I’ve probably blogged about this before (if not here, then on my Dayre) but Fighter hasn’t always been the happiest child.
When he first got home, all he did was suck milk and snooze. Then he got a little more alert but he was always frowning and grumpy. I even started calling him Grumpy Pants because of all the attitude he was giving.
Eventually though we realized (with some help from our pediatrician – silly us!) that he was a little colicky. He almost always had snot up his nose blocking his airways so when he drank milk, he ended up sucking in a lot of air and getting himself a gassy tummy. So whenever he cried or grunted or whined, he was suffering from stomach pains and we had no idea. D: D:
So now that we knew, armed with a nasal spray prescribed by the doctor I’d go into battle with Fighter (geddit geddit) everyday and spray his nose every few hours. I should get a medal for this wtf not easy ok have to catch him by surprise and do it very quickly so he doesn’t turn his head away, but at the same time my aim needs to be damn accurate cos his nostrils are so small! Ninja Aud to the rescue wtf.
Right now I think Fighter still can’t recognize people, but when he can, no prizes for guessing who he’ll hate. The person who springs unpleasantly on him and shoots water into his nose. 🙁
Anyway, the nasal spray turned out to be not enough. He has a lot of snot, maybe he inherited sinus issues from me. I bought an aspirator but even that wouldn’t dislodge all the boogers.
So I did what we’re not supposed to do (according to Baby Center anyway). Every morning I charge at him with a Q-tip and dig his boogers out. It’s the best way to clear his passageways and I am DAMN GOOD at it. Got skills one. Wet one end of the Q-tip, swoop it at the sides of his nostrils, twist (to grab the boogers) and slide out. Then do the same with the dry end to wipe up any remaining wetness.
Obviously he shouts the house down but immediately after that he can breathe so well. I’m waiting for the day he makes the connection between this awful nose digging and breathing well so he can stop giving me a hard time wtf.
Anyway with all this consistent clearing of his nose, his tummy problems subsided and his mood flipped 180 degrees. He is now the smiliest baby I’ve ever seen!!! Not that I’ve seen that many babies la.
This was one of his first few smiles!
This is one of my favorite batches of photos of him! Smile until so sweet!!! *hearts in eyes*
And this one he just looks so happy. And fat and goofy. Hahahah.
I’m soooooo happy that he has such a happy disposition! He does have his crying moments of course, but generally he’s very smily and easy to take care of. Sometimes I wonder if this is my reward for going through preeclampsia hahaha. Like the Universe can’t possibly put me through another bout of shit with a cranky baby after all I’ve been through. If so, it’s worth it!
His default mood is good hahaha. I think he really takes after Fatty and me cos we both smile a lot, and I’m rarely in a bad mood.
I’m putting down a few memorable incidents so I can look back on this time.
Incident 1:
Fighter was awake, playing by himself in his cot. I crept up on him to look at him and at first he didn’t see me. But then he suddenly looked up, saw me and did a double take. Hahaha cos he didn’t expect me to be there. Then he gave me this big beautiful sunny smile like he was so happy to see me. Hehehe.
Also many times, he’s woken up by himself and I go to see him and he immediately gives me a huge smile. :)))
Incident 2:
The minute you look at him and smile at him, he’ll smile back. It’s like he can’t resist. Like he’s so socially adept that his reflex is to not be rude and smile back. Lol. Then if you keep smiling and talking to him, he’ll start laughing and kicking around.
The other day he was being cranky in the room so Fatty carried him outside to where Fatty’s sister and friend were sitting. He was pouting and acting grumpy but sister and friend started waving and cooing at him.
He where can resist like this!!! His pout actually started twitching HAHAHA. And you could see him struggling to resist the mouth turning up into a grin.
Fatty patted his cheek and said “aiya you want to smile right? Just smile la you know you want to…” And this Fighter really broke out into a grin. HAHAHAHA SO EASY ONE.
Incident 2a:
Same thing happened a few days later. He was grouching again while I was carrying him and I met Fatty’s brother on the stairs. Like I said, he’s normally happy so the brother was surprised to see him grouchy. He said, “eh today not good mood ah?”
But! Fatty’s brother was smiling at him. Fighter’s Achilles heel wtf. Again he broke out into a smile hahahaha.
Incident 3:
Yesterday Fighter was crazy grumpy. Kept crying and wanting to be picked up and cuddled; I suspect he’s going through his third leap.
He was so grumpy that he was determined to stay grumpy and bask in his own bad mood. Lol. How I know?
Because we were trying to make him smile. And he smiled at first, although just a small smile, not his usual big grin. Like he was trying to control it hahaha.
And then later he put his foot down. Learn from past mistakes already wtf. When we went in front of him and smiled and talked to him, he purposely wouldn’t look at us WTF. Don’t look at us smile, don’t need to smile back. HAHAHAHA LIKE THIS ALSO CAN.
He always always looks at people talking to him so it’s very obvious now he’s studiously avoiding our gaze. Hahahaha.
Incident 4:
Don’t know if this counts. But if you cannot take horror movies, read no further wtf.
I was pumping milk this morning so I placed Fighter on the bed in front of me. He started looking at the corner of the ceiling and smiling and laughing!!
This is the second time he’s done this while looking at that exact same spot in my room. I know babies like looking at lights or fans or whatever. Fighter himself loves lights; he’s always gazing upwards at lights and chandeliers so I’m used to it. But that area he was looking at is the corner of the ceiling where there is NOTHING. No decoration, no lights, just plain wall.
He never does this anywhere else. The first time he did it was at night and I was alone and I nearly shit my pants. I know it’s not mere fascination with a new object because when he’s fascinated he goes quiet and just looks interestedly at the object for a long time. This time, he’s behaving like when we talk and play with him…. he smiled and wiggled his body like what he does when he’s excited. Then he paused as though listening to someone. Then smile and giggle again. O_0
To end this blogpost on a nonscary note, here’s a video Fatty took of me singing and playing with Fighter.
Comments (28)
Omg he looks damn cute when he’s smiling! Very happy reading the post until….that last part. O_O Considered getting an exorcist to look around your house, you know….just in case? 😡
Fighter got imaginary friend ady! Hahaha
Is it weird if I find your voice soothing and relaxing? :O Fighter is so lucky to have you sing to him!
so cute <3
When I was a kid i used to sit up and stare out the window every night at my grandparents house dunno why la. my mum say de . also I used to stare at a corner and when my mum asked why i said “i saw a person” but it nothing already after that. xD
yes it’s weird. Hahahhaa my voice is too low
n ow whatever is there seems good but what if exorcist comes in and angers it!!!
He smile until we cannot see the eyes.. he must be very happy 😛
my daughter does it too! I told my hubby tat she keep looking at one direction n smiling! but he said she was fascinating with our chandelier lights..God knows what it is..but now no more! watever it is..hope it will be over soon ya!
Don’t worry about it. My baby does it too. It freaked me out at the beginning. Besides lights and fans, sometimes he just looks at nothing and laughs and giggles. Sometimes he looks up like he’s looking at someone and he’s mightily amused. We say that his guardian angels are playing with him. That’s why they laugh when they are asleep. It’s a better explanation than … you-know-what.
priceless moments 😀
orang tua2 malay said, baby has 3 good frends”..they will play with him..soon they will dissapear..hehehe..I think what they say is right because my baby does it too.
So happy and cute baby! My best blesses for you and of course for him. He looks like you but in a cute baby boy he has your eyes!nxx
About the last incident, I think it should be alright if he does not stay up at night or get feverish.nMom told me I used to not sleep at night.. and they brought me to the temple n I sleep alright after that.nnSo I guess if Fighter seems to be doing fine, probably it’s just his Guardian Angels ^^ but maybe they should care about mommy and shouldn’t frighten mommy so much. Haha..nnhttp://tenshichn.blogspot.com/2014/01/034-thai-drama-hormones.html
thank you for sharing Fighter’s picsss 🙂
Soooo cutie he is! Love his little smiley face! Makes me smile, too. He is watching and laughing at his guardian angels like tenshi said. Both of you had such a time in birth, they are watching over you then and still now making sure you are safe and happy!
Hi Aud,nWhen babies smile at nothing or no one at all, don’t be scared. Angels are playing with them. 🙂
Fighter is mad cuteeeee!! I wanna cuddle him hahaha
…..i read the last part.. its 12.26…i broke up in goosebumps and my whole body chilly now. FML.
OMG! He is so handsome and looks like Rain!
Hi, u can try the nose frida the muscus sucker for nose. It works well for block nose.
Hi, if I may suggest you try to diffuse your room with Young Living Essential oils such as thieves and purification. It is said to be very effective.
I must say, Fighter is ABSOLUTELY adorable..coming from a mother of two boys myself…hahhaa. About the smiling at the ceiling corner part? Don’t be scared. I’ve heard babies staring and smiling at some empty corners too. I believe it’s their guardian angel 🙂 coz they say every baby has one. Isn’t that sweet?
\o/ us babies can see… HAHA! XD
According to my mum, every baby has a guardian angel protecting n playing with them. I guess you don’t have to be too worry about it. The guardian angel will leave once the baby is bigger. It happened to both my nephew & niece