Behind you! What’s that! April Fools WTF. And that everybody, is the extent of my pranking abilities. So don’t need…
Category / AudSuay
#20: 5 March 2009 It ees true T_______T Based on an 8% interest rate and a 3.8 USD exchange rate…
#11: 24 February 2009 I said “Kenny and Kim take a picture!” and Kenny squatted down on the floor “to…
I have found what the most bitter substance in the world is. If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, here…
Normally I love wrapping presents. For all my untidiness and disorganization I am actually pretty good at cutting wrapping paper…
And I thought I had grown up and stopped being so klutzy aih. Last night on our way to dinner,…
The other day I was sitting in Darren’s car heading to Neway for karaoke. And suddenly he shouted “Woi what’s…
I hate driving! I hate truck drivers! I hate rain! Today I was driving home from work at about 8pm.…
Edit: Sorry everyone I know I haven’t been very good at answering comments lately:( It’s taking all my time to…
So yesterday Darren had a free ticket to watch Babylon so I happily agreed to follow. We were a bit…