AudAngry AudRubbish

Sour grapes

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is frighteningly high
You are a physics geek
Your strength is you can understand and use slang
Your weakness is electrons
You think normal people are strange
Normal people think that you are weird
This QuickKwiz by owlsamantha – Taken 51533 Times.

Physics geek! Should I be doing engineering then? I did like physics in high school. But what the fcuk is a weakness for electrons? This is too much! Will I get pulled here and there when electrons come near?:P

I am officially the world’s biggest lamppost. There is no defining the number of couples I’ve rudely intruded on, no limit to the number of dinners I’ve gone to and the couple whispers couply stuff into each other’s delicate shell-like ears, not to mention the number of times they pinch each other’s adipose tissue in front of me while I pretend not to notice and continue watching ESPN.


Why do I weaken and say yes when they ask me on their outings?! I know they mean well, trying to teman a poor spinster with no life of her own, but I really don’t know what to do when you all giggle and make bodily contact with each other!

Scenario #1:

Lovebirds: “yadda yadda…love love…kiss kiss…mush mush….tee hee hee…”

Me: “Yeah, so how about those Lakers, huh… “(voice tapers off and I concentrate on empty cup of teh ais)

Scenario #2 (a):

(set in cyber cafe)

Everyone’s computer: “BISH! BASH! dushdushdushdush!! (machine gun fire)”

My computer: “…….”

Me: (poking Male Lovebird) “Eh, you all start playing already never wait for me? You only teach (insert Female Lovebird’s name) how to load the game, I still stuck in Windows you know.”

Scenario #3 (b):

(still set in cyber cafe)

Everybody’s Counter Strike avatars: “BISH! BASH! dushdushdushdush!! (machine gun fire)”

My computer: “You have been killed.” (or something like that)

Me: (poking Male Lovebird): “Eh you forgot something is it? Why never teach me how to shoot!?”

It is my cherished theory that perfectly nice and sensible people turn into inconsiderate fools around their other (better?) halves. You cannot blame them, it is a syndrome.

See, it also happens on the big screen.

Break it up, can?!


Partly because, what the hell happened to my summer fling?? I was supposed to have a nice and sweet summer fling before I go off, ala Sandra Dee and Danny Zuko in Grease.

Unfortunately my target Summer Fling guy does not seem to be aware that we are supposed to have a summer fling. He only knows how to ask me stupid mou liu questions and annoy the hell out of me.

I have decided that if I’m a spinster for life, I shall not whinge too much about it.

I shall smile benelovently at everyone, be it man, woman, child or bangala. And I shall…

I shall take up gardening!

It certainly seems like a nice, mature yet healthy activity. And I’ve always sensed I have this affinity with nature. Everytime I stand out in the garden, I sure get bitten by flies. Yes, flies. Didn’t know they could bite eh? Vicious bugs.

I am talking cock again.

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