
Eight signs of auntiehood

It seems like just yesterday when I was a carefree girl of 28.  Now I’m a 28 year old  mother of 1, wife of 1 also and I have THINGS on my mind.  Usually along the lines of KNN FORGOT TO BUY MILK. Or AIYA FORGOT TO BRING KEYS/WALLET/INSERT IMPORTANT THING.

Anyway. *clears throat. In all seriousness, I do feel I’ve changed (gradually since getting married, and more fasterly after having Fighter).  So I compiled a list.  Here are the top 7 things that tell me I’ve hit Auntiehood.

1. Favorite store is now Daiso

Actually I always used to like it cos I can always count on finding small cute Hello Kitty merchandise there.  But now the passion is overwhelming wtf.  Like WAH HERE GOT DAISO ALSO WHY NOBODY TELL ME SEE YOU LATER.  And then spend 3 hours there and 3 figures there wtf.

Can literally inspect each and every aisle for every household appliance known to mankind.

(Before Daiso, there was 100 yen shop (which really did sell stuff for RM3).  Mummy Ooi used to spend all her time there and I hated it.  How times have changed.)

Also Ikea!!! Ikea is love.  But Daiso is lover wtf.

2. Always looking out for discounts

Or cheaper prices and products in general.  As a carefree woman, my shopping was limited to clothes and shoes and makeup.  For such items I don’t really think about getting it cheaper because retail prices are all fixed.  Especially if it’s a design I really like I’d be like BUY.

But since I started grocery and household shopping everything is different wtf.  For food doesn’t matter what brand ma!  As long as tastes good can already.  And I have to shop every week ma, and it annoys me off if I have to buy things at atas supermarkets like Mercato and see the bill damn high.

Damn price conscious now.  So I’ve learned to look at brands and compare prices instead of just taking the brand name I know.  Omg damn auntie.  So true to this topic wtf.

3. I nag with the best

OMG I think I must have absorbed this skill from Mummy Ooi via osmosis in my childhood. Then now only erupt out of my body when I mature wtf.  I don’t nag at Fatty la cos he’s normally very on top of things anyway.  But the other day the aircon man came to fix a problem which was supposed to be fixed previously already.  And I found myself literally hounding his heels and going “fixed already ah? you sure ah? don’t make me call you again.” WTF so naggy I feel like punching myself.

4. 12am is way too late

Hello? It’s called the witching hour for a reason. Went out to Providence the other night for a friend’s birthday and wanted to die by 1am.

5. I love station wagons

Before I used to evaluate cars based on how small and cute they were.  Personal favorites included the Nissan Micra (with the spoiler), Fiat 500 and of course the VW Beetle and Mini Cooper.

Now I evaluate based on whether baby seats can fit.  Like the other day we were in Fatty’s dad’s car and I was going “Eh fatty.  You might wanna consider getting this car next time.  The seatbelt damn easy to put around the baby seat!!”

6. Electrician, aircon repair man are now on my speed dial

True story.  Two conclusions: (1) I am an auntie (2) our household things are always breaking down wtf

And my meetings these days are with the curtain shop owner and the contractor.

7. The only person who flirt with me now is the Washing Machine repair guy.



To elaborate further, Washing Machine explained that he saw my picture on his Line and thought why got cute girl on his friend list so he messaged me.

I said he fixed my machine before and he said ohhh now I remember.  Then I think he attempted to continue the conversation but I ignored him.

Then he sent me a picture of his penis WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I remember this guy as being Chinese and the dude in the photo looked Bangla wtf.  I suspect Penis Man stole the phone and hacked into his friend list.

*makes a mental note to tell Fatty’s PA Rina never to call this number for services again.  Dunno what kind of service she’ll get wtf.

8. My favorite thing in the world currently is Tesco Online

This literally makes me smile every time I think of it.

That’s right beeches!!!! I never have to go grocery shopping again!!! Tesco started its online delivery service last year and I hastily googled for it.

Sadly it was only available in the PJ area and I resigned myself to grocery shopping, the bane of my existence.  It’s not the shopping I mind, it’s the inconvenience of it for me. We live in the heart of KL so there are NO hypermarkets nearby, only a few luxury supermarkets (see point 2).  In order to buy groceries, I either had to drive out of my way to get to Tesco, or go to an atas supermarket and buy expensive things, then lug bags through the mall to my car.  Worst is when I need to buy rice wtf.  Damn waste of time, money and energy.

Then a few months back I saw… a Tesco truck at our apartment!!!! What!!! They’re in our area and I dunno!?!?!? Signed up for it instantly and as they say, the rest (by the rest I mean physical grocery shopping) is history.

That’s all I can think of right now. What are your signs of auntiehood?

Comments (26)

  • muhaha…love this post! i am turning into an auntie myself too and i am too in my 20s! another sign i would say is collecting of discount coupons! don’t know if u do that but i find saving on all this small amounts makes me feel very accomplished and happy! haha!

  • Gah! Am not even married and half the list applies to me! Mine would be accumulating points from all kinds of cards to get even further discounts. Seriously feel like auntie when I have to dig for the cards in my wallet haha

  • wow.. all you have said applies to me as well. haha! i guess mine would be drinking tea and reading newspaper as past time while not bothering about my outlook at home , ie: dishevelled hair, wearing old t shirts with holes,thinking of which housework to do next then get all frustrated when i find a dirty spot.

  • btw.. the part where that guy sent you the penis.. its hilarious!! lolololol. why this kinda thing dont happen to me. i wanna see random bangla penis for fun. wtf.

  • I normally find your posts quite funny, but I think this might be the funniest thing you’ve ever written! This made me laugh so hard. Thank you Audrey for making my day! 😀

  • dont worry. im just 22-23 this year and I love grocery shopping.. and all the points you mentioned up there..I nailed it. nnI think im more auntie than you. so dont worry..nnI wonder what will happen if i have a baby. i think i’d become grandma instead of auntie.

  • Hahahaha the osmosis part reminded me of strawberry’s dayre! Lol. Anyway some of the auntie habits apply to me, and I take a step further by calculating how much I spend on clothes and beautifying myself and make a mental note not to spend so much the next month(I’m not married or dating either)

  • ‘I must have absorbed this skill from Mummy Ooi via osmosis in my childhood’. This makes me crack!!!!!! As grow older, i think i become my mom too but i try to control!!!!!

  • LOL, did I tell u I left zouk at 12.30 on new year eve because I was too sleepy lol

  • Haha, this Feb I gonna turn 25 but I already being like auntie since 22. your face like those 22 ma, so never mind one !! so envy..I think if we stand together, people will think I am the older one >.<

  • My washing machine guy messaged me….. then he showed me a pic of his penis hahahahahahahahahaha. I almost spilled drink through my nose when i read that line. nnI really wanted to paste the “That Escalated Quickly” Ron Burgundy pic here, but it didn’t let me lol.

  • I just passed my 20yrs old birthday last month and I find this post apply on me since few years ago. sad.

  • Har! ok la that’s quite serious hahaha

  • hahahah it’s ok I got it hahaha

  • hahaha wah at least I tahan until 2:30 am hahaha

  • When I started to compare prices by RM X per litre/sheet/kilo…

  • It’s not autiehood le.. it’s just motherhood. 🙂 doing wht’s good for the family..nn

  • Damn, Aud. I’m only 21 and I’ve signs of auntiehood also. When I buy things now, I would ask “what promotion do you have ah? Got discount not? Got angpow not?”nEither auntiehood or just being cheapskate lolol.

  • OMFG washing machine man!!! HAHAHAHHAHAAnnAlso, all your signs are so true. I love shopping for groceries, baby stuff and household things. I should check out Tesco Online (although, I think Giant has cheaper stuff sometimes).

  • I’ve started getting annoyed at people younger than me. Why are they so loud? I live in a college town, so they’re all sssooo young. I’m 28, ha.

  • My sign of auntiehood ?nI buy anything i check got free gifts or not…. then, whenever got chance see sales promoter or cashier i always ask ” Got free gift ? ” …. >.<nBuy anything off shelves also would be lured by all the free gifts !

  • I tick tick tick all the things in ur checklist. There’s a lady living near me who does group buys for everything including seafood, fruits, CNY oranges, kampong eggs, bread makers wtf. I love her so much wtf. Can get everything much cheaper and can just walk to her house. Auntie anot?? haha

  • “I said he fixed my machine before and he said ohhh now I remember. Then I think he attempted to continue the conversation but I ignored him.nnThen he sent me a picture of his penis WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.”nn

  • Yes to 1, 2 and 4 (if it’s any comfort to you, I was like this since I was 28, too, and without kids)

  • Hahahaha omg so true! nBack then whenever I’m online most of the time I read blogs, open 9gag or watching random videos. Now it’s cooking tutorial, reading mummys’ blogs, googling “frugal living” and “freezer cooking” wtf.

  • frugal living lolol

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