#14: 27 February 2009
Surprise! :))))))))
Guess what it was? Hint: It’s not just a bottle of champagne wtf.
Someone in my last entry said that I should stop degrading trash ladies because they are working hard to earn money for themselves and their families.
Sigh *tired tone
I need to clarify this for those who don’t know. Nowhere in my entry did I write something negative about garbage collectors. I was only making a joke about the jobs I’ve had. I am not degrading anyone by profession! Especially not trash men or ladies because I happen to be a trash lady myself wtf.
Ok I’m not one RIGHT THIS MOMENT. But I used to be! For a whole year. For one year, I cleared trash cans and collected beer bottles to recycle, and once I even found a used sanitary pad in the paper recycling bin WTF.
I even had to mop the floor where bloody drunkards spilled alcohol. And I endured people avoiding my gaze because they felt awkward talking to the person who picks up their trash. And people nonchalantly tossing their garbage at me when I was clearing the bin.
Here’s proof of my garbage collector career.
I did it to earn money for myself so my parents wouldn’t have to shell out more than what they were already paying for my education.
So please don’t think that I don’t know what it feels like to be disrespected. Or how hard it can be to earn money.
#13: 26 February 2009
Our Apple Escapades today! This picture is of all our hard work in packaging and tying up the apples in pretty blue ribbon so they look nicer when people receive them.
(the colors are so pretty huh! And all I did was press Auto Correct in Windows Picture Manager)
Will blog more about it later! Took a lot of pictures to be kiasu…except at one point when I thought I lost my camera and we had to use Darren’s.
#11: 24 February 2009
I said “Kenny and Kim take a picture!” and Kenny squatted down on the floor “to be the same height as me” boohoo.
We were at the media launch for Guinness St Patrick’s Day held at Hakka Republic, Menara Hap Seng.
Btw St Pats is happening at 1Utama, 13 March 2009 after 6pm. It looks quite fun with a very carnival-type atmosphere, lots of games and performances, and you get to er drink a lot (also because they are my client wtf)
So go if you have the chance!
Short blog for now because I’ve been damn busy with work these two days and then work-related events to attend at night.
Irish Ambassador giving his speech. Racheal thinks he’s damn cute and I think he speaks exactly like Westlife/Boyzone wtf which should not come as a surprise since they’re all Irish. Although I doubt he speaks like Frank McCourt…
When they officiated the ceremony, the lights on Menara KL flashed green! I thought that was very cool and it goes to show money can buy everything wtf.
Me and Racheal. Again making fun of my height! There was no end to tall people there that night ok! I was staring at everybody’s breasts FML and everyone kept patting my head and calling me a leprechaun WTF
And then this Irish man smiled at me and asked me where was my glass of Guinness Draught and when I jokingly told him I was underaged he nodded knowingly and turned away FML.
Unfortunate picture which Edmund took of us. Hahaha Kim was in the middle of saying something and I was very hungry ok! I only had fried rice for lunch and by the time the waiters came around with finger food (which btw was orgasmic) I had to stop myself from cramming two handfuls into my mouth at the same time.
Told you everyone there was tall! I was already standing on a higher step and Desmond and Edmund were bending down for me. Kim is already quite tall but she was the shortest compared to all these gangsters wtf but even then she had her Leprechaun Hat (which I dearly coveted) to add to her height:(
All felt sorry for me and bent on trembling knees to get to my height *touched
#12: 25 February 2009
I went to the ATM today to get money for lunch.
Pushed in my card, jabbed out my PIN number.
Walked out of the bank in a daze.
Decided I cannot be as stupid as to put my birthday as my PIN number so I thought it could be my anniversary date! (since I programmed my cell phone PIN number as my anniversary before)
Headed back for the bank with a purpose.
So tomorrow I have to cancel my card and get a new one.
How can I forget a number which I have been tapping out nearly every week for the past 6 months!
Oh tomorrow my company is having a Charity Day and I am in one of the fund-raising teams.
And we get to sell apples WTF.
My new career! Right up there with Trash Lady.
Ok la not sell per se, but we are collecting donations for 4 orphanage homes in KL/Selangor (minimum RM3 wtf) and you get an apple as a token of our appreciation.
For a good cause! So comment here ok! If anybody here would like to donate… *hopeful
#10: 23 February 2009
Spent about 2 hours (spread out through the day) in the loo goddammit.
I wonder what I ate! The good thing about getting diarrhea on a regular basis is that I don’t need to eat Kenko Diet Plums (Sorry Ringo when you have guts like mine, pooping is a breeze – no pun intended wtf)
Office toilet provides quite good entertainment because there are tiny cockroaches running around sometimes across the toilet floor. So you get to play stepping games called “Kill The Roach” wtf.
I tried to do that today! But I was a bit slow:( See, I spied one running near my feet but I didn’t want to dirty my shoe so I hastened to rip off a square of toilet paper to throw over the cockroach before stamping it to death but the roach ran away so fast!
This is how cockroaches survived millions of years and tons of Ridsect!
By their quick legs and hardy dispositions!
I swear cockroaches are the most disgusting evil beings on earth.
The other day Desmond left a cup with water on his desk and the next day a drowned cockroach greeted him from inside his cup wtf. I’ve stopped using my cup ever since.
Last week one ran across my table just like that! No manners at all! (things to note: thankfully most cockroaches at work are tiny, and I really should stop eating at my desk wtf)
I went into a frenzy, throwing papers into the air and then I spied my mineral water bottle nearby. I grabbed it to crush the life out of the monster but I forgot I’d left it uncapped and water sprayed into my face (and all over my computer) like a geyser FML.
Little bastard got away:(
Damn cockroaches! One day I will get all of you wtf. They all belong in the lowest depths of the earth. Along with…er the guy who molested me *vengeful
#8: 21 February 2009
I know it’s supposed to be a picture you take every day. And I did take a few pictures for Day #8 but none seemed as suitable as this one, taken last July.
I miss my long blond hair. And I miss being a carefree young girl (picture taken pre-work era) whose only concern in life was how to use my credit card without being questioned wtf. Now I am a haggard old crone with nothing in my closet to wear.
I have lost my taste for shopping. I have lost my taste for gossip. Where is my frivolity! I can feel myself hurtling toward tshirts, bermudas and pasar malams galore.
#9: 22 February 2009
Well at least I haven’t lost my taste for books.
My heart skipped a beat when he asked if I wanted to go look at books. I swear we are the world’s nerdiest 20 something couple.
#7: 20 February 2009
While picking up my bottle of makeup remover off the glass shelf, I glanced against the mirror and knocked off the round silver screw that holds it against the wall.
Either I am very strong, the mirror is very old, or dumb things happen to dumb people wtf.
1. I’m annoyed that the world judges based on book covers. I’m annoyed that someone who is delicate and beautiful on the outside but who doesn’t treat people right is applauded and adored, while a plain but the sweetest, nicest girl I know is ridiculed by anonymous strangers. I’m angry at myself for being the same way.
2. I’m angry because a 12 year old boy with eczema is shunned by his classmates who throw his books at him because they don’t want to touch him.
3. I’m unable to understand why people remember and hold grudges. If I can forgive an ex for betraying and humiliating me in the worst way, why can’t people move on from much smaller things? Doesn’t it take more energy to stay angry and to remember? Or maybe it’s just my memory that is bad and I can’t even remember some of the good memories let alone the bad ones.
4. But then again, I hold prejudices for far too long and over details too small to be rational.
5. I’m annoyed at myself because whatever happened to my dreams of saving the world? I’m annoyed that I am too caught up with self-serving details and stuck in a rut too complacent to be really comfortable. I’m disappointed because when I thought a chance to do something worthwhile had dropped in my lap, I got assigned fund-raising duty. I would rather pick up a child and clean its poop than make more money (albeit for the same good cause)
6. Nothing has changed but I’m glad I wrote this because I feel better now. Tomorrow is another day.
#6: 19 Feb 2009
Kyou moratta omiyage.
What Natasha got all of us from Bali. Well at least mine is pink and bigger than what the others received.
I have no idea what to do with it. Attach it to my bag? Reach over with it to tap someone on the shoulder? Hang it on my rearview mirror? Use it to whip someone in the face? HAHA GEDDIT.
Oh the possibilities are endless!
#5: 18 Feb 2009
Fat Her getting a shock wtf.
Sigh work is getting just a little bit overwhelming right now. I’m still a lot better off than say some people (Matthew wtf) who stay at work every day until 11-12 pm (cos I go home at 8 or 9 wtf) but sometimes when I have to go through the same small thing over and over again I feel like screaming but I dunno who to scream at because I can’t figure out whose fault it is -____________-
But the good thing is I forget about things very fast -____________-
Good for er… repeat offender ex boyfriends wtf.
My crazy face.
A few more pictures of Valentine Saturday.
Kissing another girl! Little does he know the person inside Lemon is actually a man WTF I saw him through the netting on his eyes wtf. (I wonder if the man was disturbed by a random guy kissing his forehead)
Revenge is sweet. But Ribena is sweeter WTFWTF.
God I should be a writer I am so witty.
Got my nails done like a real tai-tai.
And we saw an alien! Hello Mulder! Hello Scully!
My inner journalist made me whip out my camera to take this photo.
But my inner dumbass forgot to turn off the flash and at the blinding white light, the Specimen turned around to eat me. FML.
At which I quickly pretended I was taking pictures of something else, not her.
Which is how the above photo of my toes came about. Yay!
#4: 17 Feb 2009
Actually not me who found them. It was Edmund (God of IT) My computer wouldn’t boot up this morning so I lugged it to work to show him.
And he found all my files I thought were gone forever! They weren’t actually gone, they just er migrated to another drive *shrill laughter
But computer is still pretty unstable and that needs to be figured out. Like I was blogging and it suddenly just restarted itself FML. So in the meantime Imma get an external hard drive and back everything up before I lose it all again.
Damn happy! *scrolling uncontrollably through photos
(extra picture because i so happy)
#3: 16 February 2009
I found this earring in my jewelry box the other day and I had forgotten all about it.
I only have one side and Angela has the other. We always buy things in a pair and split it between us. Because we are two equal halves:)
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