Not learning from our nightmare trip to Sydney, we made the brave decision this time to take another family holiday…
Category / AudBaby
Fighter (drinking from his water bottle filled with diluted Ribena): “Jude drink wine.” Penny is sitting in her walker and…
Here’s a simple guide to bringing your kids out for dinner and back. Follow these instructions and you should have…
(Looking for Fighter’s pacifier) Me: “Jude, where is your pacifier?”? Fighter: “Upstairs.” Me: “Are you sure?” Fighter: “Uhm!” (We go…
Had a mini photoshoot the other day. With Malaysia’s Next Top Model here wtf. Hahahahaha i love her outfit! I…
Can you believe I’ve either been pregnant or breastfeeding for nearly three years now OMG. Breastfeeding has been such a…
So Fighter has turned into a real chatterbox lately. I think he understands nearly every word we say, and he’s…
A few days ago, Fighter turned two. This year I decided not to throw him a party because… next year…
The other day someone on Dayre mentioned the term “high needs baby”. I’d never heard of it before so I…
Today has been one of those days when I wish I wasn’t a mom. Come to think of it, this…