1. Cindy has moved from jadezheng.com to teycindy.com! Most of her big fans probably already know this but for those…
Category / AudRubbish
Twitter is making me lazy! People who follow me would know I don’t twit often. I don’t twit when I’m…
I am back from Phuket! (sorry Mild I know you’re gonna kill me T_T But Phuket is so far from…
Taking a cue from dozens of other pretty bloggers who take pictures of their outfits and caption them. Outfit of…
Suet, Kenny, Tim and I met up at Pavilion for lunch! Don’t think Kenny’s over my height yet. And I…
(no better title) Ok I am here to bring you a community service message! A friend of mine, See Wei,went…
Okay you know how I mentioned I was going to the doctor? No I’m not sick! But I’ve been having…
…to want to make yourself sicker if you know you’re seeing the doctor soon so he won’t think you’re making…
1. Jammie’s birthday dinner at Bora Asmara on Friday. I love this picture look at Jammie and Latat both so…
edit: I have no idea how to fix the Google feed problem. But I think if you subscribe to me…