown to be such important parts of my life 🙂 It’s not as obvious with The Club cos we see each other so regularly over the years and we all have BBM to keep us in constant touch 😛
But with people like Hsin and Angela, it holds so true. I met Hsin way back in Standard 5 (5th grade for you non Malaysians). We were two skinny kids in the school band, we both liked Nick Carter and Lee Brennan (fml) and tadah, an amazing friendship that has lasted (*counts) 14 years and counting, was born.
Hsin’s sister was also born when we were both 14 and I’ve seen her grow up from a newborn to the 11 year old she is now (the same age we were when Hsin and I met!) I don’t see her as often now as before though because she has moved to Perth and is living there happily, with her boyfriend, Ang Moh. WTF.
This is the latest picture I have of her – browsing the racks of Asian Avenue, halfway through her supremely short trip home to fix her passport -_-
I see her about once a year or every two years but every time we meet up, nothing changes T_____T and I am so thankful for that. Neither of us likes Nick Carter or Lee Brennan anymore but I like Rod Stewart and the Beatles and she likes..I dunno cool bands WTF.
She thinks I have the fashion sense of a sei ah lian wtf although I think our tastes have been converging a bit of late 😛 We’re totally different but we’re also the same. We still laugh hysterically at the same things, poke fun at each other, watch and support each other through good relationship and bad, and nothing changes 😀
And then there’s Angela. I talk about her all the time but whatevs wtf. Inseparable for 4 years in South Hadley, Massachusetts, moved to Japan together for a year, and then finally separated at graduation. Two years passed before we finally met each other for realz and not through MSN. I was nervous because two years is a long time to spend away from someone whom I’ve lived with every day for 4 years.
The magic of our friendship is that we have exactly the same tastes and preferences (except when it comes to guys thank lord wtf) and the exact same thoughts and moral values. So what if one of us had changed, what would happen to our friendship?
(I was so prepared for things to be different that before I went to SF, I told her “eh actually I’ve changed a lot now I’m very serious and don’t really laugh at stupid things anymore I just laugh at adult jokes” WTF. Adult jokes = jokes that adults make ok not hamsap jokes wtf)
(but she said I’m damn annoying for lying to her about that because I’m actually exactly the same if not stupider WTF so all is good ^^)
Us in San Fran.
Actually both of us had changed. We were two years older, more mature, had been exposed to different experiences within the two years.. but when we met, everything clicked back into place. We discovered we still thought the same way and liked the same things – we even bought the same clothes without knowing it /boo
So what is time to love is that Time refines Love. It may break some but it also strengthens others. And those friendships that have stood the test of time are those that you’ll probably still have years from now 🙂
Anyway, got purpose wan ok I write such a super long and meaningful entry. If you share your perspectives on love on the Solvil et Titus Share and Win forum here you might just walk away with a Solvil et Titus watch and let “time speak for love” (awwww)
The video is super tear inducing also:
Time is love so I got a beautiful Solvil et Titus watch to test!
A box with my name on it ^^
So pretty right! It’s silver and a very pale pink – my favorite kind of pink 😀
The pale pink Solvil et Titus watch in all its pinkish glory (and lots of stars because it’s magical like that)
I’ve never had a proper “adult” watch before! Before all my watches were like Super Mario Sailormoon and even the gold Casio watch I bought recently is fake Casio fml. And it keeps slowing down for no reason 🙁
This watch is just so pretty *melts. It has a big face but it’s delicate at the same time!
The wristband.
The girl with the pearl earring pink Solvil watch wtf.
I always like huge faced watches! But when I saw the price tag I got a shock at how valuable it was wtf.
SO pretty I loves it.
So what’s your “Time is Love” story? Tell me! *kepohs. Or tell it here and you could win gorgeous “Time is Love” watches like mine!
Comments (22)
I miss Jammie.
Nice video.
Especially nice that they used one of the most beautiful Chinese songs ever written as background music.
the watch is very nice on u!
So sweet! True friends are hard to find and to keep. Glad that u have such friendships!
HAHAHA to angie’s comment.
aih i love you too (perasan wtf)
ya it’s the same thing for me and two of my friends. liz is to me what angie is to you – and our story is very similar also! when we met up again last spring, we hadn’t seen each other since graduation in late 2006. i was TERRIFIED that we wouldn’t click anymore.. or that we’d just be awkward.. cos summore we are SUCH different characters! but no lor. not at all. <3
and then there’s N who’s based in aus… we’ve been friends since i was 16. he and liz are prolly the two people who understand me the most. anyway N and i haven’t seen each other in something like SIX years. but he’s visiting in october… i have the same worries, that it’d be awkward! but actually deep down i’m pretty sure it will be better than ever.
so yeah, friends don’t always have to be physically by your side. those are the easy friends to have. you know it’s the real deal when you are separated physically but the friendship only grows stronger 🙂
i wuv you!
how come angie and hsin both got an essay and i got like 2 lines 1 mentioning my name and 1 more (without my name) mentioning that i have bbm?
i hate you our friendship is hanging by a thread wtf
the watch is so nais!!! love all the tiny details on it! but it’s a bit too pinkish for my liking, but who am i to complain! the watch is yours!! bahahaha! it looks superb on you, dear! ^^
aww great post! but i’ve always wondered about this. if true friends indeed don’t have to be with you physically 24/7, won’t we be lonely? how do we pass our time? maybe we can find other friends but won’t these other friends not so “true” like your true friends, and that brings me to another question: why are we wasting time on not so “true” friends? and then that again bring us back to first question wtf, won’t we be lonely since our true friends are overseas and other friends are not so “true”… i don’t know if anyone ever thinks of this before but i always think about this and wonder about it! argh!!!
i am gonna go drink chicken essence now cos my head feels very tired from thinking the above wtf
the watch you have is so sweet and pretty! :3
Very nice and touching story! T_T
Hmm…time is love…my story…erm, I probably haven’t gotten over my ex yet? That was like, I dunno, 5 years ago? Heh!
Pharmacist! Can’t beat that. :p
you are always so creative! even in advertorials 😀
omg!! i saw this in a mag and really like the baby blue one!!!
Always nervewrecking to meet up with friends after a while … especially friends that you value a lot. Just like you, I have my best friends all over the world – Aussie, Japan, USA, France etc … but like you said even if we all changed, our love for each other remains the same and thats what important. We don’t even share the same views or opinions, but we do love a good debate sat in starbucks!
eric: hahahah jammie is back!
ky: ya i loves it!
LJ: yea /boo
kehrole: awww kewol i wuv you too!
tze: yea yea write me a blog post then we’ll talk wtf
yumii: haha no it’s not too pinkish! the pink is a very pale shade, it’s gorgeous!
strawberry: haha but the friends you spend time with you dont know for sure if they’re true friends or not yet. so why give up friends just because they’re not true friends? what if you get along well with them!
vvens: i wanna see yours!
hb: hahaha are you still not over her??
sj: awww thanks!
goingkookies: ya my friend likes the blue one too!
jay: are you coming to malaysia!!
i love ur watch! damn pretty! i love this blog post so much. it reminds me of my school life as well as college life 🙁
In March for sure, are you gonna take me shopping!!! Can you tell all retailers to have a special sale?????
Alas! That was a comment made while not very sober. Crap.
how can you not like nick carter anymore? xD
i’m waiting for mine to be approved! :E hehe.
i was about to get that watch in lot 10 the other day. is it nice and practical enough?
hahhaaa u mentioned lee brennen. i had my eyes on scott.
i think all girls go through this phase. I havent met my best friend whom i know since kindergarten for more than four years. last 2 months we planned a trip to paris. together with another best friend whom i havent talked to since i left form 5. I was so worried about how things would turn out. will i be speechless, say sumthng wrong. but as soon as we met at the train station, i felt like a 10 year old!! hahhaa