So professional working woman is back wtf. I like my job so far! And the people are all very nice…
Category / AudRubbish
The other day I had a clash with a guy from Shu Uemura wtf. Me, Jam, Suet and Tze were…
I’m writing this now because come the real day, I won’t be around to blog. Happy Birthday Hsin! It’s been…
Oh what to blog about ar. The job search continues. Haih I am damn fan about this seriously I can’t…
When in gloom, go do your hair! I am not spinning any lies! This is what has made me get…
A conversation with Tze where we tried to figure out which Forbes billionaire we should aim for WTF. tzeching. says:…
You are practically middle aged now! (ie. same age as me wtf wtf) At your joint birthday party this year…
Met up the other day with Tze, Hui Wen and Su Ann in Bangsar to have lunch and shop. But…
I spent a good chunk of my day waiting at the phone store for the technician to unlock my phone…
I know I’m not keeping to the blog every alternate day thing but you have to forgive me okay! My…