
#2: 15 Feb 2009

Something to read I haven’t had new books in a long time!

(Actually huh the last book I read was the 3rd book of Twilight 2 nights ago wtf but it doesn’t count cos I don’t like Twilight!)

AudRubbish AudSocialButterfly


Yes it is MY birthday! *King Julien voice

I had a wonderful birthday!!!  Usually I never do anything much for my birthday.  Last year I went clubbing… but the year before I ate cake at home wtf.

But this year…. was just wonderful.  Thank you baby:)  I am trying to get all the pictures I can beforeI blog about it so I can do it properly!

Anyway the weekend before, Masato came to KL.

Tim and I brought him around everywhere in KL.  A bit hard to do so because I was still diarrheaing wtf but it was under control! *brave.  I could keep it in until I got to a toilet with minimal discomfort *showing off WTF

And naturally I forgot to take out my camera until his last day *angry

Need to wait until he sends me his photos.

BTW!!! My computer (9 months old) got infected with viruses and crashed!!


Fuck my computer seriously!  I think I got some faulty unit cos nobody else with Windows Vista has such weird problems like me!

A few days after I got it it kept restarting itself wtf.

But I didn’t exchange it because i was writing my thesis then and I really needed a computer around.

Then after that I came back to Malaysia.  And my computer was only under US warranty.

A techie guy said it was cos something was installed wrongly on my computer?

That’s why it kept restarting.  And like the programs clashed with each other.  I think my antivirus stopped working and I got infected T_T

So anyway, my computer is back, wiped clean. SIGH.  Everybody please send me photos of myself T_______T I don’t think I can go through life without having pictures of myself WTF

Which brings me to…. this idea I stole off Jam!  She talked about Project 365 which is where you take a photo a day for a year to document your daily life.

And I want to do that!  Sometimes I want to just type boring stuff like “today I went to the bank” wtf or “the car park was very smelly today” things like that.

But that doesn’t make exactly for interesting reading:(

So that’s what I’m going to try to do!  Project 365:)

Anyway Masato!

This is Masato.  Real attractive wtf.

And this is the birthday present he got for me!

The first present this year.  It’s D&G perfume.

At Ikea with Latat and Jammie.

And Tim!

And AIN wtf.

Ain is the stupidest thing ever!  (so is Masato)

AngieEntry AudBirthdays



Happy Birthday my Babie, my Love, my Soulmate: D

SIGH you know I went through so much just to write this blog for you. First of all, I was planning to post this so you can read it on the first second of your birthday, I forgot we have time difference, however wtf. Then I thought it can still be saved because you are at work now and your birthday events hasn’t officially started yet, but I assumed I forgot your password after many failed attempts to log into your blog *cries. So I used some witty ways to trick you into telling me your password:

Angie: ei you know my friend’s password is so lame it’s iamsoprettyiamsocute

AUD: hahahahaha damn lame who is that??

Angie: you don’t know her la but yours is lamer right? It’s something like XXXXX right ?

AUD: no la it’s XOXOXOX.

Then I realized that I knew her password, what I got wrong was her username *cries

And of course I’m smart enough to not to ask her again or else it’d be too obvious. So even now I don’t know how am I going to put this up.

Oh well, when God closes your door, he will open you a window.

See, God opened his window for me and I saw Tim standing outside of it wtf. So he told me the username wee !

Anyway let me go change into my black/grey striped top and polish my nails before I begin the emoness :HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABIE

Today is the first time in four years that I am not there to celebrate your birthday with you*tears. But besides my physical existence (and a physical present wtf), nothing else has changed. I’m still here to plan your surprise party and am still here to send all my love to you. Oh, and I also need to send my gratitude to aunty Ooi for bringing my soulmate to this world (although Aud shit in your stomach during the birth wtf)

Hey babie, this is our first birthday together. Feb 10th, 2005.You were only 20 back then, not even the legal age to drink in the States. We nevertheless drank, or at least pretended to drink. And we were drunk, or at least pretended to be drunk, and took pictures holding bottles because we were kool galzzz like that wtf

We also wore our mini skirts on top of our jeans because nothing is kuter than us biatches ! oh yay!

This is our second birthday together. Feb 10th, 2006. I planned your birthday with Darren and he came to moho as a surprise =D

There was also a school party which we all went together and considered that as your birthday party <3[Sorry to make you shiver (due to memories of fear wtf) upon this pic]

Your third birthday, Feb 10th, 2007, consisted of only me and you <3

We were in Japan and we went to the Aladdin restaurant. I will never complain/mind about having my birthday with just you babie, because honestly you are all I need to be fully happy on any occasion <3

Last year, Feb 10th 2008, like our first birthday together, we drank and partied. But by this time we’ve already far grown out from using words like “galzzz and biatchess”. We’ve long decided that holding bottles and pretending to be drunk don’t mean matured and cool (tho I think we still do sometimes wtf). And we’ve tasted life’s bitter and sweet when we celebrated away birthdays after birthdays.

1650896376 by you.

oh, sorry about my skirt. I can’t believe I wore that on your birthday hahahahaha

You are 24 this year babie ! Although you always complain about being old and older after each day, we all know that there is still a long exciting life ahead. May years after today, we can sit together in a classy lounge like how we pictured that night we chatted in our beds, and laugh at how I used to type “baby” as “babie”. May years after that day, we can still link arms and laugh about what we wore when we chatted in that lounge that day. May years after that day, you can still be as happy as you are now, and can still laugh away all sadness and anger. I hope you can still look at life and people like how you look at them today, and can always see the good from the bad. I hope no matter where your paths might lead and no matter how occupied by reality you might be, you can still appreciate life’s every little joy like you do today. I hope years and years from today, I can still be there and plan your birthday and bring you wishes like what I do on Feb 10th, 2009.I love you babie ! Thank you for using your own nail to dig out that disgusting piece of meat that trapped between my teeth, I sincerely appreciate that WTF.

1406420117 by you.

Happy Birthday again my soulmate. I really love this picture of us <3and look at Jeannie !!







yea this laughter of yours is what I love the most <3

and obviously, I’m laughing here with you


Mooooooooah. *chuchu wtf.


Bile – the R-rated story

I have found what the most bitter substance in the world is.

If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, here I am to tell you.

That’s right, I’ve been in the toilet.

Either with my head down a bucket or my ass glued to the toilet bowl, waiting for a merciful death.

I got the worst food poisoning case in my entire life.

Two days ago, Tim caught it and threw up 6 times in a night. Then he was recovering but my parents felt sorry for him and asked him to stay over so at least there would be people around to take care of him.

But that night itself, I felt like my stomach had a lot of wind in it and I thought it was indigestion.

But when Tim was taking a shower, I felt my stomach heave and made it to my mom’s bathroom …. in time to throw up in her sink wtf.

While she was still on the toilet bowl wtf.

I still thought it was indigestion so I thought ahhh now I can relax.

(while my mother tearfully scooped puke out of her sink with old newspaper wtf)

But then I found myself running to the toilet over and over again to throw up.

2nd and 3rd time I was still standing.

By the 5th time I was in tears and on my knees.

By the 6th time I was begging my mom and Tim to take me to a 24 hour clinic.

At the clinic, even in the midst of a vomit haze wtf I saw the doctor rubbing his eyes and yawning cos it was 2am (but too sick to feel scared)

But everyone there was so mean! All the nurse and doctor were concerned with was the possibility of me puking on their floor.

And in the clinic when I felt like I had to diarrhea again and I nearly banged down the toilet door in my haste to get in, there was no toilet paper. I sent Tim to find me some and waited for what seemed like eternity until the old Indian guard came to peer at me.

I nearly shouted at him “WHERE’S THE TOILET PAPER” and he said “don’t have” like it was my fault and that I would have to use my hands wtf.

Then when the doctor examined me, he asked me to open my mouth and pushed the metal stick onto my tongue, I yanked away afraid that I would gag and throw up again.

He yelled at me “if you would open your mouth bigger I wouldn’t have to use this stick!”

Then after a perfunctory examination, he declared “you have Vertigo.”


He muttered something and said he would give me an injection.

I nodded quickly anything to stop the vomiting T______T

So after getting the jab, collecting the medicine and throwing up one more time in the drain outside the clinic (HAH TAKE THAT) we got home.

But the fucking injection didn’t work.

All it did was make me so groggy that I knocked out right away.

But I woke up again and again to throw up.

First 2-3 times I managed to stumble to the bathroom to vomit.

But after that I was so tired and drugged up that all I could do was vomit in a pan near my bed and Tim would wake up to wash it off and replace it next to my bed again T__________T

By then nothing was coming up except bile and water (which Tim would force me to drink everytime I threw up)

And bile is the most disgusting bitterest thing to taste.

(Did you also know that it is pale yellow wtf.)

Every time I threw up the bile, I would gag on it because it was so bitter and that would make me vomit even more.

I refused to drink any more water so I wouldn’t have to throw up but no matter what, the convulsions still came, I still retched and dry-heaved with nothing coming out of me.

All in all, I threw up more than 20 times.

I finally stopped around 7am. And spent the rest of the day either asleep, fighting nausea, moving like an old woman or having no appetite.

Every time I moved I felt like puking. Everytime I swallowed some water or a bite of food I wanted to puke.

Even when Tim tried to put his arm around me I pushed him away and said “don’t come near me it makes me feel like puking” :((((

Today I woke up feeling a bit better. But I still couldn’t eat much without wanting to throw up and spent most of the day in the toilet, this time with diarrhea.

But diarrhea is nothing compared to vomiting ok! Not much pain and can just sit there reading a book to pass time while I pee through my ass wtf.

Ok very long winded and it’s time for me to go to the toilet again (but at least now I can control it! I diarrhea when I want to! wtf)

P/S: Thank you Mummy and Tim for taking care of me that night without you I would have drowned in a puddle of my own puke god bless you both wtf T_______T

PP/S: Fat Her slept through the whole thing and didn’t even know we drove out in the middle of the night to the doctor wtf.

PPP/S: And don’t say it was the carbonara ok! *denial

AudCamwhore AudDomestic

Fasta Pasta

Had a very busy weekend!

Went to Phuture for Pinky’s farewell, went for Andrew and Jayen’s wedding (lazy to put up pictures, but there are some with Tim)

Oh yesterday I met up with Suzie  and Karen for an interview with NST.  Suzie was planning to write a piece on fashion and she asked me and Karen (and Suet) for fashion advice and tips on saving money while still dressing well during the recession.

Ok I understand why she would pick Karen because she writes for Emmagem (and really well too) and naturally Suet is a pro at saving money and still dresses nice but why me!

I am not known for my fashion sense!  If it’s an article on how to be funny and tell good jokes wtf (although the people I work with might beg to differ wtf) then no problemo senor but I really don’t blog about clothes and fashion as much as say Hui Wen and her sisters or Michelle Pong so I had a lot of trouble understanding what Suzie wanted from me wtf.

The only fashion advice I have is…. lots of push up bras WTF NO LA KIDDING

I dunno I don’t think I’m very fashion or money savvy.  The only thing I save money on is I buy tops (way cheaper than dresses) and wear them as dresses because I can wtf.

But she said it would be fun!  And that there would be a mini photoshoot so I thought okay why not Suzie just don’t blame me if your article goes to pieces (I really hope it doesn’t)

It was fun!  Only problem is I never have any idea how to pose.  Even in Moho, Angie, Suet, Mild and Shanshan would come up with all sorts of sexy, cool, cute poses to strike when we took pictures but my idea of posing is grinning like a tool and flashing the peace sign SIGH

Seriously I think out of the 3 stereotypically glamorous jobs of singer, actress and model I fear being a model the most.

This is not some inborn psychological trait because of my height ok I swear but I just think being a model is damn hard.  Have to look sexy, cannot smile, cannot laugh, cannot eat WTF.

I kept giggling every time the photographer tried to get me to pose even I was annoyed at myself wtf.

Me and Karen.

Getting ready props.

Found some nicer normal pictures that Tim helped me take <3

Nicest picture ever!  Unfortunately I don’t think I was posing, this was in between shots and I got bored and swung my bag to and fro *gives up on self

Although the photographer did shout at me “WOI AH MOI why when I’m not taking pics you so clever to turn here turn there and pose but when I tell you to strike a pose for me you stop and say ‘er do what ar?'” wtf T______T

Karen’s turn! *relieved

Hahaha she’s deciding which of her my clothes to throw away WTF.

Haha so cute but a bit blurry I think not enough light.

Last picture of us playing with clothes!

Shoot ended earlier than we expected so I wondered what to do for dinner.

And Tim came up with the ingenious idea of cooking wtf.

I hate the idea of anything domesticated — hate grocery shopping (freezers too cold, too many bratty kids running about), hate cooking (too much fire WTF), especially hate cleaning toilets (used to scream at Ooib because every time I plunged the brush into the toilet to scrub, it would come out covered in brown scum T____________T because Ooib always forgot to flush T______T)

But this time I decided it would be something relatively new to do and it could be fun!

First we sat down to figure out what we were going to make.

As you can see, I quickly got bored of that wtf.


We finally decided on carbonara (20 minutes cooking time only wtf)

Then we went shopping for ingredients.  No photos because freezers were too cold and we spent a long time in front of them trying to find single cream.

So!  Step 1: chop up the streaky bacon and ham.

Step 2: break 3 eggs and mix with 3 tablespoons of cream.

Step 3: Pour olive oil into pan and cook bacon until golden brown.

Tim (in worried tone): “It’s not turning golden brown.  What if it bypasses golden brown and heads straight for black!”

HAHAHA then I guess we just have to eat vegetarian food wtf.

Step 3a: Interrupt and take over the wooden spoon to make it look like you cooked too.

Step 4: Boil pasta.

(We learned that it is also possible to burn pasta — while still in the pot wtf)

Step 5: Drain pasta

Step 6: Add pasta to cooked meat.

Step 7: Pour in mixture of eggs and cream.

Step 8: Salt and pepper to taste, and serve!

It was very yummy!  I was afraid it would be too rich and I would puke wtf cos I can’t take too rich or sweet food.

But it wasn’t at all (ok not like the typical carbonara you find in restaurants) I think because we didn’t add any milk and the black pepper helped too:))))))))

I can cook:)))))))))))))

(but Fat Her thinks from the way Tim tells stories that I didn’t do much *sad wtf)

AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

My CNY in pictures

 (just found the “change contrast” option and had too much fun playing with it as you can see in the picture below my face is blue)

Being stuck in the jam back to Penang for 7 (COUNT EM) hours

Resorted to using the emergency lane.  I wasn’t driving!  I can’t tell you who the driver was but his name starts with T and ends with imothy WTF.

My auntie with the chicken for Reunion Dinner.  Felt very sorry for the chicken because not only did he have his guts and gizzards yanked out unceremoniously, he also had salt rubbed inside him vigorously and then for aesthetic purposes, my auntie proceeded to tuck his legs into his anus WTF.

Went on a scenic tour of Penang.  (as though I am a tourist although I think I am because I don’t know anything about it despite being born there)

Because my uncle was here from England.

Yap Temple.

Yap Temple floor wtf.

(shoes not allowed but the floor was so dusty I pretended to go outside and sneaked back in with my flip flops *shifty eyed)

Nice hair *appreciative wtf

2nd or 3rd day.  See that black thing under my skirt?

That is my mother! wtf.

My baby cousin.  Who I think looks like Jay Chou! *delusional

My nails and bag matched!

Visited the Penang Islamic Museum I know all about the history of Islam in Malaya now ask me!

Went to… um Sun Yat Sen’s base in Penang when he fled China right before the revolution… *unsure (Asian history major fail)

But it was closed 🙁

The street we were on.  I think this was called Cannon Square / Heritage Trail something… that is my trusty baobei umbrella wtf.

Another kongsi temple.

Fat Her and Uncle Jeff’s butt wtf.

You never think that Penang could be so pretty.

Stone carvings.

Lunch with aunties and uncles for Uncle Jeff’s birthday.

Me: “How old are you now?”

Uncle: “Too old”


Quaint restaurant housed in three colonial type town houses.

The family.  Well my mom’s 3 sisters and their husbands anyway.


Uhuk uhuk

I’m in Penang now T____________T

Using my auntie’s dialup connection wtf T___________T

Realized with my auntie’s weighing scale that I have gotten even fatter how is this possible all I did was eat the equivalent 2 bowls of rice a meal everyday and McDs twister fries for supper T_________T

All the crying emoticons are because I am bored to tears T___________T

If only Ooib was around so we could entertain each other on our visits to grandaunts and granduncle’s houses T__________T

Fear that by the time I head home Kitty Chan & Lolo will have torn each other to shreds wtf

The only good thing everyday is getting to choose which new clothes to wear

Not even collecting angpau beats this because I am not really into money ohmmmmm amitaba

Read the entire 3rd Twilight book in a day and a half of being in Penang (don’t even like Twilight.  Think everything is very fake and hate Bella because she is too clumsy for words and I hate clumsy people.  Like how I hate myself wtf)

Thought I brought along my Gossip Girls to watch but can’t find the DVDs T_____T

Resorted to borrowing from him what looks like the second most boring book on earth (book about the story of Starbucks)

Am dreading reading it wtf.

Tried resisting food today in futile attempt to diet but the more I tell myself not to eat the more I want to eat.  Reverse psychology seriously!  I feel like eating foods I don’t even like…like peanut butter cookies.

I wish Ooib was here T________T

So bored that I keep falling asleep WTF I fell asleep in the car while waiting for Fat Her & Uncle Jeff to finish looking at temples and nearly fell asleep in a relative’s house god that was bad.

Brightened up a bit when the relative gave my dad a book (thinking oo new book to read) but it’s on meditation.  Way to keep awake yo.

Wondering if I really have some sleeping disease because the moment I am not doing anything I fall alseep right away for example if I were to click Publish Post right now I would probably nod off at once wtf.

Also wondering if I have cataracts WTF because I feel that rooms in Penang are all very dark… or could it be because my grandparents installed new energy saving lights? wtf

Ok I have a new mission in my life now!  To find out if I have any class of sleeping disease wtf. And it’s not laziness dammit!

*runs off


Googled “sleeping disease” and this is what appeared:

Narcolepsy is a neurological condition most characterized by Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS), in which a person experiences extreme tiredness, possibly culminating in falling asleep during the day at inappropriate times, such as at work or school.

gasp! that’s me!

People with narcolepsy may visibly fall asleep at unpredicted moments (such motions as head bobbing are common).

oh noes! all the time!

Narcolepsy has its typical onset in adolescence and young adulthood.

young adult! possible!

The most common symptom of narcolepsy is excessive daytime sleepiness, even if you slept well the previous night. A person suffering from narcolepsy may fall asleep at inopportune times, and naps are uncontrollable and can last anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes. A narcoleptic may fall asleep during daily activities such as folding clothes and continue their actions. When they awaken, they may not remember completing the task.

ok fine so I’ve never fallen asleep and completed a task although that would be very useful.


Evil Lolo

O Hai, Lolo here.


Aud is away internetless in Penang now with her family for Chinese New Year so that leaves me here to update this blog as I deem fit. 

Today we are NOT going to talk about Aud. We are going to talk about ME. LOLO! WHY SHOULDN’T WE?!?I am after all such a big part of Aud’s life! I’ve been with her while she was still a tiny little girl *cough* tinier little girl. 

All these years I was a faithful little bear to her. Always being her shoulder to cry on while she was sad and always being there for her at times of weakness. I never asked of anything else from her. In fact while she was too busy to keep me clean, I never blamed her. I never blamed her for me being PURPLE now eventhough I was PINK when I started off.   

And how did Aud repay me for sticking to her all these years?SHE GETS HERSELF THIS BITCH! KITTY CHAN THE SLUT CALLS HERSELF! 

One day the SLUT strolls into my room and sits on MY RIGHTFUL BED with her PINK LITTLE BOW on her head and her PERMANENTLY OPEN LEGS. 

When I cleared my throat to give her a hint she rolled her eyes at me.  So fine.. I said “BRING IT ON BITCH!!! JUST WAIT TILL AUD COMES BACK! SHE GONNA WHOOP YOUR ASS SOO HIGH UP YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT TO SHIT”.

Kitty Slut ignored me and we waited till nightfall for Aud to come home. Finally after so many damn hours she made it home along with that ugly guy she always hangs out with nowadays.

The time for retribution had come! (or so I thought). Then… to my disbelief, instead of KICKING THE SLUT OFF MY BED, she went on TO HUG IT.  



I was waiting for her to notice me at the corner and when she finally did, all she said was “Aww.. Lolo’s ass is stuck to the side of the bed“.



So dear Fourfeetnine readers, I appeal to all of you to petition Aud to chuck the Kitty Slut away and to reinstate me as the rightful “sitter” of Aud’s bed.WHO’S WITH ME??!!Ohh and Happy Chinese New Year.. wtf




Kitty chan

Two new additions to my room – one expected, one not.


Bought this paper lantern on Petaling Street last weekend …

But I didn’t expect it to be up so soon! Thank you Mummy! (and er Electrician Man wtf)


Came back to my room last night and dropped off my bag without turning on the light.

Then I skipped downstairs to get a drink.

Barreled back upstairs again …

And I saw this!

It was at night so I was fumbling in the dark for my light switch.

Then I noticed that…my bed was made wtf.  I was thinking, wah Mummy made my bed for me!

And then still in the dark, I noticed what was ON my bed.

Kitty chan!

I finally managed to get the light on (but not before nearly pushing the button that would trigger the burglar alarm wtf) and rushed to get a better look.

There was a note in front of her: “O HAI MUMMEE, IZ UCOMIN 2 BED NOW?”

HAHAHAAH awwwwwwwwww

Quickly turned around to see him skulking behind the door, smiling at me.

(poor Lolo with his butt stuck between my bed and the wall wtf)

Turns out he lied to me and told me he was going for a meeting while I was at work but actually went to my house to place Kitty chan on my bed.

And he cleaned my room for me because er the neat freak is Angela not me T_________________T

Thank you baby:)


