Recently everyone’s been going nuts about ombre hair huh. While even while I was at Number76 a couple of days ago, there was a girl who reads my blog there who just did pink ombre hair too!!!
But someone on Formspring just commented and said she thinks I’m quite hipster for taking Asian Studies in college.
I definitely didn’t decide on Asian Studies to be different la hahahaha but when she said it, it occurred to me that I do have a streak of hipster in me -_-
Not in the usual emo glasses checkered shirt rolled up skinny jeans sense but a perverse side of me will dislike something or refuse to do something just because everyone else is raving about it.
Like last time I refused to read Kennysia’s blog just because everyone was in love with him lolol. And right now I will not do ombre hair because everyone’s getting their hair ombre-d hahahah.
But I felt like a slight change because I’ve had this blond-brown color for ages. My extensions are ashy but every time I went to do my hair, I just touched up the roots to match with the rest of my hair.
And my hair from ashy had changed to some weird brassy color reminiscent of bile wtf.
While I know the face is cute, please focus on the hair lolol.
This isn’t even very representative of the brassiness.
But see how the top of my hair is quite a different color from my extensions (the long pieces around my shoulders) which are very ashy and have no hint of yellow or orange in them?
This picture shows the brassiness a lot better! Check out my hair at the top of my head. I look like a trumpet for god’s sake wtf.
So it was off to Number76.
I told Hikky that my hair was too yellow and she instantly got it wtf.
She told me that to dye my hair the ashy/greyish color of my extensions my hair might dry out. I asked her if we could just touch up the roots, then highlight bits of my hair white blond to tone down the yellow and so we did it.
Every time I dye hair I transform into an alien temporarily.
But this time I transformed into an alien nearly permanently WTF.
When my hair was done, it was this color:
(Btw no offense to this man ah I don’t know who he is I googled ‘ugly blond’ and got his picture hahahahaah he needs Hikky’s services big time ok hahahahahaah)
The platinum blond did nothing to tone down the yellow! In fact because the color was light, it made the yellow look about a billion times brighter HAHAHAHHA.
This Jammie who was with me some more can lie to me and say she thinks it looks nice WTF HAHAHAHAHHA
But Hikky really saved the day lo!!! When she saw the color she remained poker faced but she gently suggested lowlighting with an ashy shade (a cross between green, grey and blue which sounds gross but turned out awesome)
My hair was saved and I turned human once again.
Btw here I was trying on a very vintage-style, 50s-type swimsuit sent to me by Tricia Gosingtian from her Ilovekoi swimwear line. Not gonna post photos of me wearing it yet since I have the body of a fat ten year old but’s it’s gorgeous! Modest yet pretty and not boring.
Better picture of my hair under proper light!
No more trumpet head!
it’s still blond-brown but with ashy green streaks running through! It looks a lot thicker and more dimensional now too.
I love you Hikky!!!! hahahaha.
Hikky went back to Japan recently and got me presents what did I do to deserve such love T____T
A Control Bear phone pierce. Hahahahah he looks damn stupid lifting up his own head I love him. Maybe Imma start collecting Control Bear merchandise too.
In other daily news….
Currevt favorite top! Lace shirt from Azorias. Hairband is from Emoda <3
Only because I had fabulous hair the other day.
Wedding shoes are done!!! I wanted something very flamboyang and striking so Jillbird came up with a bright pink shoe studded with a flower and Swarovski crystals. Hahahah I love em take that boring ivory wedding shoes! #hipster
But dunno how if I wanna rewear these shoes next time. Wear to tango class wtf if I ever sign up for lessons.
Our wedding gift from Boss Ming. Our very own Coplu T____T
This picture is called ‘Almost There’. So apt because we’re nearly there, on the cusp of marriage. Also, the couple in the painting are working hard together to reach a goal, and I hope that’s how me and Fatty will be for the rest of our lives *philosophical
Thank you, Ming!!! Now can you faster get married so we can return the favor wtf.
Went to a condo penthouse showroom viewing the other day and they served this. Mushroom soup
So cute even the spoon is miniature! They said the flower is edible so I chomped it up like a cow wtf. No taste wan.
Big Foot WTF. HAHAHAHHAAH that’s Ooib’s feet. He got bitten by a weird bug and his left foot swelled up to twice it’s size literally hahahahahaa. He sent me this picture and I couldn’t stop laughing cos he’s wearing his shoes with difficulty hahahahahaha. And his ankle bone is missing hahahahaahahah. He said sadly that he expected me to laugh and generally be unhelpful cos that’s what Ooi siblings do. True ok I’d be surprised if my foot swelled up and he didn’t laugh wtf.
His foot went back to normal already though. Kinda miss it WTF.
Got our rings back from engraving! Can see the words on Fatty’s ring? It says Aud <3 Tim followed by our wedding date No excuse to either of us for forgetting dates now wtf.
Comments (20)
Feels like it was just yesterday you were being proposed too, but in reality your wedding is just around the corner!
Time really does fly, before we know it there will be pictures of little baby Tiah’s!
you’re pretty & congratulation !! happy for you~! love ya
waiting for your next post
I scrolled up and down up and down just to compare your before and after. Kinda hard to see in pictures. Anyway, you should’ve taken picture of your yellow hair!
Just heard ” a thousand years” in my fren’s car and your proposal flash by… XD
i’m loving the cartier ring<3 i want a blond hair too but besides the fact that my mom is super nosy theres not that many koreans walking around with blond hair so i dont think it will happenT_T
I love your description of ash hair colour being the combination of grey, green and blue!! I had my hair dyed dark ash and I’ll see different colours under different lighting( either blue, green or brown) I really thought that my eyes got problem orz ==
nice new hair
it’s more vibrant and looks healthier than before. aww seems like it is getting nearer to the wedding day. excited over your updates for the wedding!
y u so cute? you look even cuter with ur front hair curled in.
hmmmm… u r good in hiding ur forehead =P, never realise on that until the alien pic. Salute! =D
Hey Audrey
And I like your shoe! The flower on it with glitters looks so fabulous mannn!!! Are you going to wear it on your wedding? anyway, may happiness be in you and your fiance’S life and marriage !
You look pretty with curly long hair, be it yellow or light brown, you still look cute
I totally know what you mean! I always dislike the mainstream brands e.g. Ferrari (preferring Lamborghini) etc etc.
It’s an innate personality quirk.
Hey, you look awesome Aud!
Love your new hair, perfect for your wedding!
omfg I really didn’t know Tricia Gosingtian had a shop! I see her on lookbook all the time, AND I LOVE HER STYLE.
And the streaks look pretty cool. You should keep it like that if it doesn’t fade. D:
super dooper love your hair. my hairs in a huge mess n deeply need to colour the roots… need to go 76style soon! hehe. hope u dont mind but im going to tell them i want my hair colour like yours (old old version not current one)
btw… wad lashes do u normally use? its always so pretty!!
i realized I’m also hipster! i used to buy Giordano then i see too many people buy so i now buy Gucci |||(^__^)|||Y (that’s me with long hair doing a V sign)
Why you so cute one!!!! YOu looks like a japanese. I like your hair color. Thinking to dye mine too.
Love love love your hair!! <3 I'll be going to the Mont Kiara branch tomorrow for free hair treatment I feel so excited & lucky!!! And I love your shoes, so special & cute
Can't wait for more wedding updates! Supporting you all the way Audrey <3
I was bitten by some weird bugs and my right leg swellen as well! LOL
Hi Audrey!!
I wrote you before saying hi from Colombia and oh! surprise! what I came to find today on your blog. The ugly blond guy is a colombian soccer player called Carlos “El Pibe” Valderrama (wich means Carlos “the kid” Valderrama) and here, he’s kind of a sports heroe haha. But the heroe status doesn’t remove his ugliness I KNOW hahaha.
As always, nice to read you again!
Happy weeding BTW!
hi audrey,
which salon did u go? care to share?
She goes to number76!!
A COPLU!!!!!!!
i want to go ogle ^__^ coplu works remind me a little of keith haring in terms of color and whimsy