Someone else in the family fell sick which means no time to blog again. D:
This time it was Fatty who came down with a high grade fever that lasted a whole day and night. D: He’s better now but we were worried it was dengue (bad cos he already got it once and getting it subsequent times is more dangerous) or influenza (bad if transmit to Fighter or me cos I’m pregnant).
Anyway this is a Fighter milestones post!
Age: 16 months
Adjusted age: 14 months
When Wendy visited maybe a month or two back she said Fighter could speak already! Cos when she said “Mama” he’d go “Mama” after her.
I said I know this! When we say Dada, he says Dada too but not all the time. So I don’t consider it speaking la cos not all the time ma. Then everyone was like wah then you expect him to speak in perfect sentences only counts as talking isit wtf #tigermom
But I thought because he didn’t repeat words after us every time, it was a coincidence when he did. Cos he goes mamamama at random times unprompted too.
But the other day, I was feeding him yogurt bites (which are sweet and therefore he will eat until kingdom comes wtf) and he was asking for more with his usual grunts.
I said, “Fighter, can you say please?
Fighter: “Nghhh!” *points at yogurt bag
Me: “Say please Fighter. Then you can have more.”
Fighter: “Pwee! Pwee!”
And then on another day, he wanted to be let out of his playpen so he went, “Pwee!” and lifted his arms hahahaha.
Ok pronunciation not spot on but I can believe he’s finally starting to talk!
Figures his first word is something to do with food. >_> Figures he’d take after the father ee au lo kui wtf.
When Fatty was sick and couldn’t go anywhere near Fighter for fear of passing the bug to him, Fighter would gesture to our bedroom where Fatty was sleeping and say “Deh-deh! Deh-deh!”
He still refuses to call me though FML.
Oh and his third word is this.
I was carrying him and he kept pointing towards our dresser.
I thought he wanted to get down so I lowered him to the floor but he struggled and clung to me, saying “Nhghghghgh” wtf.
So I said, “what do you want? You want me to take you there? Can you say there?”
Fighter: “Dere! Dere!”
Ohai vampire baby.
Comments (2)
the last pic, he really do looks like vampire baby hahahhaha with his teeth!!!!! so cute tho~~~ ^_^
I was on a room with manager and co-workers, reading this bcs my work is completed for the day. Room is silent until I let out a little laughter bcs I read the “Nhghghghgh” part. HAHAHA. I really want to hear Fighter talks! Pls record it next time ^-^