Time to write about our trip!
LA is one of my favorite cities in the world to visit (besides any Japanese city wtf) so we were absolutely stoked! The only cloud on the horizon is we couldn’t bring Fighter. T_T I was so ready to bring him and was already preparing his application for US visa… until everyone told us it’s not a good idea to bring him. Also my parents and Fatty’s parents were revving up to take care of him hahaha so okay la he gets to spend some quality time with the grandparents.

Checking in to our flight!
Our route this time was KL-HK-LA which is actually shorter than if you stop in Narita or Seoul! Cos KL-Narita is 7 hours compared to HK’s 3 and the time from transit to LA is still the same, whether HK or Narita or Seoul! Good to know if you wanna make travel plans wtf.
Anyway we touched down… checked in to our Airbnb which weirdly enough, neither of us took photos of.
First stop was The Grove for dinner!
Turned out colder than I expected!!! I overestimated my tolerance for cold (actually it was about 20-25C only wtf but I was cold!) so had to wear my sole pink blazer that I wore for 19 hours on the flight. :X
Fatty is on the phone to Maxis behind (with my Z2) cos his iPhone cannot connect to data roaming while mine can. *superior smile

Guess where our first meal ever in LA was? Guess la guess.
Ya Cheesecake Factory. Compliments of the Fatty and his love for dessert.
Their chocolate bread however is the bomb diggity! It’s warm and soft and sweet – I’d happily eat that with butter for dinner only. ^^
My entree was Cajun chicken something…forgot how big the portions are in the US. One plate for one person is like…one serving dish for a whole table in Asia wtf. Still managed to eat most of it though. *pats self on back
Went home after that and collapsed from jet lag.

Next morning! Nah can see the apartment or not wtf.
#Audfit is from Evris! Shoes are my well worn Emodas.
Hello nice complexion. T3T Skin no more this color cos kena burned, thanks crazy Vegas sun.

Breakfast was at a famous French bakery called Chaumont. Look at the purty pastries!

And my smoked salmon with eggs was yummersssss. But their key product is just a plain croissant.
Dunno how they do it but the croissant was soft, yet flaky and so tasty! No photos cos we demolished it in a second wtf.

Then uh I think we might have spent the afternoon at an outlet…
Went a bit crazy with the Carter’s and Osh Kosh. So cheap! The most expensive also is confirmed 50% only of the price we get back in KL.
Watch out for Fighter’s OOTDs soon! Hahaha.
This was another day. Fatty’s conference in Santa Monica had started so that’s where we went.

The hotel the conference was at is called Shutters on the Beach. I don’t even know how to describe it but it’s very…shutter-y…and beach-y. WTF. Hahahaha it was like a very beautiful beach house la. Done up in white wood and shutters, not like the Bali style beach houses we normally see here.

I chilled in the restaurant and had breakfast by myself.

Got my breakfast stolen by a bird WTF. I was too engrossed in my Kindle and suddenly there was this brown sparrow all IN YO FACE sitting on my plate eating my eggs. T_______T
A family sitting nearby were snickering at my problems fml.
And if you’re wondering if I ate my eggs (after I shooed away the bird)… yes. Yes I did. I was hungry. And it was expensive.

After Fatty’s conference we went back to Beverly Hills and checked out Rodeo Drive.

There we were surrounded by like a billion Chinese (their entire population WTF) swarming around us, lugging paper bags from Dior and Chanel. I’d never seen so many anywhere else in LA! Is Rodeo the only place PRCs go to hang out? D:
Dinner was at this garlic-themed restaurant called The Stinking Rose hahaha also in Beverly Hills, really near our apartment. Food was just so-so to be honest. Fatty had steak and I had shrimp pasta.

But when we walked in, there was a display that said, “Ask us to wear our Garlic Hats for dinner!’
Obviously I had to ask.
The waitress looked a bit surprised but acquiesced with my request.

It’s basically a big stuffed garlic perched on a baseball cap and they gave me a hairnet to wear with it, cos obviously it’s not washed with every use WTF.
Now I know why the waitress looked surprised. Obviously nobody else wants to wear it and I’m the rare crazy person asking for it hahahaha.
I hurriedly gave the garlic hat back.
Ok this one damn annoying. Fatty kept going, “WAH SO FULL. SO FULL. Can’t eat anymore.”
I’m like, “Uhhh you finished your whole plate what are you talking about.”
Oh another day we headed over to Venice Beach (which is super close to Santa Monica) to hang out again. THere’s tons of things to see and do there.
One of which is riding a Segway!
Super fun! You don’t need an balancing or cycling skills also. All you need to do is lean forward to go and pull back to slow down or stop.
Me and Fats and his Venice Beach outfit. -_- He was wearing conference clothes so he just bought an entire suit of souvenir clothes to wear on the beach. Some more asked me if I wanted but hell no I ain’t wasting money on logo tees I won’t wear again.
Anyway we drove those Segways all the way down Venice Beach up to Santa Monica and back! Sooo fun with the wind blowing in our faces, and passing by all the random cyclists and tricyclists and rollerbladers and beach volleyball players. 😀
Oh and then guess who joined us in LA!!!!
Angela and her boyfriend Frank flew down from Vancouver to meet us! Here’s us at a burger bar on Santa Monica Pier. Where I uhh may or may not have eaten a burger. (Food restrictions don’t count on holiday right?)
Us again on the pier.

The awesomeness that is Santa Monica Pier.

Le Shorty and le Fatty.
This time we rented tandem bikes to ride!
LALALAA. Look ma, I can multitask!
One without my flowerhorn forehead.
The immense beaches of Southern California.
Crazy woman wtf.
Exhausted in the car after our ride.
Next stop, Hollywood!
In front of the Mann’s Chinese Theatre.
We took a tour of it.
Inside is quite beautiful actually. Although dark so a bit creepy. Although which theatre is not dark. -_-
It’s where a lot of movies premiere, so there were some cool exhibits.

Like this! The curtain dress Scarlett O’Hara wore in Gone With The Wind.
Then we bumped into Tom. No big deal.
HAHAHA IMPOSTER LA. But a very hot one, I must say. *dreamy eyes
Yo Johnny!
We are so tight we even selfie together okay.
After that, we had reservations at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant! There was some food campaign going on in LA and apparently certain restaurants would have special packages at special prices. And this Gordon Ramsay place was one of them.
With Angelaaaa.
Whole restaurant filled with Asians. :X Figures we’re the ones who go for the promotions hahahaha.

Only got this picture of dessert. Cos the other dishes I took with my Casio which isn’t very good in dim lighting. :X
The food was pretty decent but not what you’d expect from Gordon Ramsay? Good enough la and good pricing too.
With Angie and Frank.
Oh funny storeh! Angela and I went to the bathroom and we were waiting outside with another girl cos the girl told me it’s a single bathroom, not with multiple stalls.
So we waited… then when the lady inside came out, the girl waiting with us went to take her turn in the bathroom.
I got a peek at the bathroom when the door opened and I thought it looked huge! I said “oooh it has more than one stall inside la!” and I yanked open the door WTF.
I started telling Angela, “eh we can all go in, it’s a big bathroom!” while still yanking on the door while the poor girl inside tried to hold the door shut, desperately saying, “NO. It’s only ONE bathroom.”
Hahahahahaha she must have been damn angry at me! Some more she already told me one bathroom only but I never listen. The bathroom decor very misleading btw, walls all covered in mirrors giving the illusion that it’s very big.
Then she stayed in there for a looong time. Either she had to take a poop (in which case she must have been even angrier at me for getting in the way of her poop mojo) or she was hiding out in fear of me wtf.

Look at this bulldog!!! Damn cute right!!! He just sat there very quietly and guai-ly when we arrived outside the restaurant.
I was super enamored and proceeded to take a bazillion photos of this calm quiet dog.
Then after five minutes of snapping I realized it’s a statue. WTF!!!!
And everybody just stand there and let me take without telling me!!!!! Strangers all probably slowly sidling away don’t wanna stand so near this crazy person taking photos of a fake dog.
In my defense he looked extremely real wtf.
OK the end.
Comments (3)
If I’m the girl in the toilet, I might revenge lol.
Hahaha the ending so epic! Looks damn real though
The toilet matter is really funny. I also thought that dog is a real one. OMG so real!