
My Saturday night

This is a very long blog post. I made the font bigger for your easy reading *considerate. Because you need to read ALL the words!!!!

But if you’ve read Fatty’s blog post on this, this is probably a rehash.

Kechara Soup Kitchen is a soup kitchen we found out about sometime last year when I came across the founder, a Buddhist lama and the founder of Kechara Buddhist Association (I wrote about his blog last year here).

We’ve only gone twice so far, and last weekend was the second time we’ve been but I wanted to write about it cos it’s impacted me and Fatty a lot.

KSK is a soup kitchen so basically it feeds and supports the homeless, or those who live under the poverty line.  They have a shop lot in Imbi where anyone who cannot afford it can go in and have a meal, take a shower, wash their clothes etc.

Not talking about you forgot to bring out your wallet so you get to go eat there for free ok wtf.  They register the homeless of KL so they know who they’re feeding.  Theirs so far is the most comprehensive database of homeless people in the city and there are estimated about 1,000 homeless people or so in KL.

And on weekends, there’s a team of volunteers that gather at KSK to pack food and drive out and deliver them to areas where needy people congregate so they can get access to a meal without coming over to KSK (or for those who don’t know about KSK)

This is usually done late at night (after 10pm) cos that’s when most people have gone home, shops have closed, and the homeless people can come out and lay down their mats on the road sides to sleep 🙁

This is the front of KSK.

David (who works at Kechara), Huai Bin, me and Fatty.

We’re wearing special KSK tshirts so the homeless can identify us and not be defensive.  Also so the police can recognize us and not arrest us for simply stopping anywhere and jumping out with boxes wtf.


Volunteers get divided into teams which tackle different areas.  So far we’ve been in Team Chow Kit.


Some of the food given out.  Usually each person receives a hot meal (rice or pasta) with a loaf of bread or buns, bottle of water, maybe some biscuits and crackers.

All the food is sponsored, so if you have any contacts or ability to donate, feel free to contact them here!


Hot meals.  We discovered most people don’t like pasta and prefer rice D: maybe they’re not used to eating non-Asian food.


Food packed into vans and ready to go.


KSK van.

Last weekend we had fruit to give out! Two guys gave a personal donation to buy the fruit that night 🙂

A corporate sponsor also donated tshirts which they over-printed so we had those to give out too 🙂

Getting our briefing before we go out on the streets.

Ok so the experience.  The first time I did it I was frankly very nervous and glad to have Fats around wtf.

The team leader will do orientation for first-timers and he told us a lot of precautions.  Like don’t give them money, be respectful and polite, approach them from the front since they may be startled if you jump at them from behind wtf.

They also explained how you could tell the difference between a person who’s newly homeless and someone who’s been out on the streets for some time.  A person who’s recently homeless will sleep hugging their bag or belongings tightly because they’re afraid to lose what they have left.  And a person who’s stayed on the streets for some time will usually just lie there maybe with arms spread wide because they have nothing else to lose.  Haih.

They also warned that some of them would not be able to look at us in the eye because they could be embarrassed about being in such a position that they had to accept charity from strangers.  Haihhhhh.

When doing our rounds, we get people to line up, ladies first some more if not we cannot give out the food.  Like if everyone just crowded around not waiting their turn there could be riots and a danger to everyone.

I realized that most homeless people do not look homeless.  (Except for those who are mentally unstable maybe)  Their clothes may be a little shabby or worn, but for the most part they look normal.   Like your average Ah Ma on her way to pasar malam to buy vegetables.  And apparently that’s what they intend – to look like everyone else.  That’s why they only come out when everyone else has gone home.  Who on earth would want to advertise the fact that they live on the street very proud thing isit.  Some people apparently bash soup kitchens for feeding the poor because “that will encourage people to be lazy cos they can get food without working”.

Seriously, wtf!?!? Do you seriously think getting a free meal is worth losing your dignity, sleeping on the street, going to public toilets to wash up, and not being sure where your next meal is gonna come from?

The very sad thing is, there were so many old people standing in line to receive food.  I asked what was the most common reason a person would be homeless and this is what I found out.  A lot of old people get kicked out or abandoned by their kids (WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TAKING CARE OF THEM JESUS WHO RAISED YOU ASSHOLES); or old people get cheated out of their life savings by con artists, are unable to support themselves any longer, and get on the streets; or young people who left their hometowns/villages looking for a better life in the city, get cheated or cannot find jobs, then don’t dare to go home to shame, and just live outside in KL.

It was a very humbling experience T____T

We arranged ourselves in a kind of factory line to give out the food items.  And I felt we got more thanks than we deserve T_______T All the Chinese aunties and uncles exclaimed loudly their thanks and one uncle even said he was so lucky to have pretty girls give him food T______T  And all the young Malay guys smiled at us, and ducked their heads and whispered their thanks.

Seriously what we did is nothing compared to what they do on a daily basis.  All we had to do is show up, pick up packaged food and pass it out to them leh.  We maybe took three hours out of our lives which would have been spent in Zouk or something (and the thanks and smiles we got totally made it worth it) These people have to stay brave and tough every single day.

Interestingly, we also gave out food packs to a couple of Iranians who I think came to Malaysia for a better life probably but are down on their luck.

Some interesting characters we met that really affected me:

1. The Uncle with the Cap

A Chinese uncle who sleeps outside a Chinese temple.  He wears a cap and our team leader (who’s clearly known him for some time) asked him to tell us his story.  The uncle took off his cap and underneath, half his head was sunken in.  I mean the entire right side of his head had caved in, and skin had regrown over it.  It’s like when you peel a hard boiled egg and some of the egg comes off with the shell.  20 years ago, he used to be a skilled lift technician.  Then one day he got into a pub brawl and got his head bashed in.  Because of the pain, he eventually got addicted to drugs, lost his job and everything else, and ended up on the streets.

2.  The KTV hostess

An auntie probably in her 50s or 60s who we also met at the same temple.  In her youth, she used to work in a KTV, pouring drinks for men, earning RM1k+ a month.  She said she could have gotten more if she prostituted herself but he told us she never did ity; if she did she would have gotten HIV by now wtf.  But either ways, her liver is ruined cos of all the drinking she had to do at work.

3.  The man with perfect English

This is a story we heard from our team leader.  He met an old Indian man who spoke to him in perfect British-accented English.  His story was that he used to be a civil servant.  He had a good job and a family with two daughters.  He earned enough to send them both to school in the UK.  But after he retired, maybe he got bored and he started drinking.  One thing led to another, and his wife and kids kicked him out on the street.

4. The HIV victim

Last weekend we gave out tshirts which delighted a lot of people.  At one of our stops, a small skinny Malay girl in a tudung rushed up to us as though she was missing a sample sale wtf.  She grabbed a tshirt and started chattering to us because I think she knew some of the other volunteers.  I later found out that that girl (who looks around my age or just a bit older) had HIV and her family kicked her out because of that.  She got it from her husband who got it from shooting up drugs -_____-  Both of them are HIV positive so their family kicked them out.  She said her husband was somewhere out on the street too but he didn’t come over.  Despite her situation, she was so cheerful and happy about getting free shirts T____T I can’t imagine being as strong as her if that were me.

5.  The Flasher

At another stop, we noticed an Indian man lurking behind a car in a corner looking at us.  When we asked him to come over and eat, he’d smile and wave it away and say “later, later.”  We thought he was shy but then later the team leader said “ok let’s go.  I know why he’s standing there already”  Turns out he was a flasher WTF dunno if he was targeting girls or guys hahahaha.  I sneaked a peek and true enough, his pants were unbuckled fml.  But I didn’t feel scared la maybe cos there were so many of us together.  And also it seemed kind of funny wtf.

Anyway I wrote this because people need to realize that there are others who are in dire need who live right beside us without us knowing.  Before this if a beggar came up to me, I might give him some money.  But if I just saw someone ragged on the street and they didn’t approach me, I wouldn’t even register them, maybe cos we’re so used to tuning out unpleasant sights.    We were combing the streets looking for people whom we missed and the other team members would spot them sleeping at a bus stop or something, and I WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO SEE THEM.  Because my brain was so used to not registering the sight 🙁


What soup kitchens like KSK do is not just give out food but support and help to people who are down.  Food is the immediate concern but I think it boosts them because they know that they’re not necessarily alone, and there are people out there who are willing to do what they can, even if it’s just handing out fried rice.

And poverty and homelessness can happen to anyone.  Not everyone there was born like that, just that a bad decision or situation happened to them.

Anyway this post is already damn long sorry I so long winded.  If you want to help, simple things will do!  Like when Fatty goes on business trips, he takes the shampoo, toothbrushes etc to give to KSK.  It’s much appreciated cos they can be distributed to people for them to keep clean.

If you wanna volunteer or help in any way, call Kok Wai at +603 2141 6046.

Comments (27)

  • Nice one. I joined right away after you & Tim had blogged abt it for the 1st time. My sis and I do go there frm time to time. *Humanity restores*
    P/s: sorry if I ever stratle u last sat at Kechara. Hehe.

  • I’ve read this and Tim’s post as well and they elaborate each other nicely.
    I think it’s very kind and good thing to do! It’s so important to help, not make excuses or explanations why it’s not reasonable and can encourage poor people and so. Just help and shut up 🙂 Total respect for you guys! I agree. poverty can happen to anybody.

  • Thank you for publicizing such a good cause. I teared up two or three times reading this ToT

  • what you’re doing here is great 🙂 hope more people can offer their help in charitable stuff…. nice post btw

  • Heya! I was an active volunteer 3 years ago before i moved out of Malaysia for studies. So glad you got an opportunity to go there again! The more you go, the more familiar you become to homeless people(your clients) and the more you’ll get to learn from them, especially the quiet ones because they’ll start to trust you, and feel that not all of humanity will abandon them (:

    Just fyi, on weekdays the full time staff from KSK are busy registering old homeless people into old folks home/ children into orphanages, applying for replacement IC’s (Homeless people get robbed a lot while sleeping on the streets), following up on medical attention, reuniting back some of the homeless to their families etc.

    Hope to hear more about your adventures with them. Lovely story! <3

  • The bus stop picture looks like Timothy had blogged about it when the first time. P.S: Why are your hands at Timothy’s leg, Timothy didn’t know about it.

  • “This is usually done late at night (after 10pm) cos that’s when most people have gone home, shops have closed, and the homeless people can come out and lay down their mats on the road sides to sleep”

    this seriously made me so sad 🙁

    i went backpacking to cambodia once and there were many kids there selling souvenirs and stuff. a pair of little boy and little girl were following me and the little boy reached his hand into my backpack when i wasn’t looking. i was startled cos i thought he wanted to steal my camera, which was placed there, and when i turned around ready to kick him wtf, turns out he was taking my sweets 🙁

    an expensive camera and a cheap bag of sweets for them to take, and all they wanted was just sweets. it made me so sad that i gave them all my sweets. it was the most humbling trip, and best ever, in my life.

    your post reminds me of this incident although it’s not related. you’d be surprised at how many people out there who take things for granted, including me.

    i like this post 🙂

  • Hi Aud
    I’m from Singapore so I cannot be there in person to volunteer. How can I send some donation money?

  • Those three hours you guys took out of your lives were definitely worthwhile. Every minute we spend helping someone less fortunate is a blessing for them and us. They say once someone becomes homeless it is that much harder to get back on their feet, so at least this program helps with more than food. Aw strawberry, u made me cry wtf.
    p.s. This was larger font? I’m looking from my phone its smaller than usual

  • 🙂 thumbs up.

  • Thank you very much for shedding light on this charitable cause. It was very enlightening reading about the personal plights of some of these people.

    I think what you’ve said is very true. Too often are we exposed to the sights of poverty (whether it be around our neighbourhoods or through the international media, so much so that we tend to dehumanise the homeless/ beggars/ and treat them as a faceless entirety that we are to avoid and ignore. It is only when we hear their personal stories that we realise how harsh and unfair reality can be.

    I think the KSK group has a really good system worked out for helping the truly deserving 🙂

    When everyone is being asked to sponsor a child in Africa, it pays to remember that there is widespread poverty in our own backyards (that we can easily lend first-hand help to). Especially in a country like M’sia which lacks extensive social welfare, there should be more causes like this which help the homeless get back on their feet =D

  • Thank you for this post Audrey! Its one of your most beautiful posts thus far. =)

    P/S I love long posts!

  • I love this! Well done for sharing us this very humbling experience! I love the little anecdotes!

    Do you have an email I can contact you on?

  • It’s a good thing you did Audrey. I am so glad that there are still many of kind people like you. May God bless you always.

  • Thanks for putting the spotlight on this. I have meant to find a new volunteering opportunity since moving back to KL. And you have just highlighted a very good cause. Thanks for using your popular blog for a good cause, Audrey. Keep up the good work.

  • I remember the Uncle with The Cap too. I feel very sorry for him when I first saw him. 😡

    I couldn’t make it last Saturday due to a friend leaving to Penang to work, am planning on going this weekend or next. 😀

  • Hi Audrey

    Big kudos to you for part in this and empathising with the homeless people out there. I’m sorry i’m going to use your comment page here and highlight homelessness in animals, mainly the cats and dogs that you see roaming around the city looking for food. (Let me know if i should repay you some way ;))

    Im a caregiver in Singapore that looks after them. I don’t call them stray i call them community cats or dogs. Like the homeless people you mentioned here, they do not have a roof over their head, they dont know when their next meal is going to come by and worse they have no voice when people abuse them, call up the city council to catch them, and some just starved to death. The sadness is endless. I just hope that everyone could spare a little thought for those homeless animals out there, and show them some love and care. Thank you Audrey.

  • What a sad but happy story. Sad enough that I teared my makeup off (wtf crying about people I don’t even know), and happy that they have this set up for people…more countries need to do this 🙂

  • yes, bigger ppl needs bigger fonts, about time!!

  • I wish I can volunteer, but I live in singapore! 🙁

  • Not sure if this is a good idea because people always say it’s better to teach a person to fish rather than to feed them with fish. You have the nation of Africa to exemplify this. (:

  • Good day Aud!
    Thank you very much for posting this. I teared up because I can’t help my emotions when I read the reasons why the elders got kicked out of their houses. I swear not to do it to my parents, not that I was thinking of doing it before.

    More power to you guys and to KSK!!

  • mablestory to get these people off the streets and get some plan going will take awhile, i dont think their stomach can wait.

  • Hi it’s my first time reading your blog n i’m glad i came across this beautifully written post. You are right, most of the time, i shut out unpleasant sights, not because i dont care, but because I’m afraid what i see will affect me so much & make me cry. But your post reminded me that no matter how small our actions; they can help someone else in need. Thank you!

  • thank you so much for talking about this, i teared up reading it and definitely will look into volunteering for such a good cause. 🙂

  • haihh!! this post got me teared up. beautifully written and enlightening read. kudos to your team and the KSK team.

  • gonna join this program this weekend..cant wait for it 🙂

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