AudAngry AudRubbish AudVanity

Pet peeves

Felt like writing a whole long wordy post today!  (plus I have no photos to post wtf)

I like making lists!  Right now I feel like writing one about things that annoy me.

Now I’m not really one of those people who are anal about stuff or who get all fidgety when their pens aren’t lined up according to the sequence of the rainbow wtf.  I’m the messiest and most chinchai person I know — -see Tim just lectured me for leaving my jacket on the bed wtf.

And now he just said “like father like daughter.”

I looked around and said “what what?”

He said “what do you notice about your shirt?”

I looked down and realized I had it on backwards hahahahahaha.

Anyway I kinda had a hard time coming up with things to say! But as I wrote I found I don’t like it when people do certain things. Here goes.

1. Talking too soft

Ok fine I don’t really get annoyed by this.  But isn’t it frustrating to talk to someone and have them reply in such dulcet tones wtf that you can’t hear a thing?  When that happens I inadvertently go “hah??” loudly and almost always when the person repeats herself I STILL cannot hear it!  Then I just pretend I heard it and nod and agree.

But life sucks when actually what the person said was a question and you nod and agree and she stares at you like you’re  a monster haih then you have to force a big laugh and say “eh sorry I didn’t hear you what did you say again?” FML.

2. Crunchy fries

Crunchy fries give you nothing but a toothache and a deep thirst!  I love salty and soggy fries yum!  Sometimes I make my own soggy fries by leaving them in the paper bag long enough for the moisture to soak back into the fries oh god I’m salivating now and I just had fries for lunch FML.

3. Incidentally, people who eat my fries


Actually no!  Eating my SOGGY fries is the worst possible thing you could ever do to me.  Fat Her is the biggest culprit.  He’s like the World No1 Big French Fry Eating Monster and as a kid I’d always feel like crying when he ate my fries.

To make matters worse, every time we went to Mcds I’d ask him to get an extra fries for himself cos he always orders ala carte but he never did!  He’d say he didn’t want fries and then proceed to gobble down his burger then eat all my fries T_____T

Now that I’m all grown up now and have my own money to buy fries, I don’t feel like crying anymore but I still pin you with a sharp eye if you reach toward my fries wtf.

4. People using their fingers to push my head

I find this immensely rude.  I know most people are doing it in an affectionate manner but please, my neck doesn’t need the exercise and my hair didn’t roll out of bed looking like this.

5. When Ooib doesn’t flush the toilet

Ok so he hasn’t done this for years.  But when we were growing up and sharing a bathroom, I used to get so angry at him whenever he used the toilet and didn’t flush.  Which was like ALL the time!

I yelled at him.  I screamed to my mother.  I made posters telling him to flush and stuck them all over the bathroom.  I threatened not to clean the toilet.  All to no avail wtf.

He still didn’t flush.  The toilet still stained all shades of ochre.

I still had to stick the toilet brush down the bowl and have it come back up covered in brown glop T____T

Thankfully he hit his stride in puberty and also learned how to hit the flush lever in time T_____T

6. People who don’t listen

In the past few years I’ve met so many of them!  Quite a few from Mount Holyoke/Amherst/Hampshire wtf.  Sad but true — a lot of Mt Holyoke women would prefer to hear their own voice rather than yours.  Maybe because you’re shorter, look younger, have a less assertive voice I don’t know but I had quite a few experiences with people from school who wouldn’t listen to what I was telling them and then screwed up our assignments.

That’s not to say Malaysians don’t do it too.  Actually I do it too wtf for example a few months back Chris and I both wouldn’t listen to each other or back down from our arguments and our whole team had to sit in the office until after 12 listening to us bicker over the same point wtf.

But I get really angry when I’m trying to explain the situation and someone totally cuts me off, doesn’t bother to listen to what I have to say and fcks me up thinking that they are entirely right.  Argh i want to break something!  Like their head.

If I wanted a one way conversation…. I’d have gone to the MACC WTF WTF kidding *hastily

7. Self-righteous people

People who sneer and bitch about other people (including those who do it on Twitter) over petty small things make me angry. Honestly, I laugh and make fun of everything under the sun — like my father, religion, myself, long nips WTF you name it.

And I’m not the most tactful or sensitive person in the world either.  I whine quite a lot and I’ve hurt people by saying wrong things.

But people talking and ganging up on Twitter or blogs or whatever to sneer at some unfortunate girl who’s worn the wrong top.  Or belittling someone who’s maybe done something debatable, not really wrong, but something you wouldn’t do yourself.  I think it’s malicious, you sound bitter and it’s a bit of mob mentality too.

8. David Archuleta

ARH I CANNOT STAND HIM.  I loved him in American Idol but what has befallen him and who wrote all his songs? Beethoven? (post hearing era that is wtf hahahahaha ok I am going to hell *resigned)

Comments (32)

  • wtf long nips? u mean u got big nipples???

  • hahahha so farnee!! good read after studying for 3 hours straight T_T

  • yeayeayea !! sonohito does it too ! he always say he doesn’t want fries but when i order he’ll eat mine !! makes me damn angry !

  • what? what? what? how come i have so many honourable mentions?

  • I was going to ask exactly what KimberlyChun did. CAPITAL WTF?

    Haha! Haha!

    I was going to comment on something, but I forgot as I was laughing.

  • hahahaha nice one! I have this friend who talk really softly in Uni too and everytime she sits next to me in the uni bus, I can’t wait to get to my destination coz it is sooooo stressful talking to her! And i guess she must have been so stress talking to me as well since I ask her to repeat almost every sentences 😛

  • HAHA.The whole father and fries thing is so true cause every time I ask my dad if he wants anything from McDonalds to eat,he will say NO but end up eating my fries and my burger! and fries is usually the one we want them ALL by ourselves! so annoying!

    I must not be a fries stealer father next time! *remind self* wtf

  • OMFG!!! I love soggy fries too!!

  • hahahah and what’s her name ah ?? the girl who spoke so soft I was damn annoyed ?

  • arghhh!!! true true true!!! softspoken people kills me!!! sometimes i rike soggy fries too. has to depend on my mood. muahaha. but i no rike crunchy fries. can’t chew properly also! ;(

  • I’m guilty of loving soggy fries too!
    FINALLY,people who understand the awesomeness of soggy fries!

  • kimcun: i meant long nips not big ones! and they’re not mine ok hahaha

    sweatlee: thank u i do try *modest wtf

    angie: yea la say don’t want already then don’t eat la!

    fat her: everytime i kena u also kena. now it applies to tim too

    lisa cheah: hahahaha it’s a very long story but those aint mine!

    chefmel: yea very stressful and you start feeling nervous right hahahaha

    andrew: yea pls use this blog entry as a reminder!


    angie: swing hahahahahaha *hopes mild doesn’t read this

    yumii: yea crunchy fries are hard and just break in ur mouth >(((

  • T_T

    I am guilty of #1 – it’s not that I don’t speak loudly enough, it’s that I tend to mumble a lot.

    *notes to self – speak properly*

    Agree with #7 but Asians tend to have a mob mentality inbuilt. That’s not to say that Caucasians don’t, they have been stupefying mobs too, but it’s that individualistic society vs community oriented society thing.

    How does the saying go?

    The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Unfortunately, I stick out. :p


    Soggy fries = old fries. I like crunchy fries straight out of the deep fryer!

    Okay, if I get soggy fries I pass to you. I hate soggy fries.

    Crunchy fries are awesome!

  • hey audrey..cant stop laughing..ROFL
    u are damn so funny lor wtf.hahahaha..ya..that’s so true for the fact#3 I hate the most when my bro come across me and took my fries!!

  • sherve: yea the flavor is indescribable right 😀

  • This post is so funny! Just in time to cheer me up after a bad start this morning.. 🙂
    haha i don’t like it when ppl talk too soft too…i’ll end up just nodding my head like u did! LOL

    and I LOVEEEE soggy fries! yummylicious 😀

  • Hah, you’re like the only other person I know that loves soggy fries like me. So when I go to McD’s or BK with my friends, nobody fights with me for soggy fries! 😀 Er… but then I don’t get as many because there are far fewer soggy ones than crunchy ones… 🙁

  • eh is like the first time im visiting your blog after you went BOooOmmm….and i was reading your “why i use wtf so often” page…Awww…cant believe you mentioned me in it..hahaha…taken back..really taken back…lol…so…after this global ah?? wtf…not sure whether you would read this though… getting married.>!! wtf wtf…

  • yeaps! i love soggy fries too!

  • i love big fat juicy fries! wtf

  • omg regarding #5, i’m having the same problem with my brother. and he has already reached puberty!! T_T i mean, he does flush la but half flush only or something wattabish want to save water also not that way la. are all boys like that? -.-

  • #2 – finally i shared something in common with people. my friends always thought i was weird to like soggy fries. but it is undeniable delicious!!!!1

  • I HAVE to agree with #1! One my ex-boyf spoke so softly over the phone (imagine its over the phone so its worse judging the distance…the cracking sound..ok, am not making sense but you get it rite?) and i had to ask him to raise his voice only to find him a little hurt becoz he thinks that its romantic to speak softly. *SWT*!

    And yeay! I’m not the only one (who people think is weird) to like soggy fries! =)

  • Luckily I didn’t touch your head before =D

  • yeah i agree. i dont like people talking too soft. i feel like cant breath. aish tak boleh ckp kuat dan cergas ke?

    and i agree with you. i dont like people touch my head with their hand. hish jahat.

  • huai bin: oh that’s true about the asian community! and yay we can be mcdonald TM buddies ^^

    xinyi: hahaha thank u!

    peachypeach: yay i cheered u up!

    chopstick: apparently a lot of ppl in my blog like soggy fries too!

    chris: hahaha oh thanks a lot chris how long have we known each other and now only u read my blog wtf

    evenstar: yay for soggy fries!

    bs: me too!

    rei: EH MY BROTHER SAID THE SAME THING HAHAHA. he didn’t get it that i have to waste more water trying to scrub hardened stains off the toilet T___T

    theprovence: yea its so good!


    tian chad: hahaha pat is ok just dont push it 😀

    dianna: cant breathe hahahaha. pat head is ok but i dont like it if ppl push 🙁


  • HAHA I HAVE TO AGREE WITH THE SOGGY FRIES YAY. I love soggy fries hi 5*

    but why la david archuleta!!??
    I LOVE HIM SO MUCH CAN DIE (spot my last name hahahah)

  • Long time din comment already. I actually like those fresh, crunchy fries. But I’ll eat soggy fries just the same. =P But I’ll be happier eating crunchy ones.

    Why is it that we always nod when we don’t understand or can’t hear something? HAHAHA It’s always like that. And somehow it’ll end up to be a question and we had to admit that we did not get it.

    I’ve met soft speakers but they don’t really get on my nerves since I don’t meet many of them. But in Spanish class, everytime the lecturer say something we, say, ‘Si.’ but actually we don’t know what she’s saying. And I am always the one who ‘Si’ the loudest so my classmates will come and ask me but actually I also don’t know what she’s saying.

    Nice read after a long day of studying. =(


    I do what you do in #1 also 😀 Most of the time I can’t hear what my friends say T_T so I just nod at them and say yaya. haha.

    And and, my brother still doesn’t flush the toilet all the time T_T Worst thing to wake up to is opening the toilet seat cover and finding toilet paper and brown stuff still inside T____T

  • I hate people who talk so softly too! and I kinda get into the situation very often too where people just stare at you too waiting for answers T_T

    And I kenot tahan david archuleta’s songs on radio playing non-stop. It’s killing me!

  • hahahhaha i love those crunchy fries and usually pick those soft limp fries out or just gobble them out of pity. feel bad if i don’t eat it. we can be fries mate lo i give you those soggy soggy one..

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