
Twenty Eight going on Seventeen

Look who’s on the Seventeen cover this month! *blows own trumpet

Seventeen Malaysia approached me and Cheesie to feature on the cover and inside pages  to talk about our friendship, getting married and Foruchizu.

(just realized we’re like ten years past seventeen ಠ_ಠ)

This shoot was done I think like two months in to my pregnancy so I was smack in the middle of horrible fatigue, extreme hunger and slight nausea haha.  Suffered like shit at times I felt like I would pass out from tiredness but nobody knew so I couldn’t say anything!

Some more I was very bloated.  When I saw the outfit they planned for me I was like “har really?  Horizontal stripes?” Lolol.  Then whole day have to suck tummy in.

With the Seventeen team!

Ok that’s all wtf more tomorrow!

Comments (5)

  • Congrats on your pregnancy! And I spy several magazines that you’re standing on in the shoot photo! Haha, very cute! 🙂

  • aud!!! your make up is really pretty! how they do one. you should do it more ^^ you look super pretty lah, not tired at all!

  • That dress is gorgeous! You guys look adorable! I miss 17… Regret wasting teenagehood by being ugly and badly dressed D:

  • that geek shirt is the win!n

  • you look great on 2nd pic ^.^

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