
Pregnant dreams

I’m sorry all my posts now are about being pregnant!!!  But I have three months of pent up things I didn’t get to say so bear with me wtf.

I don’t know if this is another pregnancy symptom but I’m having the weirdest dreams lately!  Normally I don’t remember any dreams – probably a testament to how soundly I sleep so it’s strange how vivid my dreams are now!

Dream #1

This was very early on in the pregnancy (I think I just recently found out at this point).

I dreamed I went to a meeting at my old high school (which is super close to my house) with two other people – a Malay girl I knew at some point in my childhood (don’t remember which friend though just that I knew her and she was wearing a tudung) and Gin, one of Fatty’s close friends.

I parked my car on the grass outside the school compound in front of Gin’s car, an old Mercedes (even though this is not his car in real life wtf).  But when we came out of the meeting both our cars were gone WTF.

So ensued a crazy journey around my old neighborhood looking for our stolen cars wtf.  At one point we met an old gardener with white hair who said he knew who took our cars.  I was desperate to find my car (cos in my dream it belonged not to Fatty but to his dad fml) and convinced the old man to come along with us to find the car.

But the old gardener ended up dragging us here and there all over the area but still couldn’t find the car!  Then we went into a decrepit building and the old man made us go into an elevator which went sideways and outwards instead of up and down (sorta like the glass elevator in the Willy Wonka series) and we fell and tumbled inside the elevator but still didn’t find the cars wtf.

I was so angry that he led us on a wild goose chase and made us fall in the elevator for nothing wtf.  I realized that he didn’t want to tell us where our cars were because they were actually stolen by gangsters WTF and he didn’t want them to seek revenge on him.

Then in my dream I went crazy and used some wire to choke the old man WTF.  My inner gangster coming out.  Meanwhile Gin was screaming at the back hahahaha.

I don’t remember what happened after that I think I woke up.  A bit horrified at how violent I was wtf.

Dream #2

This one not so clear but still quite action packed and vivid.

Dreamed I suddenly lived in a big mansion and threw a big party to celebrate wtf.  A group of mat rempits came in pretending to be party guests but ended up robbing the whole house WTF.

I think most of the dream was me and Jam trying to foil their plans and setting traps for them all over the house before they managed to get out with all their stolen goods hahaha.

Dream #3

The elephant dream.

Dream #4

Mentioned this briefly before but I dreamed that Mummy and Fat Her were getting a divorce WTF.

This was really my biggest childhood fear and Ooib and I would hole ourselves up in our room whenever we knew they were fighting and pray for the best wtf.

The weirdest part was that Mummy was leaving for another man WTF.  With an uncle who’s a family friend and whom I’ve known since birth and is the most unlikely person to be involved lol.  Then when I questioned Fat Her he just ignored me.  And Ooib was nowhere to be found thanks a lot Ooib wtf.

So I did the only thing I could think of – cried and wailed and sobbed my heart out hoping they would be moved enough to not go through with it wtf.  Then I woke up in tears with chest a-heaving wtf.

Dream #5

I think this is my anxiety about election day manifested.  Cos I’ve been reading all sorts of things about how the ruling party is doing its best to cheat so I’ve been damn paranoid about my vote!

I’m going back to Subang to vote and I dreamed that on the day of election I was still in KL WTF.  I was panicking cos voting ends at 5pm right so I was rushing trying to find transport back to Subang (even though in reality it’s like half an hour away wtf).

Don’t know why I couldn’t drive but I managed to convince Sekar (the despatch for Nuffnang WTF) to send me.   God knows why he wasn’t voting in my dream la wtf.  But there was only a bicycle at hand so we had to cycle to Subang WTF.

And then somewhere in the middle we had to pick up my cousin Ian and my grandma WTF.  Dunno how the 4 of us fit on one bike some more my grandma got back problems cannot sit up wtf.

By the time we got to Subang it was 3pm!  And upon reaching I realized that my polling station wasn’t at my old high school, but another school about 10 minutes away by car!  And suddenly the road to the other school became up hill and the bike started going at a crawl fml.  I shouted at Sekar to go faster and he shouted back that he was damn tired hahahaha.

Then I think I woke up.

This is how scared I am of not being able to vote or having my vote hijacked or declared invalid.

And I’m damn angry at people I hear are not voting lo.  If not voting don’t fucking complain about the country la.

Comments (22)

  • Awwww i can totally relate to the last dream!! Its really scary 🙁 but dont worry that wont happen!! :))) p/s its ok for pregnancy posts!! I find them eye opening and interesting to know since my mum refuses to tell me her experience wtf

  • Awwww i can totally relate to the last dream!! Its really scary 🙁 but dont worry that wont happen!! :))) p/s is ok for pregnancy posts!! I find them eye opening and interesting to know since my mum refuses to tell me her experience wtf nnPp/s- sorry i had to repost via nuffnang x the first comment got problem wtf hahaha sorry 🙁 dont mean to spam T.T

  • OMG!! U sure is lucky. I always get many dreams/nightmare. But it’s okay, they are just dreams.

  • haha why lucky?

  • As in u are blessed with good sleep. I always get nightmare and wake up feeling like not enough sleep.

  • I had crazy vivid dreams all pregnancy too, and for awhile after. Kinda turned into a little postpartum anxiety too, but I don’t think you’ll have that. My pregnancy was stressful which is probably why. Though, if the dreams keep coming post baby and turn more nightmare like, talk to a doctor! Anyway, I think it’s all the extra hormones. Cannot control!

  • I’m pregnant now too and I got a lot of weird and vivid dreams during my first trimester. Usually frustrating dreams that end up with me shouting / scolding someone and ends with me shouting out in real life too. My husband hated it cos imagine la being woken up with the person next to you screeching “you shaddap la!!!!!!!” 🙂 think its the hormones… Enjoy your pregnancy and congrats again!

  • Ehehe if you google, pregnant women always have weird crazy dreams. I had them during first trim also. Itll get better soon then no more already. nhope you have a smooth pregnancy, all the best aud.

  • Having children makes a lot of unresolved/childhood issues come up again. It’s a bit like you relive your childhood (good and bad bits) through your child/ren. I think also it must be weird having your body ‘taken over’, hence dreams about e.g. losing control (e.g. of a car, the thing that you can usually control and which can symbolise your life direction).

  • OMG… I’ve had the same (parents ) divorce dream when I was young!!! I remembered I was carrying a huge luggage crying at a bus stop… LOL…

  • hahaha! was reading dream number 6 in class and I suddenly smiled like a crazy lady. LOL! i can’t vote yet but good luck Audrey! 🙂

  • haha wow. I didn’t know pregnancy dreams can be so interesting! LOL. Congratulations to you and Timothy =)

  • Haha! Well it sounds like you have very interesting dreams! Also, rem-sleep (when you dream) is supposed to be when you sleep the best so I guess you’re sleeping better with the baby in your tummy 🙂 <3nnThat’s lucky lah!

  • nHaha! Well it sounds like you have very interesting dreams! Also, rem-sleep (when you dream) is supposed to be when you sleep the best so I guess you’re sleeping better with the baby in your tummy 🙂 <3nnThat’s lucky lah!

  • I LOL too hard at the last dream.


  • I heard that there are messages behind every dream.

  • It’s really normal for preggers to have the weirdest dreams haha. They would stop after the baby is out. Meanwhile, enjoy the pregnancy. You would miss it wan, really!

  • Hi Aud, you know I was a silent reader of your blog since you were with Tim, from the time you were together with him which is about 2 years.. Till he proposed.. and the both of you got married and how you started Foruchizu and now you got a baby.. Wow.. i can’t believe myself that I read your blog for so long you know.. It is really amazing how you shared your views.. ups and downs.. and I really enjoy reading your blog because of your tactful writing and cool perspective towards a lot of things. Keep blogging ok? nnP.S. I really wan the cherry dress you have on Foruchizu.. Do you ship to Singapore by chance?

  • Awww thank you!!nnYes we ship internationally 🙂 just look for it on the website!

  • Hi Aud,nnSorry me have stamps on my eyes LOL! (If you know what I mean) I just saw it LOL! Will definitely order it and pleaseeeeeee bring in more clothes ok? and also pleaseeeeeeeee start a bb line if you can ok? Will definitely get them from you.. (“,)

  • Hi Audrey, you got me laughing so hard at Dream #5 that I was gasping for air. All the best to you and fighter!

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