
I’ve got a feeling

Today Imma talk about periods.  And women’s feelings.  Lolol.  Male readers (all five of you), feel free to exit now.

What kinda PMS symptoms do you experience?  Because I’m off my PCOS pill which regulates hormones, I get more breakouts now T_______T *shakes fist at world

That’s actually about it for me wtf.  I used to get worse cramps but not so much anymore.  I don’t get bigger or sore boobs (sad), nor bloating.  No mood swings either, although some months I might cry easier while watching movies wtf.

Most of the time I think I’m more man than woman wtf.  I don’t get upset over trivial matters, and if I do get upset I forget in five minutes.  For serious issues, I might stay upset longer but if you apologize I immediately become ok.  Fml.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t like talking about my feelings!  I am still a woman ok lol.  I love analyzing every single detail of anything that happens with my girlfriends, or discussing the motivation behind this person’s action, or something female like that.


Like yesterday!  Suetpants and I were talking about government policies and if it was Fatty and his friends, it would stop there, but Suet and I explored the entire realm of it from how the policies made us feel, our decisions and thoughts based on it, and how it was going to affect our personal futures.  Lolol.

Men, you are totally missing out btw!  I read a quote once about how one of the best things a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman (AHEM), whereas for a woman one of the best things she could do for her health is to have girlfriends.  Somehow marriage stabilizes men, and married men have lower heart disease rates.

Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. But their feelings?–rarely. Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters, and apparently that is very good for our health. 😀

That’s why Libresse created a Libresse Barometer for us girls to share our thoughts and feelings!



Every week, there will be a weekly topic for you to express what you think.  Select an emoticon that describes your current mood first.  Then you can either type out your thoughts or record yourself speaking.

If you’re shy, Libresse will even mask your voice so people don’t recognize you HAHAHA damn cute.

This week’s topic is on Gangnam Style HAHAHA.

My thoughts on it:

libresse 2

They’ll collate data every Sunday and publish stats of what we’re thinking and feeling on Monday.

Every week, 3 users who have shared their thoughts via the Libresse Barometer will be selected to receive little surprises from Libresse – simple gifts or actions that will be arranged by Libresse to the 3 selected participants to change their mood for the better.

Dammit I go put excited as my mood.  Can I help it that I’m always in a good mood!!!!

I saw Libresse fans posting happily about receiving their surprises in the mail. ^^ Quite touched that Libresse is going out of their way to make people happy!

Users will be selected by the following criteria:
  • Most active participant (x1 per week)
  • Most interesting sentiments submitted (x2 per week)
Somehow not knowing what the ‘little surprise’ is makes me want to win even more.  I love surprises 😀 D
The Barometer runs until 31 Dec!
Libresse Facebook page here.  The Libresse Barometer app is here!

Comments (27)

  • wow really? marriage is the medicine for men? hahaha thank God we girls need more girl friends and not marriage :X

  • only 5 men?!?

  • All I get is backaches when I have my period lol I don’t cramp or get emotional or anything…lucky me? hehe

  • One of your five male readers stuck around and read this post.

  • Hahaha! “All five of you”. you’r humor is da best, Audie<3

  • Nothing to see here. Hahah

  • 2/5 have commented so far!

  • Same for me!

  • Hello 1 of the 5 men! Lolol

  • What you meannn

  • some of my favorite topics ends with a period.

  • Did Suet gain weight?

  • Omg, I’m mean. I’m sorry!

  • i get water retention around my waist, so bad that i gotta wear my dad or brother’s pants to work. i get really sore and painful boobs, and whoever dares molest me on train or bus is gonna have his balls pulled off with my bare hands. and i weep everyday when i look into the mirror cos i look extra ugly T)T

  • fuck la i haven’t typed finish leh! but the second i start bleeding wtf, then happy days are here again for me hahahah T_T

  • and i seldom talk about my feelings even with my girlfriends! my favorite topic, regardless you are female, male or ah kua, is always and forever sex and hum sup topics hahahahah *slightly embarrassed

  • Hi Audrey, I’m having the same problem as u, I have pcos. What treatment are u using now?

  • Hi Audrey, I am oso diagnosed with pcos. What treatment r u using now?

  • Hi Aud! You’re funny! =D

  • lol I love seeing the different ways you ladies advertise the same things. But you are so right, men are so dependent.

  • ahaha thanks!

  • nothing right now but i was on birth control/hormone pills before this. pls check with your doctor!


  • T.T she says she did but she looks the same to me as from the wedding

  • is this a pun!?

  • Betul pun!


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