I slept at 4 last night (writing thesis yo!) and woke up at 12.30 and still felt on the verge…
Category / AudRubbish
Blogging for the sake of blogging. The busier I am the less I want to blog. Obviously I have my…
理由がないけど、日本語でブログします。 For no reason, I will blog in Japanese. 日本語を使うチャンスほとんどないから、だんだん下手になってきたT_T Almost no chance to use Japanese, that’s why I’m slowly…
1. I never thought I would be saying this but Bon Odori is kind of hard! At first we did…
Conversation with my brother: Barry Ooi Eu Hock says: another time also i wanna brush teeth after breakfast so i…
My classes this semester are too good to be true! I only need 11 credits and then I’m done so…
I’m back in the States. With a lot of suffering too! I was already grumpy and emo about leaving Vancouver…
Many random things: 1. A sign that you are addicted to your DS: you switch on your laptop and start…
This is an advertorial wtf. No actually it’s not but Tze is making me announce to the world that she…
Jam and I talking about our childhood memories: Jam: there was once my parents fight very kao so i tried…