AudCamwhore AudEveryday

my week in kodak moments

Feel so deja vu when I type this but it’s been an yet another (emotionally, physically and mentally) exhausting week.

Lazy to emo already the Miss Trunchbulls of the world are not worth it.

Anyway, Imma be lazy and just do a week(s) in pictures cos I realized I haven’t put up daily photos for some time.

Sorry pictures of my face first wtf.

Had some time some time back (wtf) so I decided to try out one of the looks from some Popteen issue (a lot of bottom eyeliner).  Looked okay la but I chose the wrong time to put on so much makeup (morning fml) and spent the rest of the day looking like tranny.

Some other day don’t even remember when already.

Woke up with flying hair and still thought it was nice WTF.

Either I am too vain or have terrible taste.

Ok la haih I admit it I got weird taste I used to wear a Mickey Mouse keychain on my jeans thinking it was damn cute wtf.  And matched pink socks with turquoise sneakers GOD WHY.  And purposely put mismatched shoelaces through the turquoise sneakers T_T *nauseous

And Sanny (whom we met in Hong Kong Disneyland last year) came down to KL for the weekend!

I drove!

I don’t drive very often so every time is a momentous occasion and (if I am wearing makeup) I make sure my passenger captures the fleeting memory on camera wtf.

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

(my Tshirt says TO ARTHUR! damn cute right!)

I have no nose.

These were Polaroids btw but I fucked up the color so badly I had to make everything black and white or sepia -___-”

Guinness St Patrick’s Festival last Friday which was a very fawesome event!

Unfortunately I was working so I couldn’t go around or take as many pictures as I wanted T_T

Above photo is stolen from Wombeh.

They had an amazing amount of stuff going on.  I think they were going for a parade slash festival feel and I think they did very well!  There were mimes, clowns, guys on unicycles, people in crazy St Paddy costumes, caricature artists and COMEDIANS!  (@kuahjenhan that is you) And a lot of Guinness and food.

And best part they even had an Irish dance performance!  Damn cute dancers all dressed in quirky green outfits doing the Irish jig!

This is my picture *crappy

I don’t feel like my BB camera is good at all! Why everyone says the camera damn chun (for a phone one) ah all my pictures come up like shit.  Or like there’s a piece of plastic over the lens blurring everything.

But the point of the picture was the very cute Guinness pint made of balloons!

Bali princess goes Irish.

End with fireworks some more I love love fireworks *stupid smile

Wombeh with Saint Patrick WTF.

The other day I discovered Wombeh only had one pillow case, one bolster case and one bedsheet which he kept washing and drying and putting it back on his bed every week WTF so we went sheet shopping *adult

So much more fun than groceries who cares about food when you can sleep on pretty shits sheets wtf.

Present from Ringo T__________T Very touching ok she pulled me to one side the other day and said she had something for me and it was this T_______________T She said cos she knows I like Dolly Wink too why is she so sweet I was so touched thank you bali princess T____________T

After a tiring week it’s nice to stay at home with nothing to do but read or go yamcha in shorts and flipflops *bliss

Went to three Old Town White Coffee outlets or variations of it in one day FOL.

By the 3rd coffee shop we were all ordering air suam WTF next time just bring our own water tumbler there and borrow cups from them wtf.

Time to read myself to sleep now 🙂

Comments (14)

  • I like Tim’s choice of sheets. Very pink and flowery if I must say! 🙂
    Unless you had something to do with that decision. Because its so cute and so you!


    Hope next week is less stressful for you 😀

  • You look very cute in that St. Pat’s hat!

  • u worked at the event? like BEP’s visit that time… >_<

  • Hey Lisa,

    Sorry to disappoint you Lisa but we didn’t end up buying the PINK sheets. I… just… I can’t do it… i cant sleep on pink sheets and wake up in the morning still feeling like a man. I’m not asking for sheets with soccer balls on it but.. just not pink sheets….

  • Fortunately Princess understands. YAy!

  • Haha funny to read Tim’s reply to Lisa.

    Nice to meet you both and sorry for coming late ar. I was bounced by people to other booth again and again because I asked the wrong person…~

    Btw, the hot air balloon lamp is cute wei =)

  • HAHAHAHAH Tim sounds so stressed explaining the “pink sheets”


  • Hahaha! Okay, how can you Tim and You be so cute! Hahahaha! That just made my day! 😀

  • stupid one liddat oso touched



    i am here to be mean wtf. ya the BB phone camera sucks la why issit like that…

    THAT SAID… the polaroid shots with you… you look damn pretty pretty pretty <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  • You using Bold 2? The camera is pretty good, ask Kim for the settings her pics come out nice.

  • lisa: hahahah that was just the display sheets! in the end we settled for boring adult beige:(

    gypsy: haha thanks!

    cindy: yalor fml T_T

    boss stewie: yay!

    tianchad: haha ya i nearly gave up on you wtf


    lisa: hahaha lisa you are cuter lor!

    cheesie: cos i didn’t expect it ma T____T

    carol: what you mean be mean! cannot la iphone just screws me over wtf.

  • shaolin: yea maybe i dont know how to use it 🙁 i just put it on auto and click away

  • my favorite part was the Matilda reference =)

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