Did nothing today except wake up, eat, watch half of Walk The LIne, and write 968230952 pages of work.Okay so it was more like 5.
So are you sure you want me to blog everyday? Because I am obviously lacking something, like a life.
Because I am a big fat blog stalker and a bitch, and because I am suffering from a migraine, air in my stomach and full-time mengadaness, I shall talk about types of people I hate.
I was actually having this conversation with Angela in which she asked me, “Eh which kind of girls do you hate the most?”
I promptly answered, “Those who like to act cute and young and refer to themselves in the third person.”
For example, I might say, “Audrey is soooo happy today! Because her sWeEt AnD lOvInG BaBy bought her a new bag!”
Doesn’t that work better than a finger down your throat?
Why? Why? Why do you insist on making yourself sound like you’re an airhead lacking proper speech capablities with the mental ability of a 2 month old? I will never understand it. It’s not attractive, it’s not cute, and it makes me feel like you deserve to have your nose broken.
Angela asks again, “Then what kind of guy do you hate?”
“Those that cry.”
Hahahah ok not exactly those who cry, but I hate guys who try to act sa jiao/manja/teh towards girls and those that use fucking animated emoticons in MSN conversations.
You know, those that when you tell them you can’t talk to them anymore because you have to go eat dinner, they freaking put an emoticon of some unknown anime character flooding himself with tears.
Are you a man or not? Can you please stop snivelling on my shoulder? And while you’re at it, let go of my ankles.
I’m telling you, I don’t care how many times you whine “But I’m a SNAG!”*, no girl is going to even stand next to you if you’re going to keep looking at her with sad eyes and pulling at her sleeve *metaphor only la*
Girls want a real MAN ok, you know like those that wear loinclothes and thump on their chest?
Wtf wtf. No la, but they would probably like you a little more if you play it cool and don’t call her 5 times a day to ask her sweetly, “HI what are you doing” and if she asks you why you called, never say “No reason ark.”
(Alnother good thing to remember: Never call her and say: Oi where are you?”
Other types of people I find really annoying:
Girls who open their eyes so big when taking photos that you can see their forehead creasing. I always feel like squeezing my eyes shut when I see pics like that. But everybody hates them so I kinda feel sorry for them now.
Those that threaten suicide to keep the partner from breaking up with them.
Those that use random Japanese words and phrases in their conversation. God, do I hate them. They like to type “Angel des~!!” in their Friendster profiles and when encouraging a friend, write “Kanpatei” instead of Ganbatte, and also ask repeatedly if you think they are “kawaii desuka~~?”
Just thinking about it makes my migraine get worse.
I was watching this Taiwanese show where they were demonstrating how to curl your hair. And one of the models kept shouting at the top of her voice “Kawaii!!” everytime the camera panned to her. Oh yes, she would also tilt her chin down, open her eyes wide and smile with her mouth closed everytime the camera neared her too. I don’t know Chinese so I don’t know what she was saying, but I’m sure if I did I would have realised that she was referring to herself by name too.
ThOsE tHaT tYpE LiKe ThIs. But everybody hates them too.
Guys who think they’re all that and that every girl likes them.
But at least I’m not like Ben who says he hates “girls who are fat but wear damn little.”
* SNAG – Sensitive New Age Guy