Then I heard in my left ear a sound that went like “OOoooooOOOoooooo”
Like a ghost howling!
My eyes widened and I stopped typing.
Was it my headphones making that weird noise? But no I was standing up! My headphones weren’t on my head also.
I reached up and touched my ear with trembling fingers wtf. I started thinking maybe I was listening too much to my headphones and had permanently ruined my eardrums. Or that I had a brain tumor WTF.
Then I suddenly heard cackling from behind and turned around to see Edmund holding up his phone next to my ear wtf.
See what I have to put up with in the office every day!
Today was a day of carwashes..
and icecream!
(Drumstick Kitkat flavor not very nice don’t buy there was a single bar of Kitkat stuck down the middle and it tasted really weird like it was a reject from the Kitkat factory and they decided “waste not want not” and buried it in icecream)
Did hair again! About the same as the last time except maybe 2 inches shorter.
Styling is going to be a bitch.
Went shopping!
God I haven’t shopped in months (which when you think about it is about the lifetime of certain small animals wtf) and I got three dresses today slash boo.
Sometime when I don’t shop for long I don’t feel it at first but after a while I get all cranky and yearning but when I finally buy some stuff it’s like a release! Like ahhh I can breathe all proper again wtf.
Btw I am getting fatter! I gained 2 kg in 2 months what is this! Good news for my arms and shoulders (boobs no difference fuck this shit wtf) but terrible for my stomach and thighs.
This is all the karma rushing back for all the times when I mock Tim, Edmund & Desmond for having bellies (but now don’t dare to say Desmond already because that day in Zouk when he was drunk he said “fuck off!” and did the fcukoff hand signal to me and he is my boss ok wtf)
I am back after a super long hiatus!
Loads has happened.
Quick recap before I go to sleep!
Elise came to KL for the weekend!
And we went out for the night! (Ya it was really hot)
I saw a dead snake on the road. Very disgusting. It had chunks of its body amputated and its head was crushed.
(hate snakes)
Went for dinner with Robb & Nicholas where we found a clown surrounded by kids.
Clown was folding balloons so I went closer because I love balloons.
Clown said “why don’t you ask your brother to come nearer?”
I said “he’s not my brother!”
Clown folded a pretty pink heart and gave it to me! He said “this is not from me but from your boyfriend” (pointing to Robb)
If only Robb swung that way wtf.
A little girl saw my balloon and pointed at it. I turned my back on her so I wouldn’t have to give it to her WTF.
Hello she is 4 years old she can get a balloon as easy as anything! When you’re 23 you have to work for it wtf.
But then Robb turned my beautiful balloon into something disgusting T_________T
Nokia & Nuffnang Halloween party. Robb is Nick Carter from the “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” video while Hikaru is Generic Mummy wtf.
My leg warmer thingies.
Me & Racheal later that night at Heineken Green Room in Zouk.
I loved my costume! But I looked fat in it wtf so I am contemplating not posting pictures up T_T
But Christine & Gabriel from Absolut Pitch (costuming company) did a great job putting it together from me! (Will edit to put their contact number here wtf)
Wait till I find pics of myself not being fat first wtf.
K I don’t look so fat in this one thank you Cincau Hangus I stole it off Facebook.
I wasn’t a random leaf woman / Greek goddess / Eve ok I was Ayumi in her I am… album!
I’m on a Backstreet Boys rampage and downloaded all their lesser known ballads off their albums.
Hsin was laughing at me for all the intense cheesiness of my playlist and as usual we started remininscing about our childhoods (like any self-respecting 23 year old would do wtf)
We were damn stupid as kids! (We’ve been best friends ever since we were 11 so she’s seen me through more than half my life and I hers)
(And for the record I was ugly all the way from Standard 2 to like Form 5 wtf)
For example, Ah Bah saw a picture of me and my family taken when I was 12 in Disneyland and kept whipping his head back and forth between the picture and me saying “is this you? Is this you?”
(pointing to Ooib’s picture) “Is this Barry?”
(pointing to Mickey Mouse) “Is this Suet?” WTF.
Anyway back to our childhoods. According to my diary from when I was 12, I was very boy crazy wtf.
Because every entry I talked about boys WTF.
And sometimes not even real ones but people like Nick Carter and Lee Brennan wtf.
One of my entries went like this:
“I had a fight with Amir in school. He was trying to lock us in the class and his watch scratched my arm.”
Then next sentence: “I love tuition!”
But the worst worst worst most embarrassing entry ever was this:
“I’m heartbroken. I found out something shocking: Lee lost his virginity at age 16”
Continued: “If I ever marry him I won’t be getting married to a virgin.”
In my defense I was only 12!!!!
And then we grew up and went through our share of romances and breakups.
But now Hsin is the closer one to fulfil our dreams of getting married to Nick Carter and Lee Brennan just because her Mitchell is ang moh wtf.
Hsin kept a journal until her years in university and she wrote about her last relationship and subsequent breakup and got emo over it (we were reading our old diaries together on MSN wtf)
I wish I’d kept writing until now. The last journal entry I wrote (as in handwrote) was in my second year at Mt Holyoke and by then my writing was sporadic and occasional.
I guess when I started blogging I stopped writing but there are many things you can’t put out there in a blog and now I probably might have missed jotting down a lot of memories in my past few years.
Since I already bared something so embarrassing, here’s a picture of me without makeup (seriously) in my very sexy Southern Bank (now obsolete) tshirt.
I hate driving!
I hate truck drivers!
I hate rain!
Today I was driving home from work at about 8pm.
It was raining so of course KL roads were all jammed.
But then the traffic eased up a bit and I was driving down the NKVE (I think cos I’m not good in road knowledge wtf) and I had to keep left to turn into the Subang toll.
I signaled.
And on the left lane behind me this fucking cibai truck honked me and sped up!
Die die don’t want to let me go into his lane!
So I had to slow down and wait for him to pass before I could switch lanes.
But he turned out to be a trailer!!! Like the kind that carries cars from the factory!
Damn long and heavy so obviously he took damn long to get past me.
And I couldn’t see anything beyond the trailer!
So by the time he passed I quickly tried to turn left and found myself staring at the divider WTF.
And I bounced off the divider poles T________________T
And ended up somewhere I don’t even know T_____________T
I started panicking when I saw roadsigns for Port Klang T________________T
I called my dad. But my phone was running out of battery T_______________T
So I just stopped at the emergency lane on the highway and prayed that my parents would find me T____________T
My mom said she could hear that I was going to cry on the phone T______________T Somemore when I tried to tell her which turning I’d missed she kept quiet and said “let me think, I’ll call you back” WTF
And then my dad said she hung up the phone and stared into space WTFFFFF
Anyway all’s well that ends well because I’m sitting here typing aren’t I wtf.
I waited on the emergency lane, darting glances left to right to behind because I’d decided that if I saw any criminal coming near my car at all I would rev my engine and escape wtf.
And then my parents drove up behind me in their car T___________________T
Thank you Buddha T_________________T
I thought I would have to find a public phone to call already! Either that or drive to the edge of the sea at Port Klang wtf.
I am not driving tomorrow T_______T Or the day after. Or maybe forever and ever Amen wtf.
Honestly I’ve never heard or even imagined a silent dance party.
The music is not going to be blasted out of speakers. Instead everyone is going to be bopping to the same music on their headphones.
So if I forget to bring my music player or headphones (very possible occurence) I will be the only one not hearing anything!
A deaf person in a world full of sound! wtf.
Everyone is gonna be moving to whatever music they are listening to while I would have to stand there like a stone wtf.
Actually if everyone is moving to whatever silent rhythm I think it’s quite creepy lor!
Is that why they decided to do Silent Halloween ar wtf.
Anyway I have a great idea what to go as this Halloween!
Last year I went as a cat:
Because my whole costume cost me $8 wtf I am cheap like that.
But what I really wanted to go as if I had the time and money was Ayumi Hamasaki!
Ok fine I admit I am secretly pleased whenever someone says I look like her. She is so pretty okay! But not so much if anyone says I look like Gigi Leung (boyfriend stealer) or Nicole Richie (anorexic & crazy) *grim
So now that the theme for Nokia’s Halloween is celebrities, I die die must go and fulfil my dream of being Ayu wtf.
No idea where to get a blond wig though. Make one out of yellow raffia string ar wtf.
I will perservere! See you there!
Look what I saw lying on my desk when I got in to work this morning!
Pink carnations!
Carnations are my favorite! Ya I am aware that carnations are flowers given to mothers and Mehlin keeps calling me “mum” now wtf but I think they’re very special! (I like roses too la of course)
I have no idea who got them for me.
I wasn’t even sure if they were for me.
Cos there was no note or anything, so I thought maybe the whole office got flowers wtf.
But then there was this post-it note that said “For the Glamour. wtf”
If got wtf means its for me la!
But dunno who it’s from! Whole office keeps saying it’s Darren because of our daily fights in the office wtf but I know it’s not.
I thought I knew who it was but I asked him and he said no and got a bit angry wtf. Gosh men wtf.
So! Third time getting flowers in my life!
(Actually 4th)
1st was when Yeff came to Mt Holyoke for my birthday and gave me roses (but Elise bought them for him so it’s not counted wtf)
2nd was when David gave me a potted plant for my birthday WTF.
3rd was during my graduation where I brought my parents to the florist and picked out my own graduation bouquet and forced them to pay for it WTF.
So this is the 4th! And the most proper flower receivement of all!
But haih I thought everyone in the office got them so I wasn’t really that excited about them at first.
But thank you whoever you are! It made my morning! And to think I was considering pretending to be sick and not coming in for work wtf.
You know how I’ve been having a lot of problems with my blog?
Like server always down for hours on end and I can’t even access anything to figure out what’s going on.
So Kenny suggested I should change blogs and offered to host me if I got my own domain damn nice T___________T
So fine. Obviously my domain will be called
But I’ve been very busy so I haven’t had time to go buy my domain yet oooh like shopping wtf.
But Suet just messaged me with the worst news!!!
She said she is taken!
I quickly typed it in..
and got Midget Porn X-Rated Dwarf Sex.
WTF Suet just asked me to find out who owns by typing it in..
princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
oh ya u know wht!
if u go u can check who owns it!
go now!
*princess aud❤ says:
Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
damn stupid midget porn hahahaha
*Queen Suet says:
did u check who bought it??
*Queen Suet says:
why would anyone buy fourfeetnine for midget porn hahahhaa
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
i wonder who wtf
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
i duno how to see la wtf
*Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
scroll all the way down la dumbo
*Queen Suet says:
can see the owner’s name and email address and address
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
but duno why got this SEO text browser n its my blog on it
*Queen Suet says:
haih u cannot be helped la i wanna faint edi
*Queen Suet says:
Whois Record
Registration Service Provided By:
Domain name:
Registrant Contact:
Kenny Sia wtf
Kenny Sia
Jalan Audrey Ooi
Kuala Callmetogetyourdomainwtf, Ooiland 4499
Administrative Contact:
Kenny Sia wtf
Kenny Sia ()
Fax: +61.403628868
Jalan Audrey Ooi
Kuala Callmetogetyourdomainwtf, Ooiland 4499
*princess aud❤ says:
means what wtf
*Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
*Queen Suet says:
u suck la wtf
*princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
yeah midget porn was my idea wtf
*Queen Suet says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
why everytime i answer before u ask me /beg
*Queen Suet says:
cause at first he led it to ur website
*Queen Suet says:
so if u typed it goes to ur website
*princess aud❤ says:
*princess aud❤ says:
*Queen Suet says:
then i say like tht she wont be sur[rised!!!
*Queen Suet says:
must lead to midget porn then she’ll get angry first hahahah
*princess aud❤ says:
i was halfway typing out a blog entry adi!!!
*Queen Suet says:
yeahhh he very nice la!!!
*Queen Suet says:
haha anyway just to let u know now u have your own website =)
When I saw his name I was like hmmm why got Kenny Sia’s name here wan is it because he linked me on his blog before WTF.
But now I know T_____________T He bought it for me T______________T
I would call you now but it’s kind of late T_________T Thankew Thankew Thankew Imma call you tomorrow T_________T
(And thanks to Suet for her lying skills very good she knew exactly what would make me have a fit wtf)
So it’s been exactly two months since I started work.
I still can’t believe I’m not a student anymore. I keep thinking this is an internship and I’m going to go back to Mount Holyoke soon. But I guess lately I haven’t really thought that anymore so I must be getting used to working life.
It still feels so surreal though. Sometimes at a meeting at work I’ll think “omg what am I doing here” and look around at everyone else and think “wah I’m interacting with people who know so much more / with experience.” wtf.
I feel like I’ve learnt so much though. I learned to listen more, to read between the lines, to think in so many different ways that school never taught me.
I learned that there are limitless ways to make fun of someone’s height wtf. Thanks Jerry & Edmund wtf.
That said, I couldn’t ask for better people to work with. Most days I don’t leave the office until after 7 and sometimes I’m exhausted, but it doesn’t feel like work when you’re having fun.
The other day a whole bunch of us from high school met up over dinner — I hadn’t seen most of them since after SPM and it was so strange to talk to them and exchange stories over who’s working where now.
We’re all so grown up! (Although I still managed to get sauce on my white shirt will some things never change wtf) Everyone’s acne has cleared up wtf, a lot of them are in stable relationships, and some of us came to dinner straight from work. Most people are in banks or financial institutions and I thank god my parents let me choose where I ended up in, because if I ended up in a bank I would deteriorate and die wtf.
Just so surreal! I somehow thought that my being a student would never end, I would always be a kid and now it seems like my life is moving beyond what I ever imagined — to adulthood. I’ve grown up, and now I have a job and sooner or later (PLEASE LA GOD SOONER RATHER THAN LATER WTF) I will get married and have a family and grow old (hopefully with my husband wtf)
That said, I know I haven’t been blogging much about what’s really been going on in my life (because some things cannot be revealed, maybe later) but I am happy where I am. 🙂
In preparation for my exam T_T
I was reading my soulmate’s blog (by reading I mean look at her pics cos I can’t read Chinese and Babel translator sucks) and by george her life is so nice and fun got time to do her nails and take buses around Vancouver for fun T3T
While most of the time I look like shit at work and even when I wear nicer a bit like stockings there will be people saying I look like Chucky WTF.
Pictures from Heineken’s Green Room media launch.
Heineken is having their Green Room event on 1 Nov at Zouk and they’re bringing in Van She, Dexpistols and Lapsap to perform. So for people who like this kind of music (not sure what to call this music also wtf trance ar?) must go!
HAHAHAHA I just remembered Edmund was damn mean! He took one look at the duo of Lapsap (for people who dunno what they look like sorry I don’t have a pic wtf) and their long messy hair and said”is this why they are called Lapsap” WTF.
(*Lapsap = rubbish in Cantonese)
Clearly I don’t know much about this music scene other than everyone there dresses very cool and quirky and eccentric and listens to electronica wtf so Imma shut up and just put up pics of the decor.
Green Room launch at Cloth & Clef, Changkat Bukit Bintang.
Me & Desmond, the greatest camwhore ever wtf.
Edmund, who next to Jerry is possibly the best person ever at coming up with different variations of short jokes wtf.
The decor was all futuristic!
Before a lot of people came in.
The green mannequin head actually had a viewfinder embedded in the back (you know when you were a kid you had this red binocular type of toy where you could insert circular cardboard discs in to look at pictures!) and you could look in the green head at shots of past Green Room events.
Aih look at me I wasn’t lying when I said I look like shit and that day was no exception wtf. Somore we came straight from the office so I had been out for 12 hours already without a change of clothes or dinner:(
A dismantled Walkman which was made into an art piece. I think supposed to represent the fusion of science and music.
Me & Desmond playing with the viewfinder.
Damn stupid ok the thing was actually quite high up so I had to tiptoe while looking into it!
And this photographer dragged me to pose while looking into one, while Lapsap looked at the other two. And I really didn’t want to do it because everyone would see that I had to tiptoe to look into the thing! But everybody was like “go la go la” I had to do it *grim
Miss my long hair T.T
I now have medium length nondescript hair damn boring I dunno what to do with it T3T
Oh ya the other day I watched House Bunny and they were saying that “guys don’t like girls who are too smart” and Darren next to me nodded and said “ya its true” WTF WHY LIKE THIS HOW CAN
And the other day I was saying in the office that I think Pinky is very pretty, then Jerry said “but I think guys will like you more” so I asked why (thinking naively that he had something nice to say about me for once wtf) and he said “cos you’re stupider” WTF
How can! This goes against all my feminist beliefs wtf.
Why do guys like stupider girls ar. Is it really so they will feel superior and better able to take of them. I read an article before also that said that most women at the top of the corporate ladder or with graduate degrees tend to be single because men feel intimidated by them!
(Come to think of it Tim also hates it when I correct his spelling on MSN hmm wtf) Why why! What is the psychology behind guys wanting not so smart girls!
This makes me feel so uncomfortable wtf.
Nuffnang (Ticket Gods) got a bunch of us tickets to watch Gamarjobat the other day at the Actors Studio!
For those who don’t know (which was me until that day wtf – but I love plays and performances of any kind! Plus I hardly go for Actors Studio cos I can’t afford it wtf so getting free tickets was heavensent) Gamarjobat is a Japanese duo who specialize in silent comedy and they are hilarious!
According to the brochure wtf they have “turned silent comedy into an art form that completely transcends all cultural and language boundaries. Their work is an ingeniously packaged mixture of clever, free-flowing mime and gentle acrobatics all warapped up in a generous helping of wonderfully tongue-in-cheek humor.”
I couldn’t have said it better! They were funny, hyperactive and all over the place with their jokes and slapstick comedy. The best parts to me was when they played with the audience, made fun of us and imitated us laughing at them.
Before the show, KY asked to see my phone and he actually turned off my silent mode. Cos he knew if my phone rang in the middle of it Gamarjobat would have a great time persecuting me wtf.
But Tim told me my silent mode was off and I turned it back on. But now that I think about it it wouldda been funny to see what they would have done if my phone rang.
Damn good ok please go catch it if you have time!
The show runs until October 19 and tickets range from RM53 – RM86. (You get them cheaper if you’re above 60 years old wtf)
Call 03-2094 0400/1400 to book:)
Ketch! & Hiro-pon of Gamarjobat.
Hi office of generous Ticket Gods! wtf.
Um Ticket God #1 & Ticket God #2 wtf. (Yee Hou & Pinky) Yea I stole this picture wtf I don’t think they remember taking it either.
God from Hell #1 WTF. Everyone, this is Darren.
He wants me to pimp him on my blog wtf.
We fight all the time wtf. Like over nonsense! Like I don’t want to eat a slice of cake also he scold me! And threatened to smash the cake into my mouth if I didn’t take a slice WTF.
And I asked him to help me take a freebie for me also he don’t want and complain as though I asked him to eat poison. Then 2 minutes later he asked Pinky very sweetly if she wanted him to take it for her WTF.
Think twice before you become his friend wtf.
My office really needs a corner like this.
That’s me taking a nap while waiting for Ticket Gods to finish work.
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