You see. You see this.
Skin on point. Makeup on point. Hair…uhhh…. Okay okay I have a hair problem. Nowadays I keep it short cos it’s easier with annoying babies playing tug of war with my hair, but I have always had thin and fine hair. Thanks Mummy Ooi hahaha. Fat Her is the proud owner of a luscious head of hair but Ooib and I got the thin hair genes and I think Ooib might even be prematurely balding FHL. I don’t think I am la *prays. But I do have very thin hair! I prayed that this gene would die with me and Fighter seems safe from it. Not sure about Penny though… Anyway I used to disguise it with lots of hair extensions and a very layered haircut especially at the top of my head. This look was achieved with hair extensions, a curling iron, hair spray, lots of layers on the top and wax to volumize so my hair doesn’t lay flat on my crown.
But unstyled, my hair is flat on my head like this. *sad
This is further proof that my hair is damn thin la! I got cornrow effect without having cornrows wtf. Okay la, say so much but actually I don’t care for my hair enough. I do use hair masques, and always apply a hair oil after I wash it but that’s for the hair. I don’t do anything for my scalp.
Enter Abbott’s CG210, a hair essence formulated for the purpose of reducing excessive shedding and promoting healthy hair growth.
I think I’m over my post natal hair shedding phase already cos I definitely lose less now. So I’m primed to start using this product!
It comes with a cannula which you have to fix to the pump like this.
Shake it before use, and using the cannula, spray on to the scalp. Be careful to aim on to your scalp, not the hair itself.
Then using your fingers, gently massage the essence into your scalp.
The essence is a ntural botanical formulation and it has a slight sweet smell. It’s supposed to be berry for women, and mint for men hahaha macho. It’s hypoallergenic and contains no preservatives either.
My hair is actually pretty thick at the back of my head so I focused my efforts on the top and sides. I think these areas are more prone to sun damage and pollution, that’s why.
It’s recommended to spray at least 5-10 times each time, and to do this every morning and evening. Each bottle should last about a month.
Wah look like crazy person hahahaha. After you’re done, do not wash it off! Just style your hair like always.
The essence is a very watery form and when it dries, it doesn’t seem to leave any residue! I was worried my hair would look greasy or sticky but no wor. In fact this CG210 actually volumizes my hair!
After I applied it this morning, I brushed my hair and curled the ends as usual. And see now my hair quite pong pong hahahaha.
Act model shot.
I’ve only been using this for a few days so I can’t tell if there’s any effect yet. It’s supposed to take 44 days to see a difference.
But in the meantime, I love how it makes my hair look! Clinically proven benefits of the CG210 essence are, reduces hair shedding, increases hair thickness, improves healthy hair, and promotes new healthy hair. Cross fingers it actually works to thicken my mane yo!
You can get the product in selected private hospitals, clinics and all leading pharmacies. If you need further information, please call Abbott Lifeplus careline 1-800-88-0709 or visit the website at Disclaimer: This post was written in collaboration with Abbott CG210. Abbott partnered with me for its campaign and as part of this program, I received compensation for my time. Abbott believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words.