
The day I quit Formspring

Title like so drama like that lolol.

Here’s my formspring story.

Bobo for one or two years already had been asking me to join Formspring cos she’s always been quite active on it apparently.

I always said don’t want la cos I was like why would I want to go there and answer people’s questions like very free like that.  Probably the same thing my mom says about Twitter – “who’s so free to go and write about what they’re doing in 140 characters or less” hahaha.

Then one day I realized people like Sophie, QQ and Wendy all were talking about it.  I was like eh isn’t that the site Bobo is always talking about why so much interest let me go check it out like any good blogger wtf.

So I created an account, tested it out…  Not bad wor, I thought.

A big reason why I blog is because I like making jokes and be entertaining.  And formspring seemed like a nice alternative to have because it took up less time than creating a blog entry, and I already had a topic to answer to, no need to think of what to write about.  I also thought it was easier to be funny on fs just because what I wrote had to be bite sized.

So for a couple of weeks I played formspring lo.  Also let’s be honest, formspring lets you talk about yourself unabashedly and who doesn’t like that?

I expected trolls but there weren’t that many actually!

Got some dumb questions here and there and repeated questions which I’d have to answer more than once but issokay.  Fatty and Ooib and Kehrole started playing it too (and Strawberry WTF) and we all formed a nice funny formspring community.

Then the horrors had to come into play wtf.

I saw this on Ooib’s fs one day.


Snake what snake what!  Seriously she thinks I’m stupid in the first place is it get “snaked” by people to be best friends??

I was so angry because firstly, who is this person to comment on the breakdown of a relationship that happened between two people she does not know and has never met in her life?

Secondly, what right again does she have to say that Suet “snaked” me into being friends again?  Again she knows neither of us! With that one line, she implied that:

1. Suet is a snake wtf

2. I’m stupid enough to believe a “snake’s” lies and that after that I or Suet (can’t tell who she means) are pretending nothing happened

3. I’m not close enough to Ooib to talk to him about what happened in their relationship.  Even if I did talk to him, I’m still stupid because I was still eaten by Suet the snake (or whatever metaphor she has in mind)

THEN.  I saw this in my formspring inbox.



WTF!!! Talk about snakes lo!

I cannot believe this person has the audacity to leave identical questions in both our formsprings to get our reactions? As though create trouble on one front is not enough, she had to come  to my formspring to try to incite there as well.

Like I said before, how can she presume to know what exactly happened between the three of us?  Was she a fly on a wall?  Did she install cameras in our house wtf.

Just because none of us spoke out publicly about this does not mean nothing happened.  Suet and Ooib went back and forth for a year or so, trying to figure themselves and their relationship, and of course it was a painful process.

It was also very painful for me because I was caught in the middle between my younger brother whom I guess I’m quite protective over, and my best friend. I was angry and upset at Suet and for a year or so we fought continuously — I was angry and sad, she was sad and dealing with guilt and the prospect of losing my friendship in addition to her relationship.

But this was none of anybody’s business except ours so of course we never mentioned it.  Until this fucker came along.

Then the fella further replied with this…


Serious dafug??? Was she part of the relationship? So clever to say that she knows why Suet and Ooib broke up? Her stupid alleged reason wasn’t even true!!!

Some more she dare say I should not abuse her because she did not do anything to me.  Trying to create trouble between me, Ooib and Suet is not doing anything to me!? And what of her abusing Suet anonymously, in public?  If she can do that, why can’t Ooib or I abuse her back?




These were the comments left by Carol and Suet in response.  Suet was particularly upset because she doesn’t have my rhino skin and not used to disgusting subhuman specimens lurking around wtf.

And then there were all these anonymous questions left abusing Wendy also.  When I responded to them and told them off, I got further anonymous comments saying that I should not have published those.  What? I like to publish so I can scold them cannot? Urgh cannot win.

Then last night I got this.



Seriously -_________-

This one I really got angry and answered with expletives wtf which I kind of regret.

Cos this idiot sounded so presumpteous and smug! What’s with the “can we conclude” WTF?

And who is “everyone”? How can she conclude this when everyone I know sends in job applications through their contacts!?



Stop kidding yourself la.  I don’t know if he/she is lying la, possibly not but then how would I know?  Didn’t even leave a name it could be anyone for all I know, and I would never know if what this idiot is saying is true.

I don’t get the logic at all! Then what if you send resumes through jobstreet or jobsdb? Are those not connections too?  Or headhunters?  What on earth is supposed to be bad about sending in resumes through people you know!?

There are even companies who reward employees who pass on their friends’ resumes and their friends get hired.  Then what are they doing? Bribery isit?

Her logic numbs the mind wtf.

And seriously so what if he/she got their job by themselves? How does that make them better than everyone else?  Does that prove that you’re more capable, more honest, a better team player, a kinder person? No it doesn’t.

Then someone else said this..



So I replied the above.

Then I got the below.



This makes me lose faith in humanity a bit wtf.

I always thought people were inherently nice or relatively intelligent that they can be reasoned with. Formspring proved me wrong wtf.

Although there have been tons of nice and insightful comments (sometimes unwarranted cos I think they view me in a better light than what I really am), I didn’t realize there were also so many judgmental souls in the world.  People who are so quick to jump to negative conclusions about others, so eager to think badly of other people.  And people ever so ready to leave an anonymous sentence or two to try to anger or hurt others.

Wendy and Qiuqiu always talk about The Secret, which bases its theory on the law of attraction.  Law of attraction states that if you surround yourself with positivity (think positive, do positive, be happy for others, etc) positivity comes back to you, and vice versa.

Of course I don’t know if it’s true but I like to believe it is.  It can’t be healthy thinking and doing negative pessimistic things what, even if bad things don’t necessarily happen to you.

But if the law of attraction is true, f all the people above’s lives wtf cos they’re just screwing themselves.

I really don’t need to listen to all this and get irritated by hypocritical cowards lo 🙁 Already not much free time want to spend it on this unpleasant shit ah!

So Imma quit it.  At least for now.  Babai!

Comments (58)

  • LOL stupid trolls.

    Can we conclude that Anonymous got jelly cos she didn’t have any connection and thus ended up in the shitty job that she has now? Wtf.

    I think ppl with connections are more likely to score an interview than the job itself. Cos which employer would be so dumb enough to hire someone and entrust them with a paid position at their company without at least interviewing the person he’s gonna hire?

    At the end of the day it’s still up to the person’s performance la. Say you got the job (didn’t even need to be interviewed) cos Tim is super BFF with your employer, but if you couldn’t deliver would he still keep you in his company and promote you if you weren’t an asset to his company? Is he gonna hire you for the rest of your life cos he’s super BFF with Tim and you’re Tim’s wife? Ridiculous.

  • Chill!! :)) Focus on your wedding dearie and don’t let this break your stride!

  • Ppl who remain anonymous to spite ppl are cowards. Not worth your time to get angsty or upset bout what they say. You can just ignore them, ya know~ =) I hope u are not stopping FS just because of them coz I love reading ur FS as much as ur blog~!
    Btw, the ROM corset dress is gorgeous!! =)

  • The problem with human is that they expect everyone to be perfect. So they judge others thinking they themselves are perfect little angels. No matter they know that person or not they like to squirm into other ppl’s lives & make them miserable. I too am extremely pissed off when I read what that person wrote abt ooib & suet. I mean its already painful enough for them so why do something like this? Quit bringin up other people’s past & get ur own life.

    And what is this thing about connections to get a job? To tell u the truth, I knew this is what ppl would think when I’m searching for a job. I mean my results just wasnt good enough to get a good job myself. So what if I get a job through connections? I need to earn a living ok? We all have the same capabilities anyways..Argh I know exactly how u feel Aud! Why people like to judge others I don’t get it! Bunch of envious jerks out there..

    Sorry that this have to be the reason for u to quit fs. I hope u return though. I really enjoy reading yr fs & ur advices were very helpful.. *hugs* don’t be angry la. not worth it.

  • Gosh! Some people just need to mind their own business rather than bugging others life… Seriously, they have nothing better to do??

  • i’m actually surprised you & xx got on formspring. it’s been around for yonks and pretty much everyone on tumblr has one. it’s definitely just an avenue for more faceless/nameless haters to spew garbage… no idea why anyone would really bother. at any rate, if anybody’s really interested enough to “ask”, there’s always e-mail and your blog comments box. lol. excellent decision quitting. less stress and definitely less heckle.

  • Its alright aud, haters are gonna hate. The person is most prolly jealous of yourlife or something. Cheer up! 🙂

  • So sad you leaving formspring. No more intellectual short and daily updates from you that I can read now. *Stupid jealous bitter presumptuous prick*

  • I got tired reading those questions from your fs too ….It’s good that you quit, even though i enjoyed reading some of the ‘entertaining’ questions like all sai stuff ? ahaahahaaaaa…

  • Shouldn’t we appreciate that there are people who are just like anyone of us, who put themselves out to the public and share their lives with others instead of judging and bashing them without any basis? Whether we like it or not, it is their lives and who are we to judge? It is not their duty to clear any of our doubts or satisfy our curiosity. Try to be in their shoes la. People’s relationship also kuan lei si -.- Don’t even dare to state your name, diam only la wtf

  • I got nothing much to say for the horribly insulting comments people left you, but all I can say is… Be alright, Aud. These people are just assholes, making lives miserable, I guess that’s what they enjoy doing.

  • gaaahhh.. that was the same reason why i quit formspring about a year and a half ago. lots of people talking about your life like sh*t when they don’t even know anything.

  • you should’ve quit formspring a LONG TIME AGO. xD cos when i saw all the comments they were asking you on fb i was like O_O good god why would you want to bring this upon yourself by joining formspring xD

  • Some people are just so jealous of your life that they have noting to do but to provoke you. You shouldnt stop fs because of those jerks, just simply ignore their nonsensical questions that you do not feel like answering.Afterall, its your fs, u get to choose what u want to answer.
    Stay cheerful 4feet9! =)

  • the anonymous is right. you are pretentious, hypocritical and arrogant. its just sad everyone else sucks up to your low attitude to get a piece of the pie

  • for a while i always saw rude questions on ur formspring then it used to always baffle me why got ppl so horrible. as in i think it’s a pretty good reflection of what sad lives they have la that they somehow gain some satisfaction in asking humiliating questions publicly – esp if they can do it anonymously la cuz any normal happy person wouldn’t even think to leave rude horrible questions even if they disagreed with u -_-. haha the way i saw it, the suetbaz questions were probably from some girl who was jealous and bitter over both of them. then the ones about ur job was probably jealousy cuz u seem to have ur career and job perfect. such sadddd people gaining satisfaction from the prospect of affecting u negatively.

  • Don’t let the trolls get to you :X can’t believe they start harrassing your friends and family too 🙁
    Cheer up!! ^_^

  • Sadly, there are lots of people out there who are like this..and they think that just because you blog and u earn money from it means they contribute to your earnings (which in a way true but minimal) and so they have the right to judge and comment. And you’ll get people who say things like, “well, she’s the one who puts her life out for everyone to scrutinize”. These kinda people, find 1001 reasons to prove that what they are doing is right. Sad for them. But I’m sure there are many who loves you and your writing and have brains to think one. =)

  • Hi ! I never wrote there before but i wanted to tell you, you should just ignore these people 😉
    I believe you received a lots of great questions compared to these ones, so why do you bother so much about stupid people ?
    Also, I am sad, I wanted to ask you some questions on Formspring XD

    Anyway, don’t let them hurt you 😉

  • Yerr.. This kind of attitude/people disgusts me /: Why would they wanna say such things, omg. The best way is to ignore them. And you did the right thing to quit formspring 🙂

  • I’m gonna miss you a lot!!!!

    Probably you should try privatize your FS like Suet’s. I think it’s more manageable 😀 Until then, I’ll wait patiently on blog hehe <3

    Stay strong, Aud and keep being cheerful ^.^

  • YESSSSSSS i got a mention on your blog! i is famous!

    *starts practicing signing signature for future autograph sessions wtf

  • hahahahha strawberry damn sohai hahaha

    well fs was fun while it lasted!

  • noooo you stopped your fs 🙁

    it was really nice reading the questions cos you updated it more than your blog, and somewhat more ‘interactive’ for readers i guess.

    feel indignant on your behalf wtf. those trolls are really #nolife and #anonymouscowards.

    please consider starting it up again, and using the ‘delete’ button more…freely 🙂

    or you could just only allow questions from people who have a fs account. think trolls are too lazy to even set one up wtf.

  • well i personally see nothing wrong with getting a job via connection. firstly, as you’ve stated, it’s what you’ve got that determines if you make it big in the field or not. secondly, the world’s never fair, some people just have to try extra hard! they’re babies who’re born cacat and they’re babies who’re born healthy. some babies just happen to have a mum who had connections with god wtf

  • when you announced that you were on formspring, i was so excited because it meant a chance for silent readers to ask you questions. but then the longer you were on FS, i was just appalled by all the rude questions that anonymous people were asking you. including the ones you highlighted, bazsuet and your job. there is absolutely nothing wrong with pulling strings or going through connections in a bid to secure job interview. the most important is the capability to deliver.

    to be honest, most of the trolls sounds like overzealous gits who assumes everything in life and thinks everyones owes them *bitter. you shouldn’t be subjected to such treatment! *hugs


    seriously some of these people are damn stupid. i don’t know which sewer they climbed out of but they need to get back in there and be eaten by alligators WTF.

    hate judgmental pricks like them -______________-


  • There are bound to be SO MANY judgmental souls in the world, but how many actually cross the path of ur life? these people are just some idiots who happened to ask offensive judgmental questions on ur fs, NOTHING BEYOND that 🙂

    The real worries come only when u actually meet them at work everyday, in ur circle of friends or someone from ur daily life.

    i wouldnt be bothered to explain myself to them if i were u (which u didnt really) but wouldnt have said anything more than words of appreciation for such concerns about people of whom they dont even know personally. there is no reason to get upset or angered by people who mean nothing to u at all even if they made offensive comments about u. bcs when u do, u’re de-grading urself to their level of imbecile intelligence.

    well sometimes, ignorance is bliss 🙂

    sorry to be making such a long comment on this but u ought to realise that u shouldnt let people who dont know u personally(especially) to affect u IN ANY WAY 🙂

    have a nice day!

  • Anonymous comments come from those who do nt have the guts to speak up. Usually lonely and friendless. LOLOLOL. Anyway, whats linkedin for if it’s not about to get connections and increase ur chances to get a job? I for one, managed to get my job in Germany through a connection. Don’t take these ppl to seriously. So obvious that he/she hasnt been socializing lately. 🙂 Cheers…

  • smeech: ya a recommendation is a foot in the door but it’s not a guarantee of success!

    irene: orh haha

    mandy: about the dress, thanks!

    amanda: no lor i think even if you had a recommendation if you totally sucked you wouldn’t have gotten a job!

    qgirl: apparently not wtf

    sgrmse: yea i’ve heard of its existence but never actually gave it a try until now!

    charis: thanks!

    jessie: hahaha yalor it was quite fun sometimes also actually

    ellone: why sai againnnnn

    tengteng: haha no la i don’t think putting my life out in public is anything to appreciate wtf. but yalor if don’t like i don’t understand why they keep reading and coming back

    feliciacheong: haha thank you!

    meryl: yalor very tiring :X

    zihwye: dunno la sucker for punishment wtf

    mlt: ok ah see how i feel next time!

    a: awww. at least i’m not you, hate me but still continue to read my blog and stalk my fs :X

    kei: yea a lot of people think because their identities are safe, its ok to say things they normally won’t dare :X

    steeeph: yalor ftl wtf

    pingping: yaya i think not all, but there are a small number who actually think we owe them because they read our blogs. but then why read when you hate me wtf

    ana: yea i got some good questions. hahaha i might start it up later but not now

    shanee: why don’t you ask “a” up there wtf

    cl: ya hor maybe i’ll do that! but too lazy to do it wtf

    strawberry: i teach you! just sign one time then photocopy it for future use. don’t waste your hand power! use it to slap irritating ppl instead wtf

    sweat: ur still on it ok ahhahaha

    emma: ya i did update it more often! oh well see how i feel whether i’ll use it again ahahah

    stars: what’s a connection with god! kuan yin ah wtf

    linlin: haha did you ask any questions ah!

    kehrol: see you later alligator WTF literally

    lol: true ah what you said! it doesn’t bother me that much beyond the first second of reading it but better to just avoid than to tahan that 1 second of annoyance lo!

    grace: ya cowards are the worst villains wtf

  • hi..i’ve been reading ur blog for some time and it is really entertaining 😀 (ok i sound very lou tou haha)

    anyway, i guess life sucks for those anonymous ppl and they just don’t know how to deal with it.or they are just too free.

    Dear Anonymous,

    Rather than provoking other people, better go and *care about the orphans or homeless or old people or abducted kids out there right?.

    At least you(anonymous) can do something good, then maybe life will treat you better leh 🙂

    *Just a suggestion.
    ƪ(˘︶˘)┐ ƪ(˘︶˘)ʃ ┌(˘︶˘)ʃ

  • Dear Aud,

    They are just jealous soul, don’t let them hurt u..

    I also got my present job through connection, but it’s up to the employer whether to keep u or not, if u can’t perform will they still paid u for nothing??

    P/s: I really enjoy ur fs, some are really lame and really can make my day.. It’s a pity that u quit but, better then u keep getting annoy..!

  • Then I cannot read your funny answers already 🙁 I sometimes read people that I follow’s formsprings before bed, & 9gag 😀 But I understand also why you quit, cos if everyday read stupid questions by stupid people, scared make yrself become stupid-er also wtf. Kidding! 😀 You’re awesome.

  • Aw Audrey…it makes me sad to hear about such annoyances in ur life. Don’t let people like that get you down and don’t lose faith in humanity! There are lots of really kind, brilliant people around you, wouldn’t u say?
    I really hope u can go back to FS one day… I’ve personally really enjoyed reading ur replies. Thank u for patiently answering questions while u were on FS!
    Next time just ignore the dumb questions and answer the ones u want to! : P

  • I really enjoy reading about your life and espcially your jokes. It’s good that you have rhino skin. I wish I had some too. My friends are always telling me to get a backbone these days and I’d tell them “ok, ok, I’ll start tomorrow.” And they would say, “you’ve been saying that for the last five years” lol. Stupid me. I was speechless at how well my friends knew me. Srry, I got side-tracked, the point is I beleive that those with ill-intension towards you will not bring you down instead it will only make you stronger and I can see that in you. Don’t get too upset about their words, bc overall you’re a better person than they are (he or she, whichever). Like the saying goes, “Whenever life throws you lemons, make lemonade”

  • judgmental and vicious people around this world…they’re just jelly…ignore them and be a happy bride=)

  • give them a shield of anonymity, and the trolls will use it.

  • Am a loyal follower of yours and Suet’s blogs and this is the first time I am leaving a comment. You girls rock and IGNORE those humans that are not remotely (1)relevant, (2)bright and (3)happy with their lives. Keep up with the interesting blog posts and I would also want to commend Suet (borrow your space here) for her selfless efforts now for Teach for Malaysia. ^_^

  • in my honest opinion, the one asking about your brother’s ex, your brother and you knows you in real life. the way the anon talks about you guys, it’s as if they have something against suet. can speak canto oso what!! unless he/she is some kind of internet stalker which i doubt.. you’ve never mentioned your bro’s fs on your blog n you always say nice things about suet, suddenly someone can make assumption like that ah?? sorry (i admit, i’m making assumptions too) but this person seems to be into you guys punya private life, it’s hard for me to think it’s a random person on the internet one.

    stay happy aud, there are always idiots in this world. x

  • I agree with u. Even u got in the company but u suck at work u won’t even stay for more than 6 months lah!! Plus u won’t be able to climb corporate ladder. U r lucky u found ur future husband and good job through Tim, but u put in effort to make it last and better 🙂 only ppl who been through these understands. But really lah!! Audrey I’m jealous of ur luck also. Born so cute, pretty, humorous, lovable and obviously intelligent, eventhought tru ur appearance don’t look like someone that would make it up the corporate ladder .. Ahahaha. Seriously if I were u I will be so satisfied!!

  • They are people who take it seriously. Either they are jealous of you or they just mainly want to make chaos. Sometimes they know how to say people this and that.But they didn’t apply it to themselves. Just ignore and be a happy bride.. 🙂 *winks winks*

  • super key-poh ppl… i think their life are so boring they have to stuck their nose into other ppl’s life and make a huge drama out of it to entertain their own boring self -.-;;;

  • wtf such dumbasses waste time to reply but don’t reply then later they say silence means you agree wtf strangle :))))

  • ure replies so ganas. i sked. WTF

  • hello audrey, i have been a silent reader till now. but just wanna say don’t let them get u down, u r the best (and still is) GAMBATTE!!! (:

  • I think the most surprising thing I realised after reading this entry was…. What!? Barry is your YOUNGER brother? I always thought you are the youngest one!

    Must be the height thing. :/

  • Aiyah, I tak sempat to ask you questions before you deleted it. Neh mind, can still comment on your blog anyway.

    Here’s something to cheer you up!

    Can use to go for honeymoon! Congratulations on your engagement anyway and I wish you guys the best for your wedding & preparations.

  • It takes a brave person to comment on things with their names on. You can’t please everyone so what I normally do is I please those important to me and you are accountable to them only. 😉 all the best and stay cool!

  • i’ve been reading your blog for ….
    don’t know 4 years plus 5 years? many many years now!

    along the way there will definitely be people who are going to think and send negativity your way because they so badly want all the good things in their live that you have and are jealous souls.

    Let them be, they will eventually burn and disintegrate because they have so much hate and bad stuff surrounding them. (yesh, if you bad people are reading this. i mean you. be nice soon or you’ll end up in flames unknowingly! #truestory)


    anyhoo. though i dont really comment, just to leave one once in awhile to let you know we are all not perfect but i totally enjoy your wacky honest personality from your blog and seeing you in real life.

    From seeing you only in this blog to actually getting to say Hi. LOLs. though you would never remember where or when.

    but just don’t get too upset with losers like those! 😉 You are way better than that.

    omg. wrote way too long comment. 😛

  • Omg you’re so funny when you even bothered to go (omg my canto suddenly so powerful when angry) LOL! So cute!!! XD

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