So how is this Fighter? He’s okay, although I’m not even sure if he notices he’s out of the hospital now and at home. Lolol.
Continuing his love affair with Giraffe Friend.
Haha no la to be honest I don’t think he’s formed any attachment to Giraffe Friend yet. Again, not sure if he’s even noticed Giraffe’s presence in his life (and bed) lol.
Besides sleeping, Fighter has also been feeding… but not breastfeeding. 🙁
He refuses to latch. T________T Preemies are supposed to have trouble latching; even while at the hospital whenever we practiced breastfeeding, most of the time he wouldn’t even open his mouth but just stick out his tongue and lick up milk. -_-
At first we thought he hadn’t developed the skill to latch yet. But now I realize he does know how, he’s just lazy! When he’s really hungry and I don’t give him the bottle, he has no choice and latches on very well, with no prompting. But after a few minutes he’s not hungry anymore and just stops. -_- Then when I nudge him, he presses his mouth shut wtf. -_-
But when give him the bottle, he happily take. Damn sneaky lo this baby!
So now my days are filled with pumping and storing, then feeding him.
So much easier if you would just take milk direct from the source Fighter!!!! *tears at hair
In this picture he actually looks quite midsized right! Only because I’m short hahaha whenever anyone sees him they go “SO SMALL!”
I was using Avent bottles and Fighter would take like an hour to finish his milk. Switched to Medela and he drinks so much faster! Mommy readers, what bottle do you use and why do you like it ah?
Then burping. His arms out like Superman cos I know now that I put him too high up on my shoulder. D:
Fighter looks happy enough here but he’s actually been having trouble sleeping. Which means that WE have been having trouble sleeping too. *zombie face
Every night when we put him in his cot, he makes all sorts of unhappy noises – grunts, frustrated sounding whines, whistling sounds and sighs, and his arms will flail and he will clutch his face or head. T____T Every time he made these sounds I’d leap out of bed to check if he was still breathing wtf cos some of it sounded like he was choking T______T
Then we realized he was just uncomfortable somehow. Maybe too cold? Swaddled him. No wor. Unswaddled him, also cannot.
Thought maybe he felt insecure being in such a big bed compared to his incubator and put a bumper Suet got him around the bed but no avail.
Checked his diaper repeatedly but also nooooo *wails
But then in the daytime when we put him in his rocker downstairs he slept like a log. D:
We gnawed on our knuckles for a bit. I’m sure babies aren’t supposed to sleep in rockers the whole time right! If they were, why are they still selling cots wtf.
We finally found out why today.
Brought Fighter for his checkup today!
Doctor heard a little snuffle in his breathing and turns out that he has a bit of snot in his nose. The snot makes him breathe through his mouth more so he gulps air when drinking milk and it turned into a gas problem.
The gas in turn will cause burping but if he doesn’t burp it turns into farts (bingo wtf) and discomfort and grunts, frustrated sounding whines, whistling sounds and sighs. Sounds familiar huh.
So the doctor gave us a saline nasal spray to clear his snot and so far it seems to be working.
Only problem is, there’s no escaping feeling like an asshole every time you spray saline water into a tiny baby’s face wtf.
Comments (57)
We found ewan the sheep comforting during bedtime. Especially the harp tune. You’ll hear heartbeat too, it’ll remind baby if his time in the womb.n
Aww.. he’s so precious!
The saline thing sucks. My friend’s baby also had to use and I saw her applying it several times. Poor baby feels like he’s drowning. But what to do, it’s for their well being! Keep on fighting, Fighter!!!! How old is he now? 37 weeks already? Just to think a baby that big was still supposed to be inside of you. OMG so scary to think about pushing something so big through something so small!!
Was using dr Brown’s bottles for the first 1 yr as it helps to reduce colic. But lots of parts to wash =___=nnTo help him zzz at night, try to make noises during the day and be quiet at night. It helps them to tell apart day from night. U can also try to put on some white helps to calm babies 🙂 he’s such a cutie btw!!
Have u tries medela calma nipple? Dr brown is also a good choice. You need to find nipple that mimic ur boob so he has to work for it. Strip him to his diaper and u put him on ur bare skin. It helps heaps. There is a support group in facebook called the breastfeeding advocate network you can join and get a lot of info. Also do a lot of skin to skin with fighter. When I had my first child we started with a lots of humps with breastfeeding but persistent pays off. It might be be slightly difficult with fighter fighter since he’s premature. Also Google was my best friend. and has a lot of good info. Good luck!
have said it many times. will say it again. looks so much like you O_O !!n
Just use whichever bottle little Jude likes more? Although the medela calma teat does seem better cause it really prevents air from going into baby’s mouth.. Last time my daughter hated the calma teat cause she had to work harder to suck it.. So she prefers Avent.. But Avent can cause colic.. So I guess just give watever the little baby wants.. 🙂
Meant to add that I used Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles and teats. The teats are soft and anti-colic.
Audry, when my baby was sick and had a nose full of snot, the doc recommended saline nasal drops and the NoseFrida. I suggest you invest in one (super cheap), it really was a life saver. Do they like it? Of course not, but it really clears their nose.nn
The first picture! Totally makes people go aww.. So cute and can imagine the tiny him! Haha..nnI guess baby with attitudes are the cutest thing! :Dnn
I love the Dr. Brown’s brands- they have a device inside preventing babies from swallowing air.nsaline spray& nasal aspirators are good. Also you can prop up one end of the cot with books (under the legs)- makes it easier to breath for bub. (I started doing that after my son was hospitalised with a respiratory virus at 2 weeks- he was unable to breathe- the bed in hospital was put on an incline and it helped a great deal)… probably why Fighter sleeps better in a rocker- his head is more raised 🙂
I’m using medela and pigeon bottles and using normal pigeon teat with the caps. Less bottles to wash as i pump directly into these bottles plus she takes pigeon teats well. You might want to try another bottle which makes sucking really hard so he can learn to latch? Join The Breastfeeding Advocate Network group in Facebook. There’s lots of advice over there 🙂
Hey Audrey..nnI hope this would help. It helped a mummy friend of mine. You could actually identify what your baby wants through these 5 universal sounds made by babies.nn
I don’t really dare to get a hard to suck teat cos I don’t want him to expend too much energy sucking which could take away from his weight gain :(nnI saw the breastfeeding network page once and didnt like it – it sounded a bit judgy. But I don’t mind giving it another try
We did the books thing! Dunno if it helped though he was still making noises last night 🙁
Hey Audrey,nnFighter’s a real cutie & he looks juz like you. Happy for you guys that he’s finally home. Anyhoo, I’m writing to suggest something. Its about the fisher price rocker. I have 2 of them & they are great! The only thing is that the cloth lining cannot be removed for wash, you can only wipe it. To keep clean, I find it easier to line it with a towel or nappy & remove them for wash everyday! Hope it helps!
You’re not breastfeeding him? Heard from old wet nurse saying that breastfeeding babies directly will avoid excessive air in his stomach as well as upping your bust size. Pumping will cause your breast to shrink, not sure why. My mom breastfed all my siblings and she went from A to C. My friends who pump decreased by 2-3 cup size after several months. 🙁
Dr Brown is good for babies who tend to suck in a lot of air or colicky baby. We did the book under the cot as well it didn’t work as much as we liked to but we just leave it there. My baby’s snotty nose cleared after 4 months. Good luck with everything!
In any case he needs to learn so he will eventually accept latching on unless it gets really put of hand. exclusive pumping is really so much tougher and you definitely can’t handle it alone. I agree that group is really anti formula milk but ultimately it is our choice on what’s best for our babies. It is still a good place to seek advice or even to gain support in the same situation. In my case I wished I knew that group when I was pregnant or during confinement so I might have handled breastfeeding much better.
I was using Avent too until the baby sitter suggested MAM!! Nvr heard of the brand MAM before and it’s only available in baby shops!! It couldn’t be bought from departmental store. With Avent my boy drinks around 2oz each time and a maximum of 3oz during the night when he is extra hungry from a long sleep ( note: 3.5 hours ) but with the MAM he is drinking from 3-4 oz.. That means he is being less fussy due to hunger which is such a big relief for the mum!!
Do you let your kids sleep in them at night!
Yea already said in my blog post why ma. I know that breastfeeding causes less wind in the baby but I don’t really have a choice when he flat out refuses the breast.
I just bought dr brown based on your recommendation. Hope it works *crosses fingers
Haha fighter is never fussy from hunger. Preemies can be less vocal about asking for milk :/
Yea but right now the most important going for him is to gain as much weight as possible. 🙁 the bigger he is the less susceptible to infections and also better for his physiological functions which may still be lagging behind normal babies. He found the avent harder to suck and ended up refusing milk so it’s really not an option now la
Darling, my baby was colicky and I bought dr brown too! Pink bottles wtf.. Hahah.. And my baby is less gassy already. Just don’t upgrade to level 2 teats because i read that if u upgrade too early, they dont wanna latch anymore as they are used to faster flow.. mine use level 1 til she is 5th mth. We changed because my hubby wanna change, not because baby gets fussy.. And have fun with motherhood! 😉
Dr brown is good. Bb still duno how to differentiate day and time. My dr suggest during day time make the room bright and night time switch off all the light. Beside that during day time time let bb wear short sleeves and night time wear long sleeves. They will adjust to it after a while.
Hi Audrey, I am only 20 and not a mother at all, just wanna share my story. I had eczema but it broke out only when I was 1 1/2 years old and there were no symptoms before that.The only possible sign was probably how I cried non-stop every single night since I was born. Until my fifth month, my mum went back to Taiwan and brought me along ( she’ s Taiwanese ) , and I immediately stopped my night-long crying once I reached there and even after I went back to Msia a month later.nTherefore, if the baby continues you might wanna try changing his environment. I am now in USA for uni, my severe eczema has never been cured no matter how many tonnes of medications I use…. and I miraculously healed in 2 WEEKS after coming to USA.nSo yeah, maybe environmental changes do have some kind of help?
I am using MAM anti-colic bottle (with opening at the bottom). It’s supposed to be used for newborn to prevent colic but it’s so good to use that I am still sticking to it even if my girl is already 15 months old now. Can see the great difference when comparing to Avent, the milk flows through much smoother while using MAM bottles. And my daughter sucks very hard when she drinks, so everytime the teat will collapse while I try to use Avent bottle, but this never happen with MAM bottle. I understand that different baby will have different preferences, but I highly recommend you to give MAM a try.nBy the way, Fighter looks sooo much like you! He’s getting cuter with your every post update. Take good care of yourself too and Happy Motherhood!
And if his stomach is hard try to massage with ruyi oil on ur palm den apply on his stomachnHe will fart after applying
hi audrey. i use pigeon bottles with the wide silicone teat for my sophie n she seems to like it so far. didnt use medela or avent cuz too expensive for me lol but then again sophie wasnt born a preemie so i dont know if fighter will adapt nicely to it. also dont worry about feeling bad that fighter wont nurse. he is still taking liquid gold! =)
I read an article by a pediatrician that the sleeper is NOT for sleeping because it doesn’t follow guidelines – not firm or flat. Mine is the Newborn Rocker slightly different but I dunno if it applies to it too.
aud aud.. I found this post in ur blog faster go read! so u can laugh at yrself now wtfnn
Hi audrey. My baby boy refuses my breast too so im pumping and feesing him via the bottle. He rejected avent, medela, and mam. A friend told me to try pigeon bcos its an asian brand = asian teat? Haha. And guess what, it worked like a charm. He is using the peristaltic plus wide neck pigeon bottle. He drinks so well and sleeps well too. Good luck 🙂
SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! He looks very much like you, I can see the resemblance!
Hi Audrey,nI find medela calma teat are good if you want to continue breastfeeding as they actually need to work for milk.I used it until i stop breastfeeding (not long in my case as I went back to work. I only did 6 months) I have a cousin that uses Dr brown which is good to prevent colic problem as you wont get any air bubble in the bottle. Another recommendation from my midwife is get a teat that is similar to your nipple as this will make your baby less confuse when breastfeed. Midwife also recommended tommy tippee closer to nature bottle and teat which she finds closest to human teat. Good luck in choosing as in your case i think you just have to try.
The tommee tippee closer to nature bottle has the teat that mimics the mum’s breast and it’s easy to latch on for the baby to comfortably drink the milk. There’s also the mothercare Innosense bottle that has a off-centred teat where it is designed with the angle for mums to comfortably feed their baby and the off-centred teat actually helps to reduce wind for the baby.
Really like his face. 🙂 I don’t know much about taking care of babies, but wanna tell you jiayou!! You can do it! I think he’ll grow up to be a good-looking boy, with such expressive eyes!
Rockers are obviously not beds so one is not really different than the other. If you are concerned then speak with your pediatrician. There are LOTs of guidelines out there and they keep on changing too! Recall once upon a time, they used to suggest that babies should be sleeping on their bellies. In the end do what works for you and that you are comfortable with. nnI followed ALL the guidelines initially. My son was swaddled and in a crib with nothing else except the sheet on his bed. I even let him “cry it out” for hours on end too. Nothing worked, I was miserable. I read 4 different books on babies sleep habits by 4 leading professionals on the subject. It drove me crazy. I stopped reading the books. I did what what worked for us, we co slept and have never looked back.nnKnow the guidelines, but trust your instincts. They are usually correct.
Might I also add that the Japanese have one of the lowest rate of infant mortality and SIDs, with a very high rate of co sleeping. The authorities on the subject in the US strictly forbid it, but in the US we have a much higher infant mortality rate than the Japanese. Go figure…
Tommee tipper worked well for us.
He is so cute plus the giraffe 🙂
Looks likeee Audreeey! <3 haha
OH ya, continued from previous postnnmy son is 3 months old now.nI chose a combination in the end because I like the bonding with the baby and can get my family to help to feed when I;m tired.
Good luck for you then! Haha… They say baby boy screams “better” when they are hungry!! Hope you’ll enjoy your baby while he is!! My two months old bb seems so grown up d!! -.-“
My pediatrician told me that one of the reasons SIDS is more prevalent in western countries is because in Asia more people sleep in the same room with their babies and that’s one of the factors of reducing SIDS …
I was like “Wah, Fighter has grown so much, is Audrey’s breast milk magical or something wtf”nThen I realised it’s all about er, perspective nAnd that if it was me holding Fighter he would like miniscule, cos I am elephantine in my proportions wtfnYou totally deserve props for persevering with expressing breastmilk because it’s what he needsnPut it on your ‘Mummy is awesome’ tab, for when he grows up and refuses to eat his veggiesnThen you can say ‘Did you know how much trouble I went to to ensure you got breastmilk when you were first born?! And now you refuse to eat broccoli!!!!’ – I kid, I kidnSeriously, good on you, and keep pumping (sounds very salah, but you know what I mean lah LOL)
Born Free bottles. They greatly reduce colic!
Hi Audrey, my baby has the exact same rocker and we let him nap in it. At night he sleeps next to me on the same bed. I used to swaddle his arms tightly by his side and it is calming for him.
I’m using dr brown now but it doesn’t seem to work! 🙁 do you sleep with the aircon on which is why he has so much snot??