For reasons I shall not disclose (not until I get permission from Mummy Ooi anyway), I am so fedup with the Malaysian police system!
Are we going to fulfil Wawasan 2020 or not! Why in 2007 are we still so corrupt and bribing police and other forms of authority left and right! Are we a civilised people or not!
I know I know! Before this I did bribe traffic police whenever they caught me speeding or driving over white striped areas wtf. And yes I bribed to pass my driving exam too. Cos everyone says its normal (in Malaysia at least) and it saves you the hassle of paying saman/retaking the test.
But never again! The next time a cop asks me for money I’m going to throw my license in his face and ask him for a saman wtf. Do you know what bribing can do?! Keep an innocent man in jail, that’s what!
Yes! You can only be detained for 24 hours before the police have to release you, but the evil fuckers bribed the police to say the seargeant in charge of the case is in hospital wtf so bail cannot be paid!
What is this nonsense! Obstruction of justice that’s what! What kind of a world is this, if the police are neutralised by just a few hundred ringgit and you live in fear of gangsters and acid and paint thrown over your wall wtf.
Why is our country so corrupt! Watching tv, you can see that America apparently has all sorts of conspiracy plots among the FBI and CIA or whatever but what we have here is ridiculous!
I am going to mogok! After I graduate, I am going to try my best not to come back here to work! Don’t want to give you my skills/manpower and money! Only going to come back here for holiday.
If only the government weren’t so damned sure of their position. You see, this is why we have to vote for a party other than BN! Not necessarily to overthrow them, but just to scare them. To make them realise that they should be doing a better job to keep voters.
It’s the same when you’re buying a product. Obviously when buying something, say a tv, you have a few models on the market to choose from and you can choose the one you think is best. But if there’s only one fucking tv maker i.e. monopoly you have no choice but to purchase whatever fucking crappy model they put out, at whatever price they decide to charge.
Same thing la! If there’s one poltical party monopolising the nation, we have no choice but to accept whatever they dole out to us. So stop being a peasant and thinking that we have to vote BN because what if PAS or DAP get in control what is going to happen to our country because that is never going to fucking happen, BN will always stay in power and all we can do is keep them on their toes.
This is why, ideally I would build my own country. Audreyland wtf.
It would have Malaysian food, Japanese manners and American forthrightness and warmth.
And anybody caught accepting bribes will get hukuman mati di kerusi elektrik wtf.
And thieves will get their hands chopped off wtf.
I would pour the budget into education because education is what drives progress. And I would never have quotas of any kind; everything is going to be merit-based.
And freedom of speech. Actually I’ll just photocopy the whole American constitution for my country wtf. If you want to blog bitching about the governemtn (me) you can go right ahead. How else am I going to know how to improve myself right.
Oh ya my pangkat is going to be princess wtf. And that will be the highest pangkat in the country.
Princess Aud. wtf.