
To inspire is to live

Actually one of the things I put on my todo list for when I’m not working was to do more charity work. To be specific, to give back more to society.

I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t done anything about that so far T______T

I do sporadically donate food or money to charities or go visit homes… or soup kitchens but not recently lo 🙁

Pictures below are from last year when we visited an orphanage in PJ. I realized I never blogged about it.

With Mumsy and Fat Her’s hand wtf.

The little girl in red fell in love with Fatty hahahaha she followed him around everywhere. Some more put her hand possessively on him hahahaha.

I’m not gonna put up that many pictures even though we took loads and the kids are adorable cos I dunno… is there any law protecting children’s privacy online? -_- Better not la wtf.

But this is a reminder to self to not be selfish or lazy and to do more!!!!

Feeling inspired from watching this video:

It’s an interview of a Malaysian woman called Sabrina who, when the Japanese tsunami occurred, dropped everything to go to Japan on a humanitarian mission to help the survivors.

It is humbling to see the commitment, kindness and compassion that Sabrina had in her for her to travel there when conditions were still precarious to extend help where it was needed most.

How many of us were horrified by the events and rushed to donate to the disaster? My friends and I did too, and that in itself I think is commendable (say ownself wtf) but we all did it from the comfort of our own homes.

I’m ashamed that I didn’t try hard enough to give. I’m incredibly privileged as it is; stable life, happy relationship with Fatty, tight circle of good friends, healthy family and can buy whatever I want. I’m sure most people reading this are equally blessed and so should we not do more for others?

Sabrina (and everyone else who did the same) went a step further. She chose to give help this way, sacrificing her own time, comfort and safety and I’m thankful that people like her exist.

There should be more of her!!!! I should learn to be like her!

She deserves all the love and thanks she can get 🙂

And the people of Tohoku region are saying thank you.

Have you seen this video?!! Me and Cheesie cried like shit watching it.

For other inspiring stories, go here.

Comments (15)

  • the video made me cry also! the music damn dramatic sumore. but yalor i think even the japanese weren’t as affected as everyone made them out to be. cuz my cousin had to return to work the day after the earthquake even though the office was practically ruined! damn inspiring T_T

  • The video is so touching! People helping one another regardless of race, country, religion and all other differences – that is what true humanity should be..So inspiring I am gonna blog about it soon!! Thanks Aud!

  • The video was so touching! And I really like the title of this blog post. I couldn’t agree more.

  • yeah! me too trying my best to give back to society.I visited one old folk home in semenyih quarterly to give out some grocery item..this is not under government they live with public and community donation.

  • Could’ve sworn you’ve blogged the same entry before o.O

  • Yeah! I swear I’ve seen this exact same post before o.O

  • u’ve blogged about this before~~

  • recycled post?

  • Is this an old post?

  • After the 3/11 Japanese tsunami, I organized and hosted a fundraiser, as well as purchased “prizes” and gift-basket for those who donated money, as well as folded hundreds of origami cranes haha. People here (in Canada) actually told me I was stupid for “wasting time on a country that can help itself.” I cried wtf :/ I’ve never been to Japan, but I have friends there as well as feel connected to Japanese everything more than ANY culture in the world. Don’t feel bad that you haven’t volunteered recently, you were “acceptably selfish” 😛 I haven’t volunteered much lately, either 🙁

  • Oh my god, the cries <3

  • yeah… i saw the video during JCI Asia Pacific Conference in Hong Kong in June this year…
    i was attending an “Omoiyari” seminar conducted by some Japanese trainers..
    they let us watch this video…
    i cried like shit as well…

  • you should go there every now and then 😀

  • kei: wa how did they do it D:

    mindy: ya i really loved this video!

    flora: thanks!

    cindyrina: oooh good for you!

    purple eevee, amelia, hanna, yun, jay: ya i published too early so i had to take it down and republish :X

    courtney: wow what you did was awesome! and i think there’s too little of good going around, don’t listen to people who tell you ‘they don’t need it’

    tonje: hahaha did you cry too

    vannessa: hahaha ya the video is terrible T_T

    fish: to japan? 😀

  • I cried like shit as well and still am crying as I’m typing this. That was so much help from so many people and country and seeing the faces of the victims and their effort to build Japan again makes me wanna cry even more now wtf

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