And I thought I had grown up and stopped being so klutzy aih.
Last night on our way to dinner, I saw an array of small Christmas trees for sale.
I saw a four-foot one and thought it was very cute so I said “eh I wonder how much this is” and grabbed it.
And my bag swung around and hit another tree and it fell over *dark
Edmund tried to help me pick it up but when he did the tree broke into half hahaahahahahahahha
I think when there’s someone else around the bad luck just goes to that person (ie. their car breaks down, Christmas trees fall over and break on them, etc)
But when I am alone the bad luck all just goes to me.
Like this morning I curled my hair and went to unplug it because if I don’t the curler stays half warm I dunno why la stupid curler.
So the plug was a bit stuck. I pulled and pulled and it was half out when suddenly my index finger slipped in between the prongs of the plug.
And I was electrocuted T_________________T
Damn painful ok I jumped like a foot back!
And at first my finger was stuck in between the prongs so I couldn’t move for a second!
Then I dunno if it was my own volition of the current that went through me that made me jump backwards wtf.
It was so painful T___________T
In the second that the current was coursing through my arm I thought is this what death feels like wtf.
My arm was waving like a snake! Or like I was doing a mexican wave wtf.
And after that my arm was super sore and I didn’t feel well at all like kibun ga warui. But luckily my hair didn’t stand up or become permed wtf.
And my finger now has burn marks on it *dark
I told Fat Her and he asked me to smell my finger to see if got char siew smell WTF.
Oh well I guess now I can sympathize with criminals who are put on the electric chair wtf.
Yee Hou said the same thing Hsin has always said: “it could only happen to Audrey.” T_________T
Tim said “at least you will never run out of things to blog about” ya that’s a great comfort wtf.
水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
ei i didn’t send u the song mei?
crazy little thing called love
i swear i did
*princess aud❤ says “whatever happened to the separation of classes?” HAHAHA says:
did u?
who sang it?
✿水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
someone from burnaby that’s why
a band call michale knows how to rock
*princess aud❤ says “whatever happened to the separation of classes?” HAHAHA says:
really? i searched on youtube its michael buble
✿水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
i sent u a few from him
*princess aud❤ says “whatever happened to the separation of classes?” HAHAHA says:
THEY’RE FRoM BURNABY?! (Burnaby is where Jerry & Sonohito live)
their songs all damn damn nice!!
my brother used to like them so much and even wanna go for their concert wtf
✿水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
Ooo yeayeayea this one is michael buble sorry got mixed up
ei i think michale buble is from burnaby la not the rock guy … ei im so confused i duno
*princess aud❤ says “whatever happened to the separation of classes?” HAHAHA says:
✿水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
*princess aud❤ says “whatever happened to the separation of classes?” HAHAHA says:
✿水藍㍿°ⓐⓝⓖⓘⓔ☺-*❤[I love the smell of new clothes and shoes!!!<3] says:
hahahahha i didn’t anyhow la i thought iw as right
MICHAEL KNOWS HOW TO ROCK HAHAAHAHAHAHAH I couldn’t stand it and told Carol about it.
~*carol*~ says:
from learns to knows huh
then next one is “michael teaches rock classes”
Ok sorry I found that very funny.
Me (in office): *yawns
Edmund: Eh why you always not enough sleep wan ar?
Me: No la I am always like this! Even if I get lots of sleep I still yawn. I wonder if I have a sleeping disorder.
Edmund: Ya I think you do have a serious disorder.
Me: Seriously, right! What’s it called, narco—
Edmund: It’s called laziness.
There was a Benefit sale the other day slash boo.
Aiping came running in yelling SALE SALE and all of us took off like a herd of stampeding elephants.
I wanted to tear down the sign announcing the sale WTF so there would be less competition.
Tze said I never change I am still as kiasu as ever and she is proud of me WTF.
And I was right in wanting to tear down the sign!
The place was tiny and everyone was shoving for space at the tables to look at the products.
Everything was so cheap! Prices slashed more than 50%!
Rightfully, I told Lee Fen to hold our basket and stand behind me while I elbowed people in their ribs wtf.
In the end I got an eye cream RM60 original price RM140 (for eyebags and fine lines), a lip gloss(RM30) and an eyeshadow (I think RM30 too)
There were lots of other stuff but lately I’ve been getting quite a lot of free makeup so it’s all good.
Like the other day I was at Bangsar Village and this girl came up to me and gave me Dior mascara in exchange for my contact details!
Speaking of Dior, the day after the Benefit sale, Christian Dior had a cosmetics sale too god why is my life so good.
But I didn’t get anything la cos none of the stuff I saw i really liked.
And today! We heard there was a Juicy Couture sale 80% off in Bangsar but I forgot about it and went to go eat pan mee for lunch aih.
But Lee Fen went and she said nothing good so that’s all right.
Okay getting sleepy will blog more tomorrow.
I think I like blogging again.
Oh hai! Iz me!
Today let’s talk about blogs and what people talk about. Don’t think that I don’t know who links me!
Because I do! And I have read most blogs of people who have linked me (if they show up on my wordpress)
How else would I get new blog reading material!
To be honest, I am not a fan of Innit even though loads of new blogs (some interesting some not so) come up every day on it. Cos most posts tend to be not very personal like Top 10 Ways to Get A Girl wtf or Reasons why (insert blog advertising company name) Sucks wtf.
I like reading blogs with personal content, which should not come as a surprise seeing my (and the rest of the Club’s – just admit it wtf) very kaypoh nature.
I like how people talk about their day or their lives and in very honest ways too. Suet does it when she blogs about my brother especially and I cannot get my head around how she does it.
Sometimes I do wish I could talk about my life and relationships as candidly as she and a lot of other people do. How they feel, what they think, whatever they’re going through in their lives.
But people who are close to me know that I have problems even explaining why I’m unhappy wtf. Or even when I’m too happy and I don’t wanna jinx something then I won’t say also wtf.
So instead I read people’s blogs and indulge in their lives.
One girl (you should know who you areJ) wrote about how her boyfriend surprised her with balloons in the trunk of his car.
Another girl (from Singapore) wrote about how her boyfriend would drive her to and fro wherever she was and buy lunch for her etc.
WHICH I KNOW is actually a very normal thing and possibly nearly everyone’s boyfriend does that for them time to time.
But to hear it come from the girls themselves in their own words was heartwarming. All the normal, maybe mundane things done by the right person for someone else may seem like nothing to others but is everything to that one person.
When I first started reading them I thought they wouldn’t continue blogging for long. But Berry and Lemon have started blogs to talk about their day-to-day dates and relationship.
And they’re still writing. Which guy would blog for the girl AND stick to it after a few entries!
I think maybe cos they’re anonymous, so they feel free to write everything that’s happening to them.
I wanna write also cannot. Whole wide world is reading! Mother reading, father reading, even father’s client is reading wtf.
Okay fine the whole wide world is probably reading about the romance of Berry and Lemon too but who doesn’t love them and want to see them live happily ever after!
So far they’re in the early stages of dating and I’m sure everyone knows just how fun that is!
The first part of the romance is all about getting to know each other, compromising each other’s favorite food so both are happy wtf, having the first fight which will lead both to know more about the other person:)
Everytime you go out with that person, you count down the hours till you get to see them, worry about whether this shirt looks nice on you…
*gets carried away
Okay la I guess you should know by now I know this stage of romance very well wtf.
Berry & Lemon are lucky enough to be able to revel in their love publicly. So let me live vicariously through their blogs la wtf.
If theirs is a fairy tale, will there be a very berry ever after? Wtf.
The other day I was sitting in Darren’s car heading to Neway for karaoke.
And suddenly he shouted “Woi what’s wrong with my car!”
“Why why! What’s wrong with your car!”
And that’s how we ended up here.
On the side of the road.
Next to a drain wtf.
And that day was his birthday wtf.
I suggested helpfully, “why don’t you jump down there and scoop some water to pour into your car”
He said “why don’t I throw you down there to get the water”
Some people are so unappreciative!
Like the time when my family was at the airport in San Fransisco and my parents couldn’t find the keys to one of the suitcases and they were searching high and low in every piece of baggage for them.
And I found it and decided to announce it in a song. So I made up some tune and sang it over and over again for a few minutes and when my dad looked up to tell me to keep quiet and saw the keys in my hand he just shouted at me “SING WHAT SING GIVE ME THE KEYS LA” and snatched it from me wtf good deeds just go unnoticed in this world I tell you.
Me in the car (cos it started raining could the day get any better wtf) playing with Darren’s aviators with the lens fallen out hahahaahahha.
I dunno is it me or what! An extraordinarily large amount of cars that I’ve sat in have broken down/got into car accidents!
Cars that I’m not even driving!
(um did i just say that i mean i was joking cars don’t usually break down on me! what nonsense please everyone still fetch me i have not gotten over driving phobia yet wtf)
The Dark Knight comes to save us! (with a couple bottles of mineral water)
Dark Knight doing his thing. And Darren’s ass while he checks for leaks wtf.
Met up with my favorite couple at Outback the other day! (Sorry Suet & Ooib you cannot be my favorite couple because I don’t want to imagine you guys doing things wtf)
Latat is so dark now *shock. I didn’t think it was possible wtf but maybe it’s just his shirt…
Me with Jammie. I had the most stressful day dealing with a whole lot of incompetence while Jammie came waltzing in from a long day of resting and doing nothing wtf. (As is obvious in my clumps of hair stuck to my forehead and her fresh and breezy smile T_T)
Oh and the lensless aviators are mine now haohohuehue I asked “can I keep them” and he said “aiya take la” in tired tones wtf.
I love them! Whateverrrr *black woman hand signal* la 60s style black nerd frames and 80s style black plastic sunglasses these steel aviator shaped glasses are beat your socks off ok wtf they are so ugly they’re cute wtf.
To everyone who left sweet, encouraging comments on the previous post:
Thank you so much. You don’t know how much it means to me to hear all those comforting words especially at a time like this.
To be honest, I had been contemplating shutting down my blog for weeks. I have been very caught up with work and work isn’t a very safe thing to blog about.
Also, there have been some things going on in my personal life that I don’t feel like talking about. At least not for the time being.
So I had nothing to blog about.
At the same time, as some of you might already know, there have been some very hurtful and ungrounded things about me flying around the Malaysian blogosphere.
Again, as some of you might already know, I am seeing someone who’s also involved in the blogging world (god I hate describing people as bloggers but you know what I mean)
Somehow because of that, a lot of people have been saying very mean things about me/us: calling me slut, saying I’m sleeping with him for his money and he’s sleeping with me because I am “influential” whateverrrrrr *black woman hand signal wtf
Oh ya a lot of them also called me midget and bimbo what is the big deal I call myself those names all the time wtf.
But the one that irked me the most was this person who posted a link to a picture of me and some of my coworkers and said “look at her wardrobe malfunction (the top of my white bra was showing a bit but wtf ok I wardrobe malfunction my whole life ok) and look at her head resting on the guy’s shoulder so slutty” WTF I wasn’t resting my head ok! Is it my fault that my head comes up to the level of everyone’s shoulders!
The person went on: “I used to think she was really cute and funny but now I just think she’s a slut.”
That really got to me because all this commenter had to do was to read the mindless ramblings of someone who sounds very judgmental and bitter, to change their mind about me. And the person who blogged about all this crap about me — if you read his posts properly, nearly every sentence contradicts the previous one.
He said that I’m sleeping with someone for money. And that someone is in turn sleeping with me because I’m influential? Isn’t this a win-win symbiotic relationship then wtf.
But anyway, what got to me was the fact that people were so happy and eager to believe the worst about people they don’t even know in person. Everyone has been lapping up every single negative thing that has been said about me, just by reading one or two accusatory posts by one person against the hundreds of posts I have written the past 5 years.
It has been the hardest thing for me to realize that people may not be inherently good after all, and that they might be actually happy when they see someone else go down. Maybe they think, thank god that’s not me. Or maybe it’s just because when someone else falls, they think, one less person to compete with me on the way up, I don’t know.
So that’s it. What upset me was not so much that people were bitching about me, but that they were just so EAGER to.
That’s the story. That was the catalyst that pushed me to consider protected posts, but I have also been wanting to write down how I really feel for the longest time. Maybe this will get me going again.
The other day, Jocelyn and Ivy, the nice people of Italiannies offered me the chance to go test out a new menu they had invented.
I have learned well from Suet that ANYTHING FREE IS GOOD wtf. What’s even better than that is if I am the first person to know about new things cos then I feel like I’m better than everyone else WTF.
Anyway I felt quite honored!
Parked the car and started walking to Italiannies.
Started having weird sensations in abdomen T_T
I didn’t make it past the salad before going to the toilet twice HOW SAD IS THAT
In the end Jocelyn and Ivy felt so bad (cos how can I write about how good their food is if I’m swallowing it while in the toilet wtf) that they told me to go back and rest then only come back for another round of food-tasting T_T
Anyway one week later I was feeling much better and I strolled into Italiannies with full confidence wtf.
Tim, Yee Hou, Robb, Firdauz and Zach came with me! Since they were giving me a full menu (and huge food portions) why not bring along a few starving men to enjoy the spoils wtf.
(But it turned out the lone girl ate more than any of the guys WHAT IS THIS at least two of them not mentioning names said they were watching their waists wtf)
The wimps wtf. (Robb missing)
Firdauz and his book. He damn stupid okay he kept eating the decorative vegetable that came with one of the dishes!
It wasn’t even parsley or any of the usual decorative vegetables! Dunno what is it and he would look around furtively to make sure no one was looking and pull off a piece and stuff it into his mouth HAHAHAH
Zach and Yee Hou god I look at Tan Dot Yee Hou’s face and get shivers.
Italiannies menu. Was trying to be all artistic but clearly my camera (and hands) failed me.
The dish that I barely made past the first time.
Quite glad though because it was so good! So I got to eat it twice!
I think it was called California Shrimp Salad. It had mangos and shrimp I love shrimp! Shrimp was lightly grilled and I dunno what they did to it but it was salty and juicy MMM damn nice /slurp
Me with the Quattro Platter which consisted of fried calamari, fried risotto balls and stuffed mushrooms with fried vegetables.
I was starving and had to stop myself from fighting over the calamari with the guys wtf. (love calamari)
Lamb shank.
Clearly these pictures were taken by Yee Hou cos they’re not blurry wtf.
Very nice too! Meat was cooked just right (cos I don’t like if its too tough) and very savoury. But I very fast get jelak wan so lucky for the boys all the more for them to eat wtf.
Another shrimp dish MMMMM looking at this pic makes me salivate. It’s called Chilli Shrimp.
The shrimp pasta among its equals wtf. Chili Shrimp, Angel Hair Podomoro, Clams and Beef Bacon, and Fusili Pesto.
Podomoro – thumbs up tomato based pasta rocks my socks wtf.
Clams and Beef Bacon – Bacon damn good!
Fusili Pesto – I THINK I DIDN’T TRY THAT HOW CAN. How about you try it and tell me nice or not wtf.
And more pasta! The only thing that can beat sushi for me is pasta <33333 Coronation Chicken, Chicken & Mushrooms, Salmon Aoili, Fusili Pesto.
8 different types of pasta can you imagine how happy I was!
I liked how everything came in such small portions. They’re having a promotion where you get 4 different pastas for like RM29.90 so you get to eat a little of each and not burst wtf.
I became Yee Hou’s technical assistant for the day!
(ie. Holding a plate above my head to reflect more light for his camera wtf)
(Arms were quite sore)
(Asked Zach to take a picture of me being a slave and this came out wtf)
Now for dessert!
The first time round, they gave us Chocolate Cake.
(Someone devoured half a piece before I had the chance to take out my camera thanks a lot guys wtf)
I only had a bite because I was suffering from stomach cramps wtf but it was quite delicious considering that I used to be allergic to cakes wtf and never really used to like eating them.
Second time was Strawberry Cheesecake for dessert!
By the time this arrived everyone was groaning and trying to unbutton their pants WTF (no I kid wtf) I was too full to eat much already but Yee Hou said his mother makes cheesecake and he refuses to eat it but he loves this and don’t tell his mother that wtf.
More pretty shots.
And then I wanted to take a group shot but everyone forgot sometimes I really think I am invisible to people wtf.
So that was my very fulfilling 1 ½ meals courtesy of Italiannies!
The world is getting uglier wtf.
So here is my solution.
I have realized that lately my blog entries have been becoming more and more impersonal and I hardly talk about anything substantial anymore. I miss when I felt free to write about nearly everything in the world.
Even reading my archives from this April I wrote a lot more freely than I do now.
So I am going to be writing more private entries. Leave a comment with your name, email and a line or two on why you want to be included in the mailing list for password protected entries:)
Back in Redang: No worries, no troubles, no comfy beds WTF.
Update: Thanks for leaving comments everyone it makes me happy to know that so many people like my blog:) I’ll be capping this on Sunday – 3 days from now – to make it easier to manage. So you have until Sunday to leave a comment, after that if you still want to be added you have to email me. Thankew <3
1. Get into office at 9 AM.
Still bright and cheery.
2. Realize there’s a mound of work waiting for me from the day before.
Ya that’s my workspace. This is what happens when I try to do too many things at once T_T I like to think my desk is usually neater than this wtf. Pictures of family, Angela and the Club on the left. Kite Runner returned from Jammie when I met her for lunch.
3. Get stoned by hectic workday and exhaustion (which in reality is nearly everyday – it is true when I say I have no social life left on weekdays)
4. But as they say (or rather, what people have been drilling into me my whole life), for every problem there is a solution.
Lipton Yellow Label Hirameki tea.
To be honest, before this I’ve never tried this tea before.
But office is always cold so I always want something hot to drink.
And everyone knows what coffee does to me. So I usually drink green tea that I bring from home.
But that day Mehlin pushed the yellow box to me and said chirpily “woi fourfeetnine have a cup”
This range of Lipton called Hirameki. Hirameki means “get inspired” in Japanese (which is something I did not know wtf)
And theanine means a kind of amino acid which is supposed to promote brain activity – but go look it up yourself I’m not too sure if it’s supposed to make u more awake or smarter or what wtf.
Anyway, when you have drunk your tea and upped your brain activity and everything, Lipton wants to reward you with prizes (laptops, Cybershots, phones etc.) if you join their contest at and answer a simple question !
5. Make yourself a good sobering cup of tea.
6. Don’t forget the hot water!
7. Find there’s still lots of unfinished packets in the box.
8. Find overworked coworker (Jerry).
9. Fight temptation to hit him over head with Lipton box.
10. Scold other coworker (Lee Fen) holding camera for putting thumb in front of lens.
11. Present Jerry with useful gift.
(ok let me just say it wasn’t my idea to pose so cornily obviously it was the recipient’s idea ok look at his face also know already!)
12. Watch him down it.
13. And wake up!
(He really is awake, I think his irises are just really high up in his eyeballs wtf)
The Happy Ending of yet another workday.
Maybe something happened to make you this way.
Maybe there is a reason why you are so full of hate today.
Everyone is judging but maybe we shouldn’t be?
That’s why I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. If assuming there could be a deeper reason for your actions is considered naive, then I’d like to be naive.
(I think Suet and/or Ringo did something like this recently. But I was thinking about all the things I missed about my past so I’m writing this.)
Sometimes I miss Mount Holyoke.
Sometimes I miss wearing boots.
Sometimes I miss Mild.
A lot of the time I miss Angela.
But I don’t miss doing trash wtf.
Although I do miss the solitude that comes with doing it and just having my mp3 player for company (because clearly no one is going to come near you when you are the trash lady of Macgregor)
Sometimes I miss running for the subway at Karasuma.
Sometimes I miss sitting in musty library basements looking at microfilm machines.
I miss Mount Holyoke burgers on English muffin with bacon.
And Honest Ade Orange Mango Just A Tad Sweet wtf.
Sometimes I miss American accents.
Sometimes I miss Vancouver.
Sometimes I miss paying student price.
I miss laughing at/being horrified by weird people at school.
I miss Suet barging in and demanding that I stop looking at my laptop and talk to her.
I miss walking briskly in the cold to Mild’s room in Torrey to watch Ugly Betty & Desperate Housewives.
I miss listening to Nelly Furtado in the car on the way to Boston.
I don’t miss struggling to carry my art supplies and blowing charcoal snot out of my nose after every charcoal drawing class T_T
Sometimes I miss asking my hairstylist in Japan to do my homework for me WTF.
Sometimes I miss having weekly presentations in Japanese and having to come up with news topics to tell the class. My topics were always about rape or prostitution =.=
I miss dressing up in different themes every Friday with Angela & Christine.
Sometimes I miss school.
I miss wondering when my boobs were going to grow. (We now know the answer: NEVER wtf)
I don’t miss having boys call me flat wtf.
I miss the days when it was enough to have a boy you liked so you could discuss it with your friends.
I miss taking pictures with Mild & Jeannie and calling it a good picture when only me and Angela were in focus wtf.
I miss hating everyone at 8.35 am in a Chinese History class on a snowy day.
I miss Lipman and his advice when I am close to tears.
I miss Gayle and talking to Rob about Christianity at the Eliot House.
I even miss the Jewish girls who taught me how to make pizza out of unleavened bread.
I nearly miss churning out my 90 page thesis and rereading it countless times.
I miss getting the news that I was getting honors.
I miss Bebe in US prices.
And Japanese shoe stores.
I miss Shibuya 109.
I miss Neal saying “I’m not gonna lie” and Trey saying “are you retarded” wtf.
Actually I miss the un-depressed Neal wtf.
I don’t miss falling down a mountain in Hiroshima wtf.
I miss Mild changing to Adrianna after midnight.
I miss people knowing that me and Angela come in a package.
Sometimes I miss Mansion in Miami.
I don’t really miss shielding under an umbrella and having people roll their eyes at me.
I miss the anonymity I had and the days I used to blog about every single thing I felt (and was free to bitch about people online).
(to be continued)
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