AudAtMoho/USA AudNerd

My thanksgiving

Yes, well, I did go for Thanksgiving with Gayle’s family.

See I didn’t plan to go – on Wednesday night I went to do trash and I didn’t know my door locked itself and I was locked out of my room T_____________T

I had to call Public Safety to let me in, and they took a good half an hour to come magecibai.  So I sat in the lounge to while the time away by playing the piano wtf I don’t even know how to play the piano (I learned electone ok ) and they took so long that I had already played all the Chinese songs and nursery rhymes I know and Chopsticks and I was moving on into Martina McBride before they finally got here T___________T

And I kena fined 15 bucks for getting locked out T____________T

Anyway I was so pissed about it that I really didn’t want to wake up early the next morning to go for the Thanksgiving lunch.  I planned to wake up at 8 and call her to cancel, but when I did nobody picked up the phone!

So in the end I had to go T_________T

But I’m glad I did because they’re really really nice people!  Although I really suffered trying to stay awake in the car because I’d woken up so early 8am ok! And I’m terrible when it comes to moving vehicles I sure fall asleep wan I swear it’s some kind of disorder.

So I sat there strapped to the back seat wtf for 2 hours to Rhode Island cos they wouldn’t move until I put on my safety belt and clenched my jaw to prevent my yawns from showing and took really long blinks and pinched myself wtf damn suffering la omg.

Seriously everytime you wake me up before 12 it’s a no-go wtf. My earliest class this semester is at 11 and even then I’m struggling to keep my consciousness.  Don’t know how I’m going to survive the working life T___T

This is the family: John the husband, Grandma, Sarah the daughter, me, Gayle.

See this is why I don’t like taking pics with white people wtf cos I look so dark next to them while they have skins of glowing happiness wtf.  I had hardly any makeup on somore, cos I thought I wasn’t going to go T_T

The food was delicious though!  We had turkey and cranberry jelly and soup and salad and peas and stuffing and squash yummmmmmmmmmmm.

It was a very eventful day.  Grandma lives in a home for war veterans wtf cos she was a nurse in WW2.  And she told everyone she saw that I’m from Malaysia I guess I’m some sort of novelty wtf.

And then oh blessed stars!  Me and John had to assemble Grandma’s DIY table drawer set wtf.

Cos he said he’s going to do it and he asked who wants to help him.  Gayle said “Not me” and Sarah said “not me” and I don’t dare say anything cos they so nice pick me up and take me out to eat so this is how I repaid them.  By being hard labor wtf.

Obviously I wasn’t much use because we kept making so many mistakes and had to gostan and unscrew shit and redo it all over again.

He’s getting ready to beat me wtf cos I took a picture right after he screwed up again ahahaha.

ButI guess they thought they had some kind of wood wizard with them cos I told them I did carpentry in highschool.  Under Kemahiran Hidup ok!

I helped also because I really wanted to go home early and do my assignments wtf but both of us took the whole afternoon to build the table it was that hard ok!

Some more the table was apparently under the “easy” category for DIY; I shudder to think how long it would have taken us if it wasn’t.

Ya so my Thanksgiving was  spent building someone’s 91 year old grandma’s wardrobe wtf.

Good thing they were so nice and the Grandma was so cute.  She sat on her bed looking at us sweat over the wood and like 5 minutes later she would say, “oh so you’re fixing the leg in / oh so you’re screwing it in now” wtf.

And John would be like “that’s right mom, can’t fool you” wtf hahahahahah they damn cute.

The finished product!

So my break’s been all about work.

Got bored so I took a picture of my wall.

And I did more work.

And then I drew my self-portrait for my art class.

Which caused me undue stress wtf.

Cos it was fucking bad ok!

I showed Yeff on webcam and he said “why so suck wan HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” wtf.

And I showed Suet and she took a step back and shouted “what’s wrong with you!” or something to that effect.

All I can say is I’m glad the picture looks nothing like me wtf.

Comments (20)

  • you are damn cute, aud 😉

  • Scan the potrait in la haha

    Awww I see The Club on your wall wtf

    Miss you wanna kiss you wtf

  • hey aud. i know this is totally unrelated. but did u get your stuff from yesstyle yet? are they within expectation? i wanted to place order but not sure if i could trust it.
    happy thanksgiving!

  • do the shortcut la. haha. take a portrait, print black and white, then trace!

  • the portrait’s fine- altho it doesnt look like u, haha. but the hair is really nice! =]

    grandma’s REALLY cute!

  • Haha.You’re sooo adorable! =D

  • hahhaha the grandma soo why you take arts class isnt it hard? I can’t draw at all..altho ur portrait doesn’t really look like you, but at least better than my drawing..I drew a catoon-ish airplane and my bf thought it was a dog..sad la..

  • Hi!

    Ok, so you’re self-portraits doesn’t look like you but at least its looks like someone (i.e a human being)!

    I love your wall. You’ve never shown that part of your room and I’m glad you got so bored that you finally took a picture of it 🙂

  • oops.. you’re=your and portraits=portrait (what happened to my grammar!)

  • I was locked up of my room also. Called the landlord and he refused to drop by on a Sunday night! At the end, my house mate managed to open the door with a card! Luckily the landlord didn’t make it or else we will have to pay him 50 pounds just to open the stupid door.

  • hahaha why didn’t show the portrait from front wtf. don’t worry i’m here now, we can watch war and beauty and eat together /boo

  • i see me! 😀

    my love i love you always okay? i’m here if you ever need me. =)

  • i do love the western style on how they treat their family is just way different to the eastern like us

  • hey! good to hear that you had some turkey. hm.. i notice that your eyebags are getting better.. must the the extra rest you are getting lately.
    fyi – dont worry, you do look cute ya? =)

  • kh: thank you:)

    jia meei: never! wtf. ya mostly pictures of the club /boo

    min: i haven’t gotten my stuff yet. will let you know when i get it:)

    ron: ohhh why u so sneaky wan! haha no la she said no drawing from photos so i tried to be honest.

    meilin: that’s only cos u haven’t seen the portrait up front. it scares me T________T

    li ean: hehe thank you! but what did i do that was so adorable?

    sarah: dog HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH yea its really hard but it’s fun:)

    suzie: haha is my wall that interesting!

    mei: god why didn’t i think of a card wtf.

    sweat: sorry for being such a downer todayi love u=((((

    tze: i love too=(((

    kimfei: to put them into nursing homes? wtf

    crash: why are my eyebags so important to u! =.= i’m actually getting less sleep these days so i don’t think it’s the rest haha. but thanks:)

  • Hahaa.. Grandma very cute!

    Anyway, at least you can draw something. I can’t draw anything at all! I guess I’m not creative at all lor.. =P

  • omg, you looked like bree from the lonelygirl15 video series in the 7th picture! compare it with this:

  • haha… well, its because you have huge beautiful eyes. so it is hard not to notice.
    alright, no more eyebags here. later


  • Audrey: it’s not about creativity! it’s about training your eye to see and then successfully transferring what you see onto paper:)

    air: haha no i don’t! other than we’re both looking down, she looks totally different!

    crash: aww thanks haha

    angie: YALAH SHADDUP LA im scared to look at it T_____T

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