The other day I was walking in Midvalley (heading to Mcds if you must know wtf seriously they should just sponsor me hahaha) when a lady stopped me.
“Excuse me, are you Fourfeetnine?”
“Er yes.”
“Audrey Ooi? Fourfeetnine?”
“My daughter is a big fan of your blog!” And then some other stuff which I don’t remember — I think she said her daughter reads my blog every day or something hahaha.
Most of the time I think I just looked at her in amazement cos she herself didn’t even look that old.
I asked “how old is your daughter?”
She said, “Ten. She’s at school now.”
“TEN!! SO YOUNG!” When she was born I already finished SPM already!!!!
“Ya kids these days grow up so fast.”
And that’s how I found out about my youngest reader yet.
What do I blog about that would be of interest to a ten year old!? I just did a quick scroll through my last few blog entries — pregnancy, babies, weddings, and then maybe makeup and coordinates.
But still which of these topics would interest a ten year old! Please even one year ago, talk about pregnancy and babies would bore me to bits lol. I figure it’s the makeup and fashion then?
Then all I can say is, kids these days are growing up too fast!!!
At ten, I was preoccupied with…. collecting scented erasers wtf. Lusting after Staedtler Luna color pencils (the set with like a billion colors). Catching Clarissa Explains it All and Saved By The Bell on Sundays. Not failing Science wtf. Praying my friends didn’t unfriend me again fml.
Anyway, this is a shoutout to my youngest reader (cos her mom said she’s checking my blog everyday now to see if I mention her hahaha). Don’t grow up so fast! Play more and watch more cartoons please. You’ll have years and years ahead of you to do adult things! And trust me, they won’t be that fun. Hahahah.
I always assumed that my readers are all about my age. But how old are you and when did you start reading my blog? Please comment and lemme know I’m curious now. 😀
Sponsored Mention
Tried shopping at HiShop yet? They’re a website specializing in value beauty and cosmetic products. I made my first order with them and the package came like two days later very impressive!
I got some Stage brush cleaner (I find their products very good leh), diaper ointment for Fighter’s future nappy rash HAHAHA, and a lip brush and blusher for Mumsy.
This is their report card hehe.
A+++ for super prompt delivery. I didn’t expect it for another few days at least.
Payment was secure of course, didn’t get my credit card hacked wtf.
What I felt was good but could be improved was the variety of products and brands they carry, and therefore selection of deals. Especially Japanese products please. ^^ They’re a relatively new store so I’m sure they will add on more in future!
Overall A! Go to HiShop for your beauty purchases.
Comments (169)
I’m now 26 and I’m probably one of your oldest readers here as I’ve started reading your blog since your Mt. Holyoke days! 🙂
after meme proposal, i am 20 now.
I was first introduce to your blog when I was in primary school. Can’t rmb whether was I 10-11? Now I’m 18!! 🙂
i started read ur blog since last year. and now im 22. what i like about ur blog? of cos about make up, and now of cos about fighter.
Primary school!? And why did you like it then?
Ok that’s normal. Hahaha
Hello preggers hahaha
You and your schadenfreude lolol
Lolol. But 6 years ago I hadn’t met Tim also!
Hahaha ok I wish you the best in your future pregnancy wtf
Haha it’s like standard that a lot of people say they read the 4 of us
Isit? I actually thought a few years ago was the peak of blogging and it’s plateaued
Thank you hahaha
Yea I still don’t feel ready sometimes haha
Makes sense cos we’re probably at similar life stages!
Hahaha ya meh I think my blog was more interesting before fml :p
Wah so my readers are aged 10-41 hahaha I’m in awe
Congratulations on your marriage!
started reading your blog when I was 19.. that was during the days when you are in the States with angie and shanshan.. love your blog!! stay cute!! <3
18 ! :DDD
i m 24 hehe.. i think i started to read ur blog since i was 18 yo
I’m 39, started following u after ur proposal meme (dang i feel so ancient compared to your other young readers) i have a son who’ll turn 10 this oct. Only thing he cares about are animes, video games, collecting figurines and i guess other normal kid’s stuff…..guess it depends on the kid’s environment, upbringing and social interactions….. Hehehe…
I’m a relatively new reader, but I also check for updates everyday! I’m 21 years old ._.
19! Now 24… Your posts never fail to make me smile, whether ad or not! 🙂 love tt you don mind making jokes of urself.. Nt many ppl can. Stay awesome!!
Started around when I was 15 or 16. I’m 19 now 🙂
I’m actually 12 right now and I’ve been reading for about 2 years. You and fatty fit so well together and i’m so happy for fighter! I find you super adorable (not cute, remember cute means ugly but adorable) and I laughed when I saw that photo on “I like to move it move it” and I like stitch too! Haha. 😀
Hye Audrey and baby Fighter!!! I’m 20 and i’ve been reading ur blog since after my Spm. I got really bored one day staying at home and i found ur blog. My first impression of you was ” how can someone be this cute?” Heee cant wait for baby fighter arrival. Loves you, keep on updating 😀
Hi Aud, I’ve been reading your blog since I was 16 and it’s been two years now. I’m not speaking on behalf of everyone but not only do I enjoy your blog’s content but I also read for your voice…that is, you clearly show your character/personality in each of your posts. Keep updating! 🙂
Hi Audrey! I’ve been reading your blog since I was 15. Now I’m turning 18. 🙂
Hi Audrey, I’m 27 this year and have been reading your blog for the past 2 years! I remember the first entry that got me hooked was when you broke down at work (oops FYL ;)). That post was inspiring to me as I was at a bad phase of my working life too. I like that you are smart, opinionated, funny and have a pretty good fashion sense. Please don’t stop writing.
Wah that’s an interesting insight. Thank you!
I’m 16 and I started reading your blog in 2010!! Me & my friend saw you once at 76style and approached you while 3 people were dying your hair and we didn’t ask for a photo because we were like eh how can we ask for photo when she liddis!!
I’m 15 and I’ve been reading your blog for about over a year! I really like it because in each of the blog posts we see your personality coming through! Plus, I really like your style! Please keep writing!! 🙂
Hi Aud! I was first introduced to your blog from Cheesie’s blog and ever since then I couldn’t stop reading, heheh. The way you type, the lame humour(sometimes, and not a bad thing hahaha cause lame humour is the best humour there is) you inject into your blogposts never fail to make me giggle or laugh. Your blog shows exactly who you are and I guess most people read it because… it’s like having you as a friend. Hahaha that’s quite melodramatic but that’s how I feel ah.
I’m 19 and a half and been reading your blog for about 3 years I think 🙂
I’m 17 and I started around the time you got married. I learned about your blog through Chessie.
17 😀 After seeing meme proposal on 9gag
About 16-17? 😀
28 now, and I started following since you were studying in mt holyoke.
16! Ive came to know your blog through cheesie but i didnt read yours on a regular basis 😡 But after the meme proposal I was like OMG I KNOW THIS GIRL.. I felt like I’ve know you for a super long time.. Yeah since then I read your blog regular and the things that you do and personality makes everything so relatable hahaha.. nI’m a Malaysian born in Singapore.. So everytime I go kl I wish that I could see you real life but I haven’t leh wtfnAnyway, here’s wishing you to happy marriage, and smooth delivery of your fighter and a life happily ever after.. Okay sorry that its too cheesy wtf hahahahah
Hi there! I got to know of your blog and Cheesie’s too through Xiaxue’s blog. Now, I check your blog everyday on the way home from school. I really love you and Cheesie because you’re so funny! Btw, I started reading last yer when I was eleven. Now I’m twelve!
I really like Japanese Fashion and stuff too
I’m 21 this year: been reading your blog since 15 🙂
I’m 16 and I started reading your blog just earlier this year 🙂 like a lot of other people here I also found your blog through Cheesie!
i got to know your blog when i was 16 (8 years ago). my friend showed me a very cute and humourous girl’s blog in which she used ‘wtf’ numerous times within a sentence itself. 😉 started reading more avidly when i was about 20 or so.
I am 25 years old and started reading your blog around the time you are engaged i think. I Read Tim’s blog first and then also got addicted to yours 😀
I’m 25 years old and I think I start reading your blog before you start dating with Tim. know your blog through Cheesie’s 😉
24 years old. And I star reading since the proposal video. Like you 2 so much!
Started reading when I was 15/16! Am now 18 n_____n