AudSocialButterfly AudVerbalDiarrhea

The best thing about breastfeeding

The nicest thing about breastfeeding is that I  can refuse alcohol without getting questioning looks.

(besides the weight loss of course)

Really! I don’t know if many people realize this but if I say turn down alcoholic drinks people tend to give me dubious curious looks.  Like ‘really? Are you sure? It’s alcohol wor!”

Yes really.  There are actually people who don’t like drinking in the world and I happen to  be one of them.  I don’t hate alcohol — I generally like champagne and certain beers but I don’t understand the obsession with it.  Truth be told, I always feel a bit bemused thinking about it.

I don’t like candy and sweet foods but I can understand the love for dessert.  Because who doesn’t like sweets? It always seems to me like its programmed in the human genome to like sweets wtf because even little kids and babies love it.  Plus breastmilk tastes like sugar water lolol.

But alcohol the taste nice meh? Do people honestly take their first sip of alcohol and go OMG THIS IS AS GOOD AS BAK KUT TEH LOAD UP MY BOWL NOWNOWNOW. No.  Usually the first taste is bitter.  Or there’s some weird chemically smell.  And if it’s hard liquor sorry throat it’s gonna burn going down wtf.

(But again I am not super well versed with alcohol so maybe there’s some very very yummy ones out there, but generally most liquors are like I described right?)

So alcohol is an acquired taste.  Like… say, spicy food and cigarettes.  You like the high and happy feelings that drinking gives you so you keep at it until you get used to it and eventually love it.

The difference is… when you say you don’t like spicy food or cigarettes, nobody gives you the ‘ARE YOU SERIOUS’ look.  Really one I get that look all the time if I refuse a drink.  Like I am literally pooping the party lolol.

Which is why breastfeeding is awesome!  Just shrug and say “Can’t. Breastfeeding” and everyone will nod vigorously and say “yes yes yes better not.  You don’t want a drunk baby” and whisk away their whiskey glasses.

But then when they tote out the champagne bottles, I’m like “FFFUUUUU”. Cannot win lolol.

(written based on experience last night at a friend’s birthday.  The first time we went clubbing in more than a year wtf cos I avoided all clubs since getting pregnant)



A half drunk Fatty and the most sober person in Providence.


And Jammie!

UntitledFace of the day!


Comments (19)

  • Hey Audrey! Where did you get your necklace? You’re looking so pretty and glowing!

  • Tim smokes? :O

  • Oh gosh I can’t wait to be able to say I am breastfeeding! I will breastfeed for years! I’m exactly the same and I live in Melbourne where not drinking is like not breathing. So I say something like “can’t…driving” or “oof, no drink for me today thanks, I’m feeling a bit ill”. So my colleagues must think I’m a real car enthusiast or constantly sick and yet that gets a lot less odd looks than “you know I’ve just never really been into alcohol – is there any juice?”….

  • Tim looks really drunk in the pic lol…

  • Another benefit of breastfeeding: BOOBS! Too bad it doesn’t last.

  • yay, another person who dont quite like alcohol! i cant get high with alcohol. Just get a super bad headache with it. =( i think its quite cool to be sober in the club coz i get to witness a lot of silly acts. hehe

  • I don’t drink alcohol at all! Never will understand how people can enjoy a smelly and untasty drink. And I don’t like chocolates or sweets or cakes. Lols I love ice cream though!

  • omg we’re the same! besides ice cream I like kitkats tho wtf

  • yea I also rarely get high just go straight to headache fol

  • no it makes boobs saggy ok lol

  • ya he is hahaha -_-

  • hahahahaha so funny if they think you’re really into cars hahahaha

  • no la haha

  • from Foruchizu online!

  • love love your hair!!! 😀

  • nice meh! looks quite messy to me wtf

  • Lol! It all serious about no, no. no alcohol and suddenly FFUUUU!! champagne, come to momma! HAHAHA.. you’re hilarious!nn n

  • Omg! Audrey you understand my pain!!! (about alcohol!) Honestly I don’t like alcohol and I can’t handle it anyway. But when I tell people that then they’ll be like, “Whut?” Haha!

  • nooo way! it’s super prettyfied 😀

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