


So much to blog about but no time yet! Β We just got back from Penang and there are still a lot of things to be cleared and settled.

Like for example, today Fatty and I set up our first joint account. $____$ wtf.

Just posting up Crazy Monkey Studio’s video summary of our registration of marriage and “picking up the bride”. Β Ya I know there are people nitpicking on social media already about how the video can be nicer or what but haiyo let it go already wtf.

CMS had like four hours to put the video together and I think they did a fantastic job :))) I really love it leh!! Β Some more so many people at our reception who watched it came up to me and told me this is the first time they cried at a wedding video hahahaha. Technical criticisms aside, I think they captured the memorable moments perfectly and that’s enough for us πŸ™‚

Blog more later!!

P/S: sorry wanted to say it one more time. Β WE ARE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments (108)

  • congrats Mrs Tiah! πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations to you both!! You two are so perfect for each other! I already watched the video and boy did I cry my eyes out!! I was shedding buckets of tears hahahaha it was really touching and so sweet! I was half-smiling, half-crying throughout the entire video! Best wishes to the both of you! <3

  • Oh, and may I add.. You look so beautiful on your wedding day based on the pictures I saw πŸ™‚

  • You are so pretty in the video! I teared at your video! Congrats! Have a blissful n happy marriage!

  • Hey Audrey, don’t know you personally but the video made me cry, hehe…i think it was very well-made so kudos to CMS!
    Congratulations again! (^^ )

  • Congrats audrey! It’s a nice video. Stay happy and sweet tgt!

  • Hi Aud and Tim, just to say CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!

    You guys are really a match made in heaven :’) The video brought happy tears in my eyes. I only wish for a such a beautiful true love like yours. I wish the best for both of you πŸ™‚

    And btw, the video is so nicely done. So romantic, sweet, touching and everything. And what? you said 4 hours? Then that is just AMAZING.

    Congrats again Audrey. So so so happy for you though im just a stranger to you πŸ˜€

  • Congratulation Aud!!! I hope you will lead an awesome life with Tim forever. I am very touched actually that i’ve read blog since a couple years ago up till today. πŸ™‚

  • Congratz to you and Tim.. What a beautiful wedding..=`)

  • Congrats!!!! It’s a very touching wedding and everything looks so nice and real πŸ™‚ May God bless the union and happily ever after!

  • The video is soooo touching and you guys are so sweet!

    Although I am just one of your many readers, I sincerely feel so happy for you!

    CONGRATS!! πŸ™‚

  • Ah, so sweet! been waiting to see your pictures but the video is great. Congratulations again on your great adventure together!

  • also, fat her tearing up made me tear up too πŸ™

  • ahhhhh!! I really love the video! I cried because it was so sweet and touching. Congrats again to u and Tim ! Enjoy your married life k.. :))

  • Cannot believe how I watched you, Suetli, Pinkpau grow and change over the years. Your (you and the aforementioned girls) love stories made me ache with you, your funny/awkward moments made me laugh.

    Started reading your blog since you were in Mt. Holyoke and now you’re married!

    Anyway, goong hei lei!


    Ok just had to point it out. Congratulations!!! :’)

  • Congratulations! I really love the video and was beautiful and very touching!

  • Congrats to Audrey and Tim!! Perfect video for a perfect couple!! sweet!! πŸ™‚ Have a blissful marriage and may the both of you be blessed with beautiful babies! God bless you both!!

  • Congratz Audrey! The video is awesome and touching! May you have a sweet life with Tim forever <3

  • Seeing your father crying makes me cry instantly. The whole video is so beautiful and i hope to have wedding as beautiful and touching as yours too. After seeing this, I WANT TO GET MARRIED TOO!! XD

  • Oh! And again, CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF YOU!! And have a happy marriage for the rest of your lives!

  • Congrats, Mr & Mrs Tiah. Video was so sweet..

  • Don’t worry, the video is really sweet!

    But there are a lot of your deliberate shots right and I keep wondering how they managed it wtf hahahaha. Did CMS learn from Gilbert and tricked you!! Or maybe they didn’t because you looked in the camera then hastily looked away while smiling awkwardly hahahah.

    Congratulations again, my favourite blogger! Your blog makes me anticipate life and I now see my home country differently. That’s one of the greatest gifts ever. Aiya I can write an essay on this. Someday when I’m not so shy, I will write you an email wtf.

  • Congratulations, Mrs Tiah!! Love this picha much!

  • CONGRATS to you both!!

    Your special day looked awesome on pictures and the video! AM sure it was as beautiful as it was romantic!

    Tim’s vows in Jap to you were so meaningful and yours were as adorable as you are.

    Other ‘liked’ moments were when your dad teared. awwww…

  • Hey, congratulations! Really felt happy for you and Tim! May you both be happy forever !! The video is awesome.. ( and so is the car. πŸ˜‰ ) Really felt happy for you!! Best wedding ever!

  • congrats!=)

  • so cute i cannot even
    i had a nice birthday this year because you guys were getting married on it! (otherwise nothing special happens)

    ok lar just kidding congratulations Mrs Tiah!!!

  • I almost cried watching your video but the boyfie is here and not gonna cry now lest he thinks i’m crazy. After watching your vows and reading Timothy Tiah’s speech, I have decided that I want to write a beautiful vow and a beautiful speech too. Anyways, congrats on your wedding and isn’t it always the case? Two imperfect people in an imperfect relationship yet perfect for each other. From his speech I gathered that you both are not in problem free relationship yet you made it work. Make me even more determined to make mine work too. =) I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to read more!

  • GRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3


  • Congratulation!!! Tim is so cute to do his vow in Japanese… You guys are really awesome together!!

  • Congrats! Beautiful day/dress and of course bride! Your dad was sooo sweet *tears*

    Happy marriage!

  • Congratulations!!! πŸ˜€

    I think the video was great too!

  • Actually, the video was good. I teared up too like many others. Happy marriage life! πŸ˜€

  • Congrats to you and Tim! I almost cry when I watch the touching video! You looks so pretty! And btw, do you mind sharing where did you get the bridesmaids dress from? It’s so colourful and nice! Nice and rOmanti wedding you have!

  • Congratulation, Mr. and Mrs. Tiah! πŸ˜€

    I watched the ROM vid when I was at a bus stop earlier on and I cried. People must be thinking I’m siao wtf

  • That was really really both look so happy..congratulations!

  • Congratulations!!!! Was anxiously waiting for you to blog but know you are busy. Thank you for posting this up. Love the video!!!!

  • Congratulations Aud!!! The pictures look so dreamyyy! <3

  • Congratulations to both of you, and may you have a wonderful wedded life! :’)

    On a totally irrelevant note, did you utilize the photocopy of your IC to write your vows? πŸ˜›

  • Congrats, Mr & Mrs Tiah!

  • aww when i saw Father Ooi cry, i ended up tearing up too T_T

    a big hearty congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tiah! here’s wishing you two a lifetime of happiness and love! πŸ˜€

  • Congratulation ! The video is really touching and sweet ! I tears watching the video ! =D

  • Awww… i teared up when i saw your dad cry. lovely. i think it is such a nice video!

  • Congratz again! I love the sequel! It is so lovely. It’s like dreams come true

  • Congratulations Audrey & Tim! The video is really touching and it made me cry so hard. I’m still crying now (as in full sobs) 5 minutes after. You had such a lovely wedding! Best wishes to both of you on your journey as husband and wife πŸ™‚

  • I cried too! So sweet.. U guys are made for each other!! Congrats n may u guys have a long n happy life together!! :))

  • wow congrats audrey and tim! i have been your silent reader for quite a long time already…like since your taylor’s days haha and now you’re finally married! congrats again and my you and tim be blessed with tons of joy together πŸ™‚

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