You know what I found out?
Beds are like the Titanic; once they sink they’re useless. #badjoke
Hahahahahahah sorry my joke is really damn bad! But true leh, that was the problem we had with our mattress.
Before we got married, Fatty went out and bought a new king sized mattress. This was… at most seven years ago?
About one of two years ago, we noticed this. A big dent on one side of the bed. To be precise, on Fatty’s side of the bed. :X The bed say he fat one ah, not me! Apparently we’re supposed to flip the mattress every 6 months to prevent sagging. But I did not know this. I never had any problems with my beds for 20+ years of my life and never had to flip my mattress ever. So I don’t know why ours developed this hole – is it really cos Fatty is heavy or what? :X Anyway I was very angry cos I thought mattresses are supposed to last longer than this anyway. So I jumped at the chance to try out Dreamland’s Chiro range. Dreamland is a homegrown mattress brand who pioneered spring mattresses in Malaysia. Then they incorporated the Miracoil technology in their mattresses – to produce their Chiro range. The Chiro range is meant to – as the name suggests – protect your back. Our old mattress was actually too soft – it felt great to sit on, but it wasn’t the best choice for our backs FOL. And since we got it in our 20s it was fine, but as the years past we started to really feel the strain hahahaha. So we went for the Dreamland Chiro Superior 1. It comes with a layer of Miracoil springs for back support and the mattress fabric has been treated with anti-bed bugs, anti-mosquito and anti-bacteria properties. Miracoil is touted as the world’s most advanced spring system. The springs are tempered with heat to ensure the spring units stay in shape. Springs are also coiled together more closely in the middle of the mattress for better back support since our spines lie in the center of the bed. The result is a non-sagging, less lumpy and highly durable mattress. Which is why it says its a Non Flip Design which means no need to remember to flip!!!! Warranty of 10 years of course.
One thing I noticed is that this mattress is much thicker than our old one! The extra height looks more luxe even if it makes climbing down the bed a bit harder for me, Fighter and Penny hahahahaha.
Set up the mattress and put on sheets and our comforters and ta dah!
We’ve been sleeping on this new bed for about a month now. And first it took some getting used to cos I was really accustomed to our old softer mattress. But now I love that this mattress is solid.
It’s firm but it’s not hard so it’s still comfy while sleeping. And it’s so stable that …. ok basically Fatty has this bad habit of going to the toilet in the middle of the night then coming back and JUMPING on to the bed WTF. So the bed sure shake la right wtf. And I sure get awakened. But with this bed no such problem hahahaha. It doesn’t transfer movement at all so I sleep through the night (except when a critter cries FML). The reason why is the extra layer of pocket springs on top of the Miracoil springs. This layer disperses movement so there’s less partner disturbance felt. ^^
The kids love it also. They have a habit of climbing up on to our bed and jumping on it. -_- This bed is higher so they damn clever ok they’ll push a stool against it and climb on the stool wtf. And then jump on it. :X
So luckily got the 10 year warranty la hahahaahha.
If you’re looking for a new bed, do check out the Dreamland Chiro range! Click *here* for their website, Facebook and YouTube.
To help you on your way to an awesome new bed, Dreamland is giving away vouchers worth RM200-1,000 off a mattress purchase. Click *here* to print out the vouchers and bring them to the nearest dealer. Promo period: now until 30 th November 2016.
This post was written in collaboration with Dreamland.