
Beauty Mythbusters


This the followup post to my Olay Regenerist Micro-sculpting Cream Moisturizer review the other day.

So I went to the Olay Beauty Myth Workshop held with Cleo magazine and its readers! Held at KL Hilton and I was quite impressed by how nicely it was done!

First part of the morning was spent on a skin course by Olay! The Olay rep, Yvonne, went into the the science of skin – moisture, elasticity, youth etc.


Hate seeing this kind of graph wtf. Especially when I’m on the wrong side of 20 wtf.


Then went into the basics of skin care and how skin moisturizers work for your skin.

Quite a few workshop attendees raised questions on skin myths and correct skin care techniques which was also quite interesting!

Like did you know that when you apply your skincare, you’re supposed to gently massage until it’s all absorbed in your skin?

I’m guilty of rushing every morning to apply all the steps in my skincare routine because I’m always running late! I usually don’t wait until one layer’s absorbed before I apply the next. Or even worse I purposely turn on the aircon to let my moisturizer dry faster WTF.

According to the Olay people, this is a total waste of nice expensive moisturizer cos it doesn’t do your skin any use when it’s evaporated. T_T

So if you have to do one thing in the morning, it’s give yourself enough time to massage your skin gently until all the product has absorbed in before going to the next step.

Then Olay team turned into myth busters for the day and ran a couple of experiments for us…



This is the absorption test. One beauty myth is only expensice creams can penetrate and get absorbed quicker.

They compared the absorption of Olay and a Brand X cream into layers of thin cloth.



Of course Olay absorbed more into more layers hehe. This is just a simulation of course, cloth is not skin, but you can always try the product for yourself and see how you like it. ^^



Next they did the water dispersion test which I blogged about in my previous post.

Myth is that the more expensive the skin care, the better it is and more easily dispersed by water.


Proven that Olay disperses far better in water.



The next segment was on healthy eating and exercise.

None of which I do very regularly. -_- Although now I’ve been partaking in exercise classes specially for pregnant women! The speaker would be proud of me wtf.

Btw, did you know a plate of nasi briyani gives you 880 calories? For women with sedentary lifestyles, that’s half your calorie needs for the day wtf.

To get rid of 880 calories, you need to do 1/2 hour of badminton wtf.

Then my turn to speak! *nervous

I knew I had a guest spot to speak on the Olay Regenerist and my personal opinion using it but still! To a room of 30-40 people! Hadn’t done that for a while.



But not too bad la I didn’t have to prepare anything, it was just basically what I felt about the product. Review can be found here. P1011030


Hahaha dunno why I so happy wtf. Maybe very encouraged cos I saw the audience listening intently and nodding. ^^

P1011038With the pretty ladies from Olay!

Thank you for giving me a chance to be guest speaker!

For more info on Olay, go to their Facebook page.  You may get the Olay Regenerist Micro-sculpting Cream Moisturizer at all major supermarket or pharmacies and see for yourself!

P/S: I was wearing turquoise shift dress from Foruchizu, necklace from Emoda.


Comments (4)

  • Audrey, you look so cute when you’re giving the speech!! Haha, Fighter Tiah must be proud of his mummy <3 Congratulations once again, Audrey! ^^nnCelyx

  • Hello! Hope your stint as guest speaker turned out well!

  • It did, thank you!

  • Hahahaha if only fighter could see it wtf. Thanks!

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