Like a thousand other people, I went to watch Grease at Dewan Plenar/Plenary Hall.And I hated it, not because the moral of the story sucked, but because they exercised full creative license and freaking changed the whole story.
Actually I have nothing against the story line of Sandy changing her identity to fit in more with Danny and his friends. There’s no need to be so politically correct / righteous / have such a big stick up your ass.
So she changed her dressing for him. He also changed for her what. From a bum / hardcore bad boy, he took up track and started wearing a letter jacket what. It’s just a light story la no need to get your panties all in a bunch over it.
Speaking of politcal correctness, there are these two girls at Mt Holyoke who are freaking uptight. See on Facebook, which is like Friendster, except for college students, we have Interest groups like Friendster too.
So there’s this Facebook group called “I’d Trade my One Card for a Night with Johnny Depp”.
(One Card is the MHC all access card for entry into buildings, swipe card for meals, ID etc, aka v. v. important piece of plastic)
Then those two idiots, who are very tight-assed and feminist and politically correct, came up with their own Facebook group to retaliate =.= “I Would Never Trade My One Card for a Night with Anyone Because I Need It”.
Like WTF!! Get 20 cents and go buy yourself a sense of humor, can or not?
Cannot take a joke ar? It’s just a freaking Facebook group, I’m in it and I dont even think Johnny Depp is that hot.
Okay so back to Grease.
I hated it because the two leads were terrible. In the movie (which I loved), Sandy was this innocent, sweet, naive person who was very endearing. In the musical, I was stuck with the feeling that Sandy was only pretending to be sweet, BECAUSE OF THE WAY HER VOICE SUDDENLY SUDDENLY SWITCHED OCTAVE AND BECAME DAMN GARAU AND FIERCE.
WTF!! It’s like watching a transvestite in action. (No offense to transvestites) Or Ursula in Little Mermaid who sometimes acts sweet but halfway thru, her voice always changes register and she starts yelling in a hoarse man voice.
Now to Danny Zuko. I fell in love with John Travolta in the movie okay. But this stupid Danny Zuko was damn wimpy – hardly said anything, even gave up the Greased Lightning song to Kenickie to sing *sobs*.
What a complete waste of money.
The best time we had the whole day was taking pictures. Heehee I love this one.
We bumped into Jolene! I was too busy looking at her shoes to notice it was her:D