
All you need is hate

I met a blog reader in London a few days ago.  She asked me if I ever got hate comments and I said ya I just got the above comment the day before wtf.

I don’t think I get that many to be honest.  I’m not talking about negative comments cos if they have valid arguments I usually publish them and answer them. Like if someone scolds me shallow for thinking that only girls who wear makeup care about themselves wtf I would still publish their comment cos cannot blame her if she thinks I’m shallow cos I act shallow on this blog wtf.  I believe in freedom of speech so I must practice freedom of speech on my blog!  But once in a while I get hate comments which usually make no sense and sound retarded wtf.

Hate comments are all very standard wan.  First of all, nobody dares to ever put their real name or email address because god forbid the person they’re trying to bash will find out who is trying to sneakily insult them.  Dunno why lo I’ve said negative or bitchy things online before too and I always put my real name and email address cos why be scared if you think you’re right?  If you really hate someone so much why would you not want to take responsibility for what you’re saying?  It only increases the validity of your comment and make sure the blogger knows yours is a real opinion.

Then again, all hate comments sound ridiculous so I guess the commenters don’t want people to think they’re retarded wtf.

Secondly, and I’ll say it again – they all sound fucking idiotic.  They don’t really have anything valid or sensible to say so they say stuff like “I HATE YOU YOU’RE TOO SHORT” or “YOU’RE PLASTIC” or “DON’T THINK YOU’RE CUTE YOU’RE ONLY STUPID” or “DON’T USE WTF ANYMORE SWEATLEE OWNS THAT NOW” (True story)

Really wan.  No matter what you do, if you have a blog, sooner or later they’ll come.  Just like smegma wtf.

To be honest, when I got my first hate comment I was damn upset.  I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I’d shake with emotion WTF.

But then … I got older…and more thick skinned.

I’m short?  True what.  If it bothered me I wouldn’t name my blog fourfeetnine.

I’m stupid?  Okla fine I think I actually have no common sense or street sense but I got straight As for SPM!  And graduated cum laude with thesis honors!  So technically I don’t think I’m that stupid…

Don’t use wtf anymore?  And I should care about what you say because….?

So usually cos hate comments are all inane and usually go along similar lines, I just delete them.  It scares me to think there are such imbeciles in the world.

But I had to talk about this one!

didn’t think that my hurriedly dashed off last blog post of pictures and a few words would provoke a response like this:

Rich ppl continues to be rich, while the poor continues to be poor….some ppl are just so lucky. There are some often who are at the last stage of leukemia and their final wishes are just to watch their dream team MU but they do not have the chance to do so…

I bet you know nothing about MU and yet….

I guess the moral of the story is GET A FREAKING RICH BF!


I had to read it three times wtf.

“Rich ppl continues to be rich, while the poor continues to be poor” – ignoring the poor grammar (pun unintended wtf) but it’s true. I got a B in my econ class so I can’t be too sure but I think it’s got to do with capitalism?

So I THINK this person is saying that I’m lucky because my boyfriend is rich therefore I get to watch Manchester United play and that other people who might be dying don’t even get the chance to even though it’s their final wish?

True ah I dunno anything about MU besides what Ooib drills into me every now and then.  I told Mister Potato (who gave us the passes to their launch and the match) to give the chance to someone else who might better appreciate the opportunity because while I thought it would be awesome to watch them play, it would be priceless for a football fan.

But Mister Potato had a free spot and they very generously wanted to give it to me anyway since I was already in the UK so I gratefully accepted it.   And yes, it was priceless because it was a closed event so no matter how much money you have, you wouldn’t be able to get in.  So what’s that again about being rich?

I had an awesome time in Manchester learning about football and United and I’m not gonna apologize for that.  Why should I?  I was lucky enough to be invited and I hugely appreciate the gesture.  But how is it my fault that someone would die to meet Man Utd but didn’t get to but I did?  Then if I don’t go then you think you can get to go ah wtf.  Seriously what the fuck? Show me someone with leukemia and I’ll show you compassion la ok.

On the same logic, why don’t you stop eating since there are starving children out there in the world?

I do think I have had a very very blessed life.  My parents gave me everything I needed and supported me in all the choices I made.We wouldn’t have been able to afford sending two kids to the US to study but my parents still found a way to do it.  I always told Fatty that I think the Travel God is on my side cos my whole life I’ve always had a lot of opportunities to travel that other people don’t.   I had a very good childhood and no major problems in my life.

I don’t think it’s about having money la sohai.  It’s about being happy with yourself.  And maybe positive affirmation wtf since I’m happy most of the time, good things come to me.  Maybe it’s a whole positive affirmation cycle = happy thoughts => good things => happier => better things wtf.  And clearly you’re not which is why you’re leaving this comment and your life will probably always suck wtf.  Although I don’t hope you get leukemia.

To piss you off further…




Comments (75)

  • wah! i love this post.

  • Haters will always hate. All they wanted is attention from you. That’s what they feed on. Don’t give them any, and they’ll eventually wither and die like their balls. Tough on the keyboard, but loser in real life. That’s all I wanna say. Amen.

  • Can’t believe anyone would talk like that! Jealousy i guess..

  • <3

    What you say are so-true!
    I nvr tot you’re got such excellent result! Cuz i think probably maybe 5a’s.. >< No offense. 🙂

  • it was not few days ago, more like yesterday!! maybe few days for you cos time difference…you’re dedicated! I’d thought you’d be catching up on sleep lol.

    Um some people are dying, their one wish is to live so should you kill yourself and give them your life?

    Also just read that the sponsors have competitions & sends 2 winners to watch every month so instead of writing hate comments, why doesn’t poorsoul steer their concentration on entering in the competition?

    Um I blogged about meeting you & Tim, hope you don’t mind but hop over to read! keep in touch lady & hope to see you soon x

  • You suck!

  • i haet u cuz u’s too pink omg! haet haet haet! 😛

  • thumbs up!! =) actually i’ve been following your blog for years but i couldn’t resist to put my first comment cuz i really love this post.. support u aud!

  • I hate your teeth. True story.

  • I like u Aud…the cute u..and whenever u post anything I would be ready just to read about it….and never mind the haters..let them rote to themselves…as long u being urself and happy about it…its a good thing…hehhee….have fun and GTH to the haters…

  • haha i love this sentence!

    “I don’t think it’s about having money la sohai.”

    the ‘sohai’ in the end just makes it so quinteseential Malaysian haha

  • quintessential*

  • I once received a hater’s comment who cursed me to die within 44 days just because i commented on my blog that I’m not into Indian Food. “Wtf” >_<

  • Just be yourself! がんばって

  • it’s a whole positive affirmation cycle = happy thoughts => good things => happier => better things

    love this quote & agree all the though u written here.

    im following your blog for a year..
    keep it up your happiness ..sweety..

  • i also actually don’t know too much `bout soccer but just make like i do, what’s wrong? is it a crime? obviously, everybody jumps at good opportunities whether or not they really know wtf they’re getting into. as long as it’s “good.” prime example? free gifts. people often don’t know what the free gift is and they probably won’t even have a need for it (e.g. free bathroom scale or something random like that) but you’ll still see people get in line and be all kiasu. FREE WHAT! why don’t want? srsly, the whole “cancer patient” / “make a wish kid” guilt thing is so lame. who even does that? and yeah, i mean if we’re all gonna go around thinking there are some people in this world without clean water to take showers in, then we’ll all go without showers and the whole world will stink. JUST LIKE THAT STUPID COMMENTER. zzzzzz

    you rock lah, aud. just dust the hate right off your shoulder.

  • i hate u also la! u cuter than me! wtf sohai!

    hahahhaha. sorry i just had to add on =p


  • well said!

  • It is true haters will always be haters.

    And like you say, you’re short. It’s a fact. So what?

    hehe.. and you are cute…

    and you can never please everyone..

    most importantly, you know who you are and appreciate all that you’ve been blessed with and anyone who’s been reading your blog (who might not know you personally) can see that you do…

    There will always be ppl who are down with luck and those that are just blessed, no matter what.. but haters will always be haters.

    so, u keep doing what u do and ignore ignorant fools who obviously have nothing better to do but waste time commenting unedifying words that just spoil other people’s moment in life.


  • to girl haters: spread your legs, not hate

    to boy haters: spread your seeds, not hate

    to dunno boy or girl haters: spread butter on bread, not hate wtf

  • I’ve never been able to figure out these people myself. What is the point, really? Nothing really changes just because you leave a spiteful comment.

    But like the caption above says, “Haters will hate”. They are attracted to other people’s success, beauty, brains, and accomplishments like flies will always be attracted to yummy smelling food but ultimately they end up eating shit anyways.

  • I just have to leave a comment to show how much I <3 this post. Btw, aud’s bf is rich coz he earns it lor. He didn’t rob the bank so why you haters bother? tsk tsk tsk..

  • lmao you get it right for every point!
    Me likey you! hahaha
    rich continue to be rich. XD

  • I don’t think you need to apologize for having a happy life! You are a nice, educated woman with a nice family and friends.

    BTW, I had a really weird hater that hated my…CHEEKBONES! I outed them on my blog with their IP address. I also don’t allow anonymous comments because that’a troll magnet.

  • That guy just mainly jealous that you went and he didn’t. Just ignore him. Hope to see your update soon !! =D

  • Haha besides the usual term “wtf” here come the term “sohai” =D =D

    Your blog post sounds exactly like you! ;p

  • That comment is ridiculous. You worked hard to get to where you are now, where you get offered amazing one in a life time opportunities.

  • it is hard to believe that u will get hate comment, coz u are good looking.

  • Yeaaaaa this one I must comment! Idk y but I’m pissed off la. (Even though u know nothing abt me lol) Cos really, i don’t see y ppl give u hate comments. Haihhhh

  • eh i hate you cos you are so cute. bwahahahahaha… aiya those kind of haters should just be ignore. they don’t worth your time ^^

  • ignored*


    ooib must have HATEDDDDDD youuuuuuuu…

  • True true, bet angie thinks the same way too about haters

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.
    I’ve been blogging for more or less 5 years and hell yea! this is true
    “No matter what you do, if you have a blog, sooner or later they’ll come. Just like smegma wtf.”


    I already lost my mood to “argue” or response to hate comments, i think i will just share this post as that’s what i’m trying to say too!

  • Hi there 🙂

    I’d never leave comments here but after i read this blog post of yours, Just cant control myself and pop out to leave u comment 🙂

    Honestly, for the first time I read your blog, I have the thinking of “Heyyyy, this is just a shallow blogger” But then, I found out that actually what you write is very interesting and fruitful. And now I’m a loyal reader of yours 😉

    I reckon the person that leave u comment has some jealousy on you. But just like what you said, think in a positive way, maybe he/she intend to remind you care for the needed person. So, dun feel unhappy with that.

    Just enjoy 🙂

  • something i don’t understand… an end stage leukemia patient won’t be well enough to board an airplane with such a long flight and last till the games either… what was the hater thinking??!?!?

  • spreads some love love love!!!!!
    u know u r audsome like that!!!!

  • Haters gonna hate, don’t let them get to you Aud. *hugs

    You know it’s not like that, and so does everyone who’s your friend. 🙂

    BTW, real HB here, this is my IP address.

  • Omg…You speaks my mind!!!

  • true indeed. happy + positive thoughts eventually attracts great things to our life. dare to dream & live it.! would love to visit London 1 day. haters are just wasting their time. 🙂

  • Under the Haters Prevention Act 2011, haters will soon be hung, drawn and quartered.

  • “Then if I don’t go then you think you can get to go ah”

    Good one!!

  • *THUMBS UP* 😀

  • Wow, rapid response in short time!
    Do wat u think it’s best for urself, it’s you and your loved ones that matters anyway. There always will be haters especially since you can be consider a public figure. Just need to live with it and don’t let it effect you much in ur life. I personally think u r a great person with a caring heart and it’s a blessing that you are enjoying what you are currently enjoying. Continue to do good and don’t stop believing!

  • let the haters to be jealous of you, missy (: People who love you are way more than those who don’t! xoxo.

  • damn i love this post so much!!! <3

  • Dunno what the opposite of scum would be but apparently its attracted to greatness. May the light within you shine brighter blinding them Mother fu____ haters <3

  • well said! *thumbs up* =)

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