AudAngry AudBaby AudVerbalDiarrhea

How two girls I don’t even know harrassed us and our prematurely born baby

I don’t normally bother with haters/trolls/online assholes because none of what they say usually affects me.

Say I’m ugly? You liar. Lolol.

Say I’m short? True what, and so?

Basically most of the time I’m very thick skinned and overly confident so no comments from strangers bother me much. Lolol.

But I thought a recent cyber bullying incident was something I should write about.

It started when Fatty posted this picture of Fighter on Instagram.  Honestly we thought it was damn cute because Fighter was getting burped here after his meal and his yellow onesie and sitting position made him look like a duckling.




To summarize, these two users @ixirahon and @agentbabypink/@xiiiromaxiii came in and started urging to “pray for Fighter’s soul“.

I got very offended because I thought it was very pantang (taboo) to talk like Fighter was dying when he wasn’t!  It affected me a lot because the truth is, the preeclampsia could have killed both me and Fighter, and the wounds (literal and figurative) and fear were still very raw, and here was this stranger, talking about my baby’s death so flippantly.

I calmed myself down though and decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.  I replied, “can you please stop saying that? he is doing very well and is not on the verge of death. if you want to pray, pray for his health, not his soul.”

@ixirahon replied that she “thought he was about to die 😉 she really didn’t know, and she would not just pray for his soul, she would also pray for his health.”

At this point I still wasn’t sure what her intentions were.  While her tone was nice enough, she didn’t actually apologize for what I saw as a curse on Fighter.  And she put a winking smiley which normally signifies a joke.  Was this a joke to her?

I also saw her leave similar comments about praying for Fighter’s soul on my other pictures but I assumed she had left them before I replied her so again, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and left it at that.

Then further down the thread, her friend @xiiiromaxiii commented that Fighter looked like an alien and included a thumbs down emoji.

I lost it.  I replied:


The next day, I woke up to their comments flooding my Instagram page and Fatty’s.



These two were batshit crazy.

I thought about why I reacted so strongly to their initial comment and I think I figured it out.  While they were saying ill of Fighter, the tone of the comments didn’t seem to be bad.  So the scared emotional mom side of me thought “why would they say this? Do they know something I dont?”

But when they went all out to leave shitty comments it actually wasn’t so bad.  Now I knew they were just trying to cause hurt and would say anything.  I was angry but at least I wasn’t worried or scared.

They left a lot more comments on dozens of our pictures.  Much creepier, they created a new Instagram account, @ixirandbabypink (which has now been deleted) on which they posted pictures of Fighter (stolen from our accounts), chanted condolences and accused me of taking “illegal drugs” hence causing Fighter to be born premature. -_-  Dunno why must specifically say illegal drugs cannot be legal ah wtf.

A lot of people scolded them and looking at the way they replied and posted, they either were (a) genuinely nuts or (b) very very young and also crazy and unaware of how much meaning their words carried.

I found one of their Facebook profiles wtf which I will not reveal here.  The shocking thing is, that girl had a university degree and a lot of her postings and pictures involved a little boy who was obviously her son or at least a child dear to her.  I dunno I can’t read Tagalog.

The other bully on the other hand, I found was married.  Because her husband came and tried to defend her actions.  :X  I honestly thought they were stupid teenagers — it was quite horrifying that they’re probably similar in age and situation to me.

So we are all educated.  We’re all married and at least two of us have a son.  And yet they can do what they did to me.

So I wrote this on her Facebook:

“i’m audrey, the person whom u and your friend have been harassing on instagram. from your fb, you seem to be a nice person who loves her own kid so i have no idea why you would try so hard to cause us pain.

tbh i was upset when you said “pray for my baby’s soul” because you seemed to imply he was dying. but i couldn’t tell if you meant it so i replied you civilly. but your comment about him looking like an alien tipped me over.

does it make you happy to keep saying my baby is dead? what if i said daniel or whoever your child is will die? at least one of you is a wife and a mom so i can’t understand why you can act like this. ironic but you started off saying to pray for fighter’s soul but now i’m telling you i will pray for your soul, you need it more. i hope you grow out of this and your baby is well.

I totally killed them with kindness lolol.  If I continued to reply them angrily they would reply in kind .. so I thought I’d appeal to her humanity.  And there is a conscience to her after all!

Since then, they have both contacted me and apologized.  To be honest I’m not sure if I totally believed them since some things didn’t tally but I accepted their apologies and it’s over.

But I told them that I intended to blog about this to remind people that our actions and words can cause more damage than you think, because you might not know what someone might be going through privately.

Already had to go through a month of hell in hospital then now have to deal with these two imbeciles.  What if I had still been in my depressed state? What if their stupid thoughtless comments pushed me over the edge and I committed suicide wtf.  A bit far fetched la hahaha.  But what if they decided to pick on someone with less support, less stable or weaker than me?

So the next time you want to leave a nasty comment, think again.  I never understood people who do that anyway.

 P/S: I just realized their cyber bully profile on Instagram, @ixirandbabypink is still up, and it’s still full of Fighter’s pics. although they have deleted the nasty captions.  Can you guys please go report it for abusive content/harassment or copyright infringement or something? Thank you!  


Comments (184)

  • Can I say I think you were too nice? I think your response was…extraordinarily kind, and I truly commend you for thinking people capable of saying such awful things about a family that has just been through so much have any kind of humanity or consciousness to be appealed to. I’m not sure if it means anything to you, but your response was actually really inspirational, in the sense that even while going through so much you took the time to handle the situation in an incredibly civil manner. Fighter has amazing parents! (And the duckling picture is my favourite so far!)

  • I can’t imagine what you hv went through. Nevertheless, thank god the baby is doing well. Both of you will be great parents.

  • Even by reading what u wrote, I feel super super angry.. I mean like wtf???!! How can people be this brainless? I will be flippin mad if somebody says that about me! But it’s okay, God is always fair.. They will get wat they deserve.. Curse other people’s kid somemore la… I always believe in karma..

  • Yes I think you were too kind too ! I saw the comments and were extremely disgusted. I too thought it was posted by immatured teenagers. As a mother I recently also received unkind comments regarding my son on FB by someone who used to be so dear to me. I retaliated deleted them from my FB because I wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt my son in anyway not even in cyberworld. I wished I can be as kind as you, yes we all learnt from your post to be careful what you posted on social media. Fighter is lucky to have such great parents and do keep the posts coming. Glad to see how well fighter is growing and his resilience towards life gave us positive inspiration ! My son loves his instra videos. Take care and all the best!

  • Now I regret being too kind because I saw them harassing an acquaintance of mine who also has a baby. -_- other readers also said these people are always doing this to other people who have kids. i wish i revealed their real identities now.

  • based on the comments that were on Tagalog, I’d say they pretty much hated on you for fun. or maybe because they were bored. anyways, I’m glad Fighter is okay. 😀

  • I follow you on Instagram and noticed the stupid trolls leaving all those comments on yours and tim’s insta. i honestly don’t get how some people can even think let alone type these comments about a baby. the world is fucked up. don’t take it to heart, these people have too much time in their hands. i think you and fighter are doing great! and fighter looks so adorable in the duckling photo!!

  • So mean of them.. Don’t b affected by these pple. Fighter is looking good! Cute bb!

  • Oh my…so immature and to know they are/could be mothers, horrors! What legacy of values are they leaving behind 🙁

  • hi audrey, been following your blog and instragram for quite some time and I’m very happy fighter is doing very well! :)nas for those trollers on ig, your response are really “too kind” alr, but this shows how civilized you are and have a high EQ in solving all these problems. well, karma may hit them for the cyber bullying they did nnwill keep continuing support u and your family! jiayou! 🙂 hopefully fighter will be discharged from the hospital in no time. keep us readers updated! p/s.. fighter really looks like you!

  • Aww audrey(addicted to leaving you comments now), you are really such a sweet and kind person for not ousting them even though I think they more than deserve to be! Feel so angry and indignant for you and your family…nAnyway, I think that Fighters really cute( those adorable eyes!) and am really happy for you and Tim that he looks bigger and better everyday. Honest!! nMust be blessings from Heaven because Fighter has such nice kind parents ;)nPs: next time don’t be so kind to such assholes, they don’t deserve it!!

  • Aww….i really can’t understand people like this. And the fact that they’re a Filipino like me is really adds to the disappointment I am feeling. But all of thataside, I hope you and fighter will soon be ok. I am praying for both of your fast recovery. You and your family have really been an inspiration . I miss hanging at your blog. Goodluck with life audrey! :))nn

  • I don’t understand such bitter people as well. nnGood job with killing them with kindness!

  • You should totally reveal their identities! Update the post and we’ll help you rt it out…this people need a taste of their own medicine. Especially since they are adults and not rash kids doing stupid things…if they dare to do such nonsense, they should face the wrath followed behind! You and your family have tons of supporters to back you up! Jia you!:)

  • I was reading their comments sometimes on ur ig and I tot it was so hurtful! I’m glad you’re so civil and ok Aud. praying for u to have courage to face mean comments and to continue to fight on. With lots of support, I know you can be strong. Pls don’t commit suicide! And thank God ure so understanding towards others.

  • they are so mean =(nfighter is so cuteeeeeee <333

  • I read their comments and understand that they are filipinos? and im so ashamed at how they could say such nasty things. And from what they said in tagalog, i get that they just wanted attention as they loved having more ‘bashers’. Oh well, never mind them. I’m filipino as well but I wouldn’t say that to anyone. Been following you ever since you got engaged. 🙂 Never mind them 🙂 More blessings to you and your family.

  • Well said Audrey.

  • you should post and shame them!!! they deserve it. they still have an ig page and doesnt even seem sincere in being sorry.

  • Hi Audrey. I had always been a silent reader but reading this posts really makes me think you are a sensible person and a blogger. You had handled this situation so well when it is something so sensitive to touch it on. I hope other bloggers and even as a passerby here, can learn how you handle situations so well! I hope all the best for you, your husband and your baby! I’m sure Fighter will be out of the hospital soon and be a normal and happy family ^^

  • No I was so angry at first I was going to name and shame them. But fatty talked me out of it and when they apologized I softened aih

  • I think they deleted that page already no?

  • Audrey why do you say they’ve deleted the ig page? Just checked and its still there.. All 9 pics undeleted too.. Maybe they just blocked you and tim?

  • happy you stood up to the bullies. don’t need to take their shit.

  • my gosh the comments are so mean and hurtful. and these coming from adults wth!! they have no conscience at all, what is wrong with them!!n

  • weak people……. revengenstrong people……. forgivenintelligent people ……….ignore

  • Reported their cyber bully ig. I am truly disgusted.

  • Those idiots are just making me so sick to the state that I wanna puke on their face if I got the chance to do so. Seriously I can’t understand whats going on in their nbrain. Oh I forgot. . they r just brainless . Zzzzz. N they still dare to re-instagram fighters’ photo on their fake IG and wrote nasty comments.. and fyi they have not remove fighters’ photos or their nasty comments from their IG.. arghhh seriously they r so sick!.. AnywaynStay strong Aud, Tim and fighter… you 3 r doing great. Jia you!!!!

  • yea can you please help me report them? thank you!

  • thanks!

  • i’m sorry i only have one thing to say.nnnWTF.nnWhy would anyone do this?!??!?!

  • thank you !

  • They have obviously not repented from their mistakes. You should have just revealed them and let the world see how terrible they are as people. They’re friends might not believe it themselves either. Don’t worry, karma will be on them quite soon. They will regret their actions on day. Its such a shame that people like this exist. Be strong Audrey. Fighter is doing so well now and im positive he’ll be discharged soon enough and be as healthy and happy as any other baby. Helped you report them already! And if they dare create another account we’ll report them again! We shouldnt ignore them, we should take action against them! I admire your patience and sensibility. If it were me i might be so mad I wouldnt have listened to anybody and just thrashed them like hell.

  • yea normally i wouldn’t care but this really crossed a line. thank you!

  • yea i typed in the name wrong HAHAHA. please help me report them?

  • i guess it’s their hobby. >_> crazy bitches.

  • all the pinoys i know are really nice! and i love my maid who’s also from PH lol. thank you!

  • wow thanks for the translation! what’s your email add? 🙂

  • not really being kind, im just peace loving lolol i don’t wanna continue fanning the flames also.

  • I have goosebumps! I feel so angry and pissed off and grossed out. All rolled into one.

  • Reported with a super lengthy and detailed description. >:(nAnyway hi Audrey, I’ve been a silent reader for a few years… and I absolutely had to break my silence coz I am SUPER ANGRY for you and your family!!!nSeriously, the kind of scum that exists on Earth never fails to amaze me. I cannot fathom how anyone can possibly find joy in doing this.nLooking forward to seeing you guys kick their asses! TEAM TIAH FTW!!!!!!!!!

  • i didn’t i just guilt tripped them. hahaha

  • Thank you for blogging about this. I’m sorry you had to go through this. Hoping that Fighter will grow big and strong 🙂

  • Alr reported their ig ! Im sick to the stomach and feeling angry for you and your family ! Love reading yours and tim’s posts 🙂 supporting you all along as a silent reader 😀

  • Email the admin of instagram and trace them down,send them a lawyer letter for harrassing or defamation. This will serve them right! This is not about cyber bully but they are causing problem to u mentally! Anyway, fighter is really very adorable and im praying day&night that he will grow healthy and strong against all these evil people!

  • Gosh! This is a total bully. Those people are not humans. Aud and Tim, just be strong and keep protect Fighter from all these people.

  • OMG that’s so freaking mean. I can’t even. I really don’t get people. They don’t have to view anything that they do not like and leave a bad comment. Just ignore it?! nI’ve reported that account and hopes it gets taken down soon

  • reported the total 9 posts of that moron instagram pictures. Fighter is so cute and fighting everyday for his life, he deserve LOVE but not this idiot cyber bully’s words. No one would say that to a innocent baby. 加油 and post more Fighter’s picture or video please 🙂

  • Silent lurker here. WTF, I am so angry right now! People like this, the ones who enjoy causing pain to others, I believe that they are mentally ill. You have to be seriously fucked up in your head to write something like this. Apologies or whatnot, those b**ches are crazy and evil. What they do is sadism, the same kind that make some people torture puppies or kill and rape. I really wish there were international laws against cyber-bullying. Just know Audrey (although I doubt it will make you feel any better) just one post from you and hundreds of your readers will trash and shame this scum.

  • Hi Audrey, nnnot sure about the law in Malaysia, but offensive comments like this can put them to jail for at least 3 months. I expect the law back in Malaysia would be similar. This happened only recently in the uk where someone gave abusive comment on FB about the death of April Jones. It upsets people so they report it to the police and the guy will be sentenced.nnSee this link here there’s no harm checking out and file a police report as these people (adults) are too mean to you and Timothy. Who knows it might come out in Malaysia news!nn

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