
New Trike

Wow wow get off the road everyone, Fighter and Mochi have their own vehicle now!!!!


My aunts (which makes them the critters’ grand aunts) chipped in and bought them a tricycle for Penny’s birthday.

But it’s not just any tricycle.  It’s a ….


Two seater tricycle!


If the Batmobile was a trike, I bet it’d look like this wtf.  Got enough space for Batman AND Robin hahahahahahah.

I don’t know if anywhere in KL sells this old school tricycle but I remember this from my childhood!  My parents searched Penang for this and found it in one of the old school toy shops.  It’s made of plastic everything but it comes with a built in sound system hahahahaha.

Fighter can pedal but it also comes with a steering pole behind and it’s super easy to push and steer.


As usual, Fighter bullies his way into sitting in front.  But sometimes Penny gets a turn too hahahaha.


My Batman and Robin.


Hope they’ll always be walking through life side by side. 🙂

Oh and here’s a vlog of their new toy!

Comments (2)

  • Hello Audrey, I think you wanted to tag this post as Audvlog instead of Audvertorial right?

  • Whoops ya tagged it wrongly hahaha thanks for telling me!

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