Dear Fighter,
Tomorrow is your first day of preschool.
Right now, you are oblivious to the fact, playing in your auntie’s car before bedtime. I’ve tried to prep you for this – in the weeks leading up to today, I would tell you, “Fighter, next year you’re going to school, okay? You’re a big boy now.”
And you would always go, “mmhm.” (yes in your Toddlish wtf). But I don’t think you really understand what it means.
So tomorrow you will be dressed in a school uniform, I will harness you school bag on you and you will march off into a vast unstable world. This will be your first steps into 18 years of formal education.
Mommy can’t follow you into your classroom so this is what mommy wants you to know
1. Even though mommy can’t be with you in school, but know that the minute school is over, mommy will be waiting outside to pick you up. I will never leave you.
2. Play nice. I know you don’t like sharing but I hope you learn to in school. You’ll find that sharing makes things more fun because you get to play together. Way better than playing by yourself! (Except when the sharing item in question is McDonald’s fries WTF)
3. Wash your hands before eating and after you pee.
4. If someone takes something of yours or pushes you, it’s okay to stand up for yourself. Don’t cry, just say loudly NO or STOP IT. There’s no shame in defending yourself with words.
5. There is, however, in using your fists. But if you’ve tried clearly speaking up for yourself and it doesn’t work and there’s no teacher around, by all means, sock that kid one for mommy.
6. Remember to drink more water.
7. You’ll make lots of friends. I’m sure of it! When you choose your friends however, let it not be because he has the latest expensive toy, or because he bulldozes his way through, but because he is kind and you have fun together.
8. Be kind. If everyone is laughing at someone, it doesn’t mean you should too. It’s not wrong or weird to be different.
9. If you don’t like someone doing something to you, don’t do it to someone else. Likewise, if you see a kid who needs help, help. If you were that kid, you would want a friendly face in your time of need, wouldn’t you?
10. School is not an environment I can control and I know you’ll be exposed to all sorts of new elements that daddy and I won’t necessarily like. I hope you don’t lose your innocence and optimism. I hope you remember that the world is a wonderful place, although sometimes some people may do things that make you feel sad or angry. We’ll deal with those when they happen together. But please don’t lose that happy, optimistic personality of yours we love so much. This trait of yours will be what brings you through life.
At the same time, mommy has lessons to learn too. Mommy has to learn to let go, and let you make your own mistakes. To let you discover your independence and individuality and guide you to be the fine young man I know you will grow up to be. I have so many things I want to teach you still, but for today I will stop here.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow, darling (and many more awesome days to come).
Meanwhile, mommy will go cry in the corner out of separation anxiety wtf.
Love, Mom.
Comments (8)
awwwwwww. he’s a big boy now!
Aww, dont be Aud. He will sharing all his wonderful experience in school and you will be big part of his life whether happy or sad!
i still cannot figure out why kids grow so fast?! =(
I felt sad just from reading your post! I came over from your FB link btw, Fighter is growing up eh?
New day of school, can still imagine what it’s like (in partially forgotten memory) – it can be an adventure, kids are always more resilient than people think, I’m sure he’ll be fine and have fun in school. Take care Aud!
Such a touching and fun letter at the same time. Love your writing!
X From My Suitcase
Aawww.. can i cry at the corner too? 🙁
So sweet :,( lil fighter will do good!
cant wait little Fighter grow up to big Fighter!!! btw like ur writting touching!!