Face when stuck in traffic because of a Chinese school letting out on Saturday morning, behind a female baboon who cut in front of us without signalling then drove as though she didn’t have a gas pedal in her car.
Face after reaching destination: lunch with Hada Labo and some of my favourite bloggers <3
My favourite kind of event! Focused on products I’m really interested, and lotsa camwhoring with fellow professional photo takers wtf.
Foruchizu reunited! <3
Group photo first!
The theme for the day was white with a tinge of red!
At least four of us (me, Cheesie, Kim and Cindy) scrambled around trying to find white outfits with red tinges (Eyeris and Shaolin Tiger asked us to wear white sheets with ketchup stains WTF boys) but it was quite fun to see how everyone dressed up according to their different styles!
Like Joyce paired her white top with grey leggings and a red scarf. And Iza had a very pretty red tudung for her red bit. And Ming wore a red top inside a white blazer and skirt.
Cheesie cheat wan cos she was in white and pink! Bag also pink, tablet cover also pink, hair also pink wtf.
Vivy all classy with a fully white outfit, red necklace and a red bag so expensive I don’t even know its name.
Why red? Cos Hada Labo’s latest range, Retinol Lifting + Firming anti-aging range is packaged in bright red!
If you remember, I wrote about Hada Labo’s moisturizing lotion last year and it was awesome! So awesome that when I tried to use my old toner after my Hada Labo finished, I was horrified by the drying effect my old toner had on my skin cos I was so used to so much moisture from Hada Labo already 🙁
Elaine from Hada Labo talking about Retinol range.
Hada Labo’s Retinol range is made of 3 anti-aging ingredients:
• Retinol Vitamin A – your skin needs collagen to stay firm and lifted but Vitamin A is needed to drive the production of collagen in your skin!! *gobbles carrots
• Super Hyaluronic Acid – famous ingredient already in the other Hada Labo ranges. Locks in moisture to hydrate your skin (later you’ll see just how intense)
• Collagen – for your skin’s elasticity for firmer and wrinkle free skin
Hada Labo wanted to introduce Retinol and prove to us how moisturizing the products are 🙂
So they asked us to cleanse and exfoliate our skin first and remove all oil and dirt.
Then they did a skin moisture test with what a thermometer-lookalike thingy.
My skin was 49.6% hydrated! All the rabid moisturizing after showers has paid off.
Cheesie’s was 35.7% HAHAAHAHHA
After thoroughly cleansing, we patted on the lotion.
Cheesie said why all good things also we put first on our hands. Even moisturizer goes on to our fingers first before our face.
So our hands should be more awesome compared to our faces FTS.
Anyway for regular toner, you to soak a cotton pad with it and wipe it on your face right to remove any leftover grime.
But the Japanese skincare regime is different. Instead of toner, they have lotion which is an extra essential step to moisturizing your face. Instead of soaking your cotton pad, you pour it out on your hands and pat your face all over with it till it gets tacky.
Lifting + Firming Lotion from the Retinol range.
You see this!
At first I thought I was doing it wrong cos when I was patting the lotion on my skin tiny gluey strands were appearing between the back of my hand and my patting fingers! And nobody else had that
But then when I asked the Hada Labo people, they said this is entirely normal because the Super Hyaluronic Acid has locked in so much moisture that it’s created this effect. And the tiny strands look like rain *poetic
Then comes the Firming + Lifting Essence and Milk.
Very easy to apply! Really liked how the smooth and fine the milk was.
Then I redid the skin moisture test to see the effect of Hada Labo. Went up to 58% now muahaha
Huge difference to how my skin looked too! Cannot capture on camera but after moisturizing, my skin was so supple that the fine lines on my hand had disappeared
Ohai ageless skin! Take that, Time!
(pretend you didn’t see my wearing only one shoe – wanted to fit into the Hada Labo display box -_-)
Oh ya outfit pic!
White shirt – Minimaos
Heart necklace – Kyoto
Red wrist cuffs – some fashion bazaar, think it was Chicpop
Bag – online
Hello Kitty socks – present from Cheesie
Denim shorts and Lena shoes – Sungei Wang
Cuteness – model’s own wtf
Cheesie said I kiasu wear so much red when the invite only said “a tinge of red” I like to be safe ok!
Cindy & Kim. Again I loved how everyone dressed up according to personalities and styles!
Vivy and Iza.
Final group photo! (with Kim cos she missed the first one)
Then I went home and had the luxury of time to try out the Hada Labo Retinol range on a daily basis.
The entire Retinol range! L-R: Lifting + Firming Lotion, Lifting + Firming Milk, Lifting + Firming Essence, Lifting + Firming Cream, and behind is a Lifting + Firming Mask.
The products are thicker in consistency compared to other products, but also very very smooth. It just glided on (like velvet wtf) when I applied it and patted it onto my face 😀
Besides that, no smell cos there’s no fragrance or additives, and it’s also very mild (and non-threatening wtf) so sensitive skin people can use it too.
The verdict?
Retinol makes my face so smooth!!!
This is my face right after I completed the whole regime from lotion to milk. A little bit shiny because the milk was still sitting on my skin and not fully absorbed yet.
Then I went to sleep for an hour wtf (just got back from Gold Coast very tired)
With Retinol fully absorbed. And no makeup whatsoever. (except eyebrow pencil wtf)
Really made my face damn smooth! Like I said earlier, it basically works a wrinkle filler cos all the fine lines on my face disappear after I apply it. My laugh lines around my mouth and eyes reduced too.
I was thinking of how to describe it and what popped to mind was that my face felt like a sheet of plastic WTF but in a good way.
It was so smooth that for the first time in my life I considered leaving the house with my face just like that! It was all smooth and glowy and it already looked like I had makeup on 😀
But i didn’t do that la cos you should never leave the house without sunblock on so I slapped some on wtf.
So ya you can tell i’m very happy with Hada Labo Retinol and what it does for my skin 😀
Looking forward to a bright ageless future WTF.
Comments (12)
your first face damn annoying !! but u look so cute in the rest of the pictures and I’m still damn excited about our duno when n if can happen trip hahahaha and the bag is balenciaga *boo and its 3 am and im still writing thesis RARRRRRRRRAAWWWWROARRRRRRRR *goes crazy
thanks for giving me directions to the place T_T lololol this hada labo thing really works i love it!
I just turned 20 but i’m already freaking out about my skin. I’m here in US and winter is just killing my skin every freaking year. Most of the products they have here make me break out (hello pimples) so I thought I should be looking for asian products (cos im asian? lol).
So my question is, can I start putting these things on my face now (cos im barely in my 20’s), do they ship this here in US (I’ve seen that the shop is only in Japan and Malaysia, and what’s the name of this specific product that I should be looking for? I mean, I can’t read Japanese, let alone Kanji, so I’m kinda confused.
Thanks for hearing my problems wtf
u so pretty my love but why your hair so long! curl it and u’ll look just like when we were one /boo except now we are work-ravished aih
Woah~ I’m still using Hada Labo hydration set, wondering when gonna finish it. Anyway, is this Retinol products suits all kind of skin?? >,<
Your eyes looks incredible large, scared me for the 1st pic! *JK* you looks great and sweet in white, like an angel. =]
love your bag, where did you get them from?
angie: is that the first i made when i looked in suspicion at you cos our door wasn’t locked hahahahaah
kimberlycun: ya i know the wrinkle-battling power right!
lei: it’s called Hada Labo Retinol! Just look for the red packaging 🙂 i don’t think there’s anything wrong with you using Retinol right cos it’s so mild 🙂 i find it very moisturizing.. you can come back to malaysia and stock up on it before you go back to US wtf. let me know how it works out for u!
tze: cannot! cos my real hair is too short so cannot curl properly T_T lemme cut my extensions and let u know wtf
bendan: why u use finish so slow! yup i think you can use this Retinol range especially if you’re in ur 20s already and potentally facing fine lines 🙂
jinny: i got it online!
where is this place !! its looks so beautiful!
nicky: it’s garden in pyramid!
i just got myself some retinol products too! can’t wait to try them out xoxo
wow your skin looks flawless!!
dei, the hair extensions look nice on u! ur hair makes u look really different when its long n straight 🙂 wear it moar often!!!