AudVanity Audvertorial

Here comes the sun

Last Monday I had the best weekday lunch ever in the 2-3 years I’ve been working.
(has it been that long T____T)


Lunch break at Clarins wtf .


With healthy tea and cantaloupe melon served! (remember the significance of the melon ah)

Ok not really a lunch la but I was there with Redmummy and Cheesie to learn about Clarins’ new UV Plus HP Protection SPF40 and White Plus HP products.


Got very classy lounge area for us to sit and chill and learn about their whitening range!

As you know, since forever I’ve been obsessed with having fair even skin and sun protection.

I think i said before in a previous blog post that I use sunblock like my father’s name is Coppertone. If I know Imma be out in the sun, I slap on sunblock until I turn as white as a ghost WTF. Then I reapply sunblock religiously until I’m also a sucker for whitening ranges and I’ve tried tons! I’ve tried Clarins too but not their whitening range though.

But while i certainly recognize the power of sunblock wtf, I didn’t realize that while the sun triggers the skin’s production of melanin (what makes you tan) in the day, THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN CONTINUES AT NIGHT.

I felt the need to warn you all about this too.


So Clarins has come up with a new Whitening Repairing Night Cream which contains a special ingredient – Daisy extract! It works to protect you against direct & indirect causes of skin hyperpigmentation.


It contains sea lily extract (I love how all its ingredients are so pretty) as the brightening active ingredient cos sea lilies have been found to control the delivery of melanin to your skin cells.

(yalah itself so white must be very pro at whitening wtf)


…and daisy extract to calm the skin at night for it to recover the next morning 🙂


I got a jar of the cream to take home with me!

Another new product in the White Plus range is the Whitening Intensive Serum.


Did you know that you should use a serum after your toner to compliment your moisturizer?

I knew. But didn’t bother to replenish my last serum after it finished wtf.

Anyway Clarins Whitening Intensive is made to make your skin brighter and more radiant and to avoid nasty dull skin 🙂 It contains sea lily extracts, which is actually an active brightening ingredient that helps prevent the formation of dark spots.


I’m not getting any younger and recently I’m a bit paranoid about whether my usual skincare regime and products are doing enough to moisturize and anti-wrinkle my skin. Cos I always use whitening ranges and they’re marketed for evening skin tone and stuff and not so much moisturizing.

I think in this picture I was asking about the moisture.

But I’ve been using the night cream the past coupla nights already and I think it’s at least as good as my usual (super moisture) range!


The other two new products in the White Plus HP range was the Renewing Gentle Exfoliator and the Gentle Renewing Brightening Peel.
The Exfoliator is made of ..


A combination of me and Cheesie’s favourite fruits! She loves raspberries and I love strawberries. Nobody loves grapefruit but I also love pomelo *irrelevant

Strawberry extract encourages the exfoliation, while raspberry brightens complexion and grapefruit tightens your pores.

Both the Exfoliater and the Peel work hand in hand to renew your skin and to make it softer and brighter 🙂 The pretty Clarins ladies told us they use both and their skin is awesome lo.


Testing out the Peel and Exfoliater!


Smell damn nice because of all the fruit extracts in them!


Something else Clarins has launched is the UV Plus HP Day Screen!

SPF 40 some more! Anything more than SPF 25 is my love.


I love this sunblock T____________T

It’s pink tinted so you can use it in place of your makeup base also.

And it glides on so smooth and when it’s absorbed into your skin, it goes super fine and the skin becomes so soft!!!! There’s no sticky / overpowdery residue left behind and it beats my normal sunblock flat T________________T By far my favourite product of the White Plus range!!!!!

It contains cantaloupe melon extract (can only find in Provence, France) which has very powerful antioxidation capabilities.

More importantly, provides skin with protection against premature aging T________T


Damn yummy some more the cantaloupe.

But when Clarins told us it takes 100kg of cantaloupe melon to get 1kg of extract I felt damn bad about gobbling down all that melon T_T


Then got quiz!!!! Fastest person with all correct answers would win an extra little something from Clarins.
(check out my competitive posture yo)


Cheesie won DAMMIT.

I actually finished first! But my answers all wrong FTS.

Cannot compete with straight A1 SPM student T_________T Redmummy also got all correct I suspect she’s a JPA scholar too.


But whatever ok I got a bunch of products to take home too <3


I love it when I discover amazing skincare ranges!!! Makes me feel like that’s a bottle of hope right there for me WTF.


If you want a free Skin Time, one-on-one hands-on session with Clarins to determine the best beauty regime for your skin AND get a customized trial suppy from Clarins, just Like their Facebook page and fill in your details to claim your free session 😀

(and if you happen to be the first 1000 Clarins fans on Facebook, you’ll win a vanity mirror.)

Lastly if you share the Clarins Facebook page on your wall, you might win a Clarins UV Gift Pack worth RM350 🙂 Go to Clarins Facebook page for more info.


Say thanks to Clarins for the enlightenment! HAHA GEDDIT

Comments (9)

  • Wah Cheesie Straight A1 student ar?? LOL Smart wey.. hahaha. lolol

  • wah this redmummy look so lansi in most of the pictures. kekekek

  • lolololol look at my face in the quiz pic.

    “ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!”


  • LOL, it looks like you’re trying to cheat off redmummy in one of those pix!

    And I think if you look anymore youthful, you’ll turn into a kid lol Already so nice! But I guess you’ll jus be using to maintain if anything 😛

  • I love your bag Aud!! Is it Gucci? 🙂

  • So pretty in the jacket.<3 *wink wink shove shove WTF*

    And you look very pretty in all the close-up shots, alluring eyes,hehe.

  • i’ve been using this since about, like 3 months ago *flips hair

    no difference also i’m still as dark wtf

    u look very pretty in the pictures <3

  • jfook: haha ya i think so! remmeber her saying before

    ky: yalo she lansi us!

    cheesie: yalah were you like this in school too! wtf


    goowakmeow: ya shit i am very kiasu wan wtf

    cherie: no it’s miu miu 😀

    hui wen: ya i love it so easy to match with everything! <3

    tze: isit! i quite like it! it's not supposed to whiten your skin tone though but to brighten it and make it more radiant 😀

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