AudAngry AudBaby AudVerbalDiarrhea

How two girls I don’t even know harrassed us and our prematurely born baby

I don’t normally bother with haters/trolls/online assholes because none of what they say usually affects me.

Say I’m ugly? You liar. Lolol.

Say I’m short? True what, and so?

Basically most of the time I’m very thick skinned and overly confident so no comments from strangers bother me much. Lolol.

But I thought a recent cyber bullying incident was something I should write about.

It started when Fatty posted this picture of Fighter on Instagram.  Honestly we thought it was damn cute because Fighter was getting burped here after his meal and his yellow onesie and sitting position made him look like a duckling.




To summarize, these two users @ixirahon and @agentbabypink/@xiiiromaxiii came in and started urging to “pray for Fighter’s soul“.

I got very offended because I thought it was very pantang (taboo) to talk like Fighter was dying when he wasn’t!  It affected me a lot because the truth is, the preeclampsia could have killed both me and Fighter, and the wounds (literal and figurative) and fear were still very raw, and here was this stranger, talking about my baby’s death so flippantly.

I calmed myself down though and decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.  I replied, “can you please stop saying that? he is doing very well and is not on the verge of death. if you want to pray, pray for his health, not his soul.”

@ixirahon replied that she “thought he was about to die 😉 she really didn’t know, and she would not just pray for his soul, she would also pray for his health.”

At this point I still wasn’t sure what her intentions were.  While her tone was nice enough, she didn’t actually apologize for what I saw as a curse on Fighter.  And she put a winking smiley which normally signifies a joke.  Was this a joke to her?

I also saw her leave similar comments about praying for Fighter’s soul on my other pictures but I assumed she had left them before I replied her so again, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and left it at that.

Then further down the thread, her friend @xiiiromaxiii commented that Fighter looked like an alien and included a thumbs down emoji.

I lost it.  I replied:


The next day, I woke up to their comments flooding my Instagram page and Fatty’s.



These two were batshit crazy.

I thought about why I reacted so strongly to their initial comment and I think I figured it out.  While they were saying ill of Fighter, the tone of the comments didn’t seem to be bad.  So the scared emotional mom side of me thought “why would they say this? Do they know something I dont?”

But when they went all out to leave shitty comments it actually wasn’t so bad.  Now I knew they were just trying to cause hurt and would say anything.  I was angry but at least I wasn’t worried or scared.

They left a lot more comments on dozens of our pictures.  Much creepier, they created a new Instagram account, @ixirandbabypink (which has now been deleted) on which they posted pictures of Fighter (stolen from our accounts), chanted condolences and accused me of taking “illegal drugs” hence causing Fighter to be born premature. -_-  Dunno why must specifically say illegal drugs cannot be legal ah wtf.

A lot of people scolded them and looking at the way they replied and posted, they either were (a) genuinely nuts or (b) very very young and also crazy and unaware of how much meaning their words carried.

I found one of their Facebook profiles wtf which I will not reveal here.  The shocking thing is, that girl had a university degree and a lot of her postings and pictures involved a little boy who was obviously her son or at least a child dear to her.  I dunno I can’t read Tagalog.

The other bully on the other hand, I found was married.  Because her husband came and tried to defend her actions.  :X  I honestly thought they were stupid teenagers — it was quite horrifying that they’re probably similar in age and situation to me.

So we are all educated.  We’re all married and at least two of us have a son.  And yet they can do what they did to me.

So I wrote this on her Facebook:

“i’m audrey, the person whom u and your friend have been harassing on instagram. from your fb, you seem to be a nice person who loves her own kid so i have no idea why you would try so hard to cause us pain.

tbh i was upset when you said “pray for my baby’s soul” because you seemed to imply he was dying. but i couldn’t tell if you meant it so i replied you civilly. but your comment about him looking like an alien tipped me over.

does it make you happy to keep saying my baby is dead? what if i said daniel or whoever your child is will die? at least one of you is a wife and a mom so i can’t understand why you can act like this. ironic but you started off saying to pray for fighter’s soul but now i’m telling you i will pray for your soul, you need it more. i hope you grow out of this and your baby is well.

I totally killed them with kindness lolol.  If I continued to reply them angrily they would reply in kind .. so I thought I’d appeal to her humanity.  And there is a conscience to her after all!

Since then, they have both contacted me and apologized.  To be honest I’m not sure if I totally believed them since some things didn’t tally but I accepted their apologies and it’s over.

But I told them that I intended to blog about this to remind people that our actions and words can cause more damage than you think, because you might not know what someone might be going through privately.

Already had to go through a month of hell in hospital then now have to deal with these two imbeciles.  What if I had still been in my depressed state? What if their stupid thoughtless comments pushed me over the edge and I committed suicide wtf.  A bit far fetched la hahaha.  But what if they decided to pick on someone with less support, less stable or weaker than me?

So the next time you want to leave a nasty comment, think again.  I never understood people who do that anyway.

 P/S: I just realized their cyber bully profile on Instagram, @ixirandbabypink is still up, and it’s still full of Fighter’s pics. although they have deleted the nasty captions.  Can you guys please go report it for abusive content/harassment or copyright infringement or something? Thank you!  


Comments (184)

  • Forget to mention, the one about “selling organs” is a prime example that they should be sentenced. Like you said, this is cyber bullying! this must be stopped. How horrid!nn:)na fan of you and timothyn

  • That sounds like cyberbullying. I don’t have any concrete advice besides blocking and reporting, but I’d look into what the laws are in your area and how to go about protecting yourself if these bullies persist.

  • I think @ixirandbabypink deleted their account, I couldn’t find it.nnThey were really insane, I also got mad for your sake reading their retarded comments :P.

  • The comment about euthanasia really would of made me lose it…how dare they! I am glad you blogged about this. I hate that people can be such assholes because they hide behind a computer. They are both sick in the head for sure! I can only see what a lovely example this one girl will be for her child (that is if she is a mom). I am glad you are doing well…love your blog! nFan from the U.S.

  • Thank you for posting this. Cyber bullies needs to be addressed and not ignored. Reported their IG the other day and happy to see that it is blocked now! I can only imagine how you feel having offensive comments directed to your son. Am glad you’re recovering well and Fighter looks like he is growing leaps and bounds and doing great! From your silent stalker reader x

  • Heh Shorty… do you know who “bluechip” is?

  • these kind of attention seekers should be made known to the world for their actions !!! glad that they’ve been reported…

  • If they have nothing nice to say, just keep quiet. Just do not understand why are they having so much time talking rubbish to bully others. Aud, just ignore them. What goes around comes around, no point wasting time getting angry with this sort of useless ppl. haha…am also getting angry now…

  • Congrats on a measured and dignified response to two people not deserving it.nFor me, I stopped posting pictures of our boys online (a few ones slip through occasionally). It just seems like they can go anywhere, and it’s not our choice to put their pictures online – they will be the ones who will have to deal with our choices, eventually. nThis article may interest you:

  • hey audrey! i’m positive that these people were just messing around with you because i can understand all lines they posted, which were in tagalog. maybe tim could ask help from his workmates at nuffnang philippines to report those two to authorities if this bullying goes on. it’s possible to coordinate this case with the national bureau of investigation (nbi) here in the phil. if you want to take legal action against those pathetic people. cheer up la! more power to you! 🙂

  • Dang I feel so ashamed for those two bullies, their comments are very horrific and I can;t even imagine saying that even if it were just a joke! Good on you Aud you handled it with grace.

  • i’m always shocked to read about nasty people like this. i’m really sorry that you had to deal with their disgusting comments. i don’t understand how anyone could find pleasure out of making fun of baby or any other person’s life for that matter. your baby is beautiful.

  • Demmit Audrey.. I was very shocker to read about those two people harrasing ur family.. hope u take it well and hope both of them will regret with all their wrong doing toward ur family..

  • Hmm – I meant “two undeserving people”

  • How on earth such people actually exist. They really have nothing better to do. They are just jealous of other’s happiness. Stay strong Audrey. They are just losers.

  • I honestly thought they were like 13-14 considering their comments. How can a mom post something that insensitive as selling off organs??? Even worse, why would the husband try to defend her stupid actions? The world really is full of strange people who marry each other.

  • memang gila kah? in civilised time like this also got this type of people kah?

  • n”Now I regret being too kind because I saw them harassing an acquaintance of mine who also has a baby. -_- other readers also said these people are always doing this to other people who have kids. i wish i revealed their real identities now.” –who told you that? That person is a freakin’ liar. Storymaker, that person would be a great author. Bravo! Cheers to that!

  • Ugh … haters will always be haters. Fighter is such a lovely baby and nothing anyone says will change that. I’m sure that as a mother it must be so heart wrenching to hear this being said about fighter. That’s really like hitting below the belt. You have so many people who love you rather than these two haters.

  • I am a Filipina, and I am very ashamed that someone from our country can be ruthless and downright evil. Such a shame. In behalf of them, I apologize. May God continually bless Fighter and your family. The Tiahs will never go down!

  • who told me what? how sure are you what the truth is? there is proof they were abusing someone else besides me — what other proof do you need? are you one of them? which one are you? want me to say their names?

  • 13-14 also would know this is wrong. their parents failed badly

  • they are so mean. Audrey, just ignore them. Fighter is doing fine and he is really cute! he got your cutie look!

  • Hey Audrey. So sorry you and hubs have to deal with this. Amazingly stupid prob sums up these two in the kindest way possible. Thank you for sharing what you went through and how well fighter is doing. Still seething after reading their words!!! Good on you to come out the better person.

  • Wow I think these people are mentally ill. Just ignore such people. There’s so many in this world and they so happen wanna bite you. nEveryone in your family is cute :))).

  • This is seriously CREEPY. That’s the only way to describe it. How they’re making jokes and laughing about the death of a baby – premature or not is just plain soulless. Are they even women? Too twisted. Although I generally wouldn’t have bothered and would’ve just blocked and deleted, I commend you on writing them via FB and killing them with kindness. You definitely took the higher road and I think my respect for you went up THAT much more. (:nnBig kiss and cuddles to Fighter. Cutest most beautiful-est baby boy ever! <3

  • something is definitely wrong with these girls. No heart.. Crazy.. No sane human will say such things! Idiots! It’s good to see how you handled the situation. I’ll learn from you! Bravo Audrey! nnDon’t worry about Fighter! He’s gonna be a handsome hunk in future!! =D

  • Hi Audrey, I have a 17 month old baby and I know how it feels to completely love, want to protect and at the same time be so proud of another human being so much, it would absolutely break my heart if anyone were to say a bad word about him. Little fighter is probably so happy to have such a strong, loving mummy as you, he’s made so much progress and will you’ll be running around and you’ll be chasing him in no time – trust me, they do grow in the blink of an eye!

  • If u have instagram, look up @jacsafterparty.

  • Hi Audrey, I believe every kid is precious to every parent… I have one myself and I know no kid deserve this treatment from anyone.. realise that she’s using different names just to make stupid comments.. will do my best to report her when I spot her! Hee! Figter deserve all the love and attention from u and timothy 🙂

  • Woah, can’t believe anyone would say anything so senseless. So disgusting. Glad to see someone actually acted like an adult! Great to hear that Fighter and you are doing well! ^^ Take care la, ignore all the haters. They’re probably just jealous of your happy family!

  • Audrey, saw loads of premmie clothes in sg today.. Do feel free to email me with your mailing add if you need clothes for fighter.. Would love to mail some to you as a gift 😉

  • Everybody agrees that the girls are acting like total fuckers. I wish their mothers aborted them in this case! Or maybe their mothers are worthless, because they spawned totally worthless human beings! I don’t mean to hurt them but I’m just being realistic. I can’t do anything if the truth hurts! Suck on that you two!

  • Looks like Fighter is obviously not the only “fighter” in the family! Keep being strong, Timothy and Audrey. As I’m sure you feel blessed to have Fighter, so is Fighter extremely lucky to have dedicated, caring, and loving parents like yourselves. All the best.

  • I’ll be praying for the souls of those two, praying that those two burn in Hell. It’s shitheads like those two that make me think the world is full of crap. It’s hard to see the good in people nowadays, when much of what I see is crap like this. Keep on living, keep on fighting.

  • Happy to help! 🙂

  • Hi Audrey,nIt’s sad that how haters still harassing you though you went through alot in your pregnancy. On another note, I think Fighter and you are truly blessed and Fighter is getting pretty well now. Did you heard about the story of Walter Joshua Fretz? His mum posted her experience and it was a tear jerking story. He was only 19 weeks and 3 days. If you have time, spare some moment to read nnI’m not related to them in whatsoever relationship. Just a stranger sharing a stranger’s story. Hope that you know that you’re very fortunate and blessed. Haters gonna hate, they will get their karma. Cheers.

  • what in the world???! i totally lost it at ‘organ’, or probably way before that. it is just downright creepy. if i had to guess, i would say they are mentally ill/impaired or had personally experienced a severe form of tragedy that made them so twisted and cruel!!! kudos to you on investigating who they were, i wouldn’t have bothered! hopefully this will be a warning for haters and creepers to stay away and for victims of internet abuse to chin up!

  • Hello, just wanted to say seeing Fighter growing bigger and stronger each post, each picture is indeed a joy. nnps: killing un-kind people with kindness is the way to go! 🙂

  • feel sorry to you, you only getting bad comment, but i dont see your best popular friends blog about your baby, different with the Xiaxue, when she giving birth she become more popular, and Qiuqiu blog about the cute Dash. that’s life!

  • That ixira09/ixirahon person’s real name is Ira Guce, right? She’s a bitch. Is it OK if we harass her?

  • love the way you handle the situation. kill them with kindnesses! I’ll always remember this. 😉

  • why not reveal it? since they just won’t stop their nasty actions.


  • Instead lets pray for their children! D: I have a feeling people like that also fall under the category of child abusers and what not. Unless of course they are terrible online because they are stressed or something and their only release is to be creepy mean to adorable babies.

  • I totally don’t understand what you mean. Sounds like to you, the whole objective of having a baby is to get more popular. Being your kid must really suck. nnAlso I think you misspelled your name. Shouldn’t it be Dick instead?

  • Wtf how did you find her!? Haha up to you ah! They opened themselves up to this by bullying fighter

  • How did you find her!!!

  • Coz their instagram got their name!

  • Hey audrey, i’m a filipino reader and i just wanted to tell you they’ve yet to stop the bullying. They’e basically bitching about you in Tagalog, calling you a whore on Roma Patricia’s (that’s one of the bitches’ names), fourfeetpekpek on her ig (pekpek means vagina btw) and continually indirectly referring to Fighter as an alien.

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