1. Being a lamppost wtf. Most of the time I am single, and when I am not I get involved…
Category / AudRubbish
GOD I AM SO BORED Everyone has left so it’s just me and Ooib here on our own. The Parents…
So we’ve waved goodbye to Suet and Shanshan who left on the bus to Boston today:(((( Their flights leave from…
Wah I have people checking to see if I really blog every alternate day wtf hahaha I just said for…
1. New layout new layout! Courtesy of Luo Xuan and Chen Jia Meei <333333 Xuanxuan made the header for me…
(Thank you everyone who left such encouraging and smart comments on the last post! Btw does anyone know anyone who…
1. Guess who’s turned 21! Happy Birthday Jammie! Doing what she does best. Beating peasants into submission WTF. Here’s to:…
If you read Jammie and Suet, you would have read their How to Be a Ninja posts. So when Suet…
*does stretches wtf I am so free! lalalalalalalalaa Ok la let the pictures do the walking wtf wtf damn cliched…
It’s April Fool’s Day! And I hate April Fool’s Day! Every year without fail I get lied to about something…