
Weld Quay

Why is my blog always down T___________T

Suet has moved to a new domain now, and she’s always asked me to do the same but I’ve never felt like it.  Until now!

I think my blog has been down every alternate day or something hasn’t it T___________T

But I can’t even tell the difference between host, server and domain wtf.  So I dunno what I should fix.  Or how to go about doing it.

Somebody help!


There we go, another picture of grey cardigan boy as ordered wtf.

Went back to Penang for Raya.  Above is an artist’s very talented rendition of Penang Island wtf.

Saw this car on the highway.  When I saw it I yelled “Look! CCB”geddit geddit wtf I don’t wanna swear on my blog!

Celebrated Fat Her’s birthday with the world’s girliest cake.

I don’t understand why I don’t look like myself here! (Ipromise I am wearing clothes wtf)

See! wtf.

That day, we went to Weld Quay.  Along Weld Quay is the Penang Clan Jetties, which is a  collection of water villages in existence since the 19th century.

A clan jetty is actually a village built on silts and the name of the jetty is named after the last name of the residence. Each jetty comprises of row houses linked by planked walkways over the water. Their ancestor’s came from small coastal communities in Fukien province China, and were mostly fisherman and gatherers of oysters. – Stolen from wtf.

Hello from Chew Jetty!

Imagine living in a wooden house built like 5 feet above the sea!

It was a bit smelly – I dunno if it was cos of the sea or the trash the residents throw out = =

But very fascinating!  And very cool la how many of us can say we have such a unique home!  House after wooden house opened up onto the wooden walkway.  I kept peeking into the houses to see what they were like inside.

I guess most people there are Buddhist/Taoist cos I saw a lot of altars wtf.  I saw a lot of satellite dishes too wtf.

Sorry i can’t get over living over the sea like that.  What if you had a morbidly fat guest came to your house and he jumped or stamped his feet!

They even have their resident hair dresser wtf.  They offer to straighten your hair for RM25++ wtf my mother said “eh ask them if they do extensions” WTF.

A very contented resident with his mouth open wtf.

I was trying to sneak a picture of him and my mother kept yelling “Audrey AUDREY COME LOOK AT THIS” much to my fright.

She wanted me to look at this =.=

Me with Mother and Tai Yee.

Salted fish.

Your view if you lived in one of those houses.

My feet, the water, and some trash wtf.

The clan temple.

The stilts are made of plastic buckets filled with cement.  I dunno how stable that is cos one of the buckets have split down the middle *doubtful

Found out how to play with color settings on Fat Her’s camera.



Wah I’ve been away for a week!

I haven’t been away per se, but I think my job has gotten the better of me:(

A lot of campaigns coming in and I wish I was an octopus with eight hands (and eight brains) so I can do 8 tasks at a time wtf.

Even yesterday, we had half day for Raya (OH SELAMAT HARI RAYA EVERYONE) and I had to stay at work until 4, and Darren couldn’t go anywhere without me (because I’m addictive like that WTFWTF) so Desmond made him do some of my work too wtf.

And then when I finally finished everything I had to do I quickly closed my email before I could get any more emails to follow up on wtf.

(But Desmond has it worse because he was muttering about coming back tomorrow – which is Raya – to finish more work:()

But today is Raya!  I need this break so badly!

And tonight I’m going to go a Japanese comedy play in Actors Studio!

And then tomorrow I’m going back to Penang!

Anyway, pictures from last weekend’s Henessy Artistry.  Which I went damn late for because of a lot of complications: Velvet vs Artistry, no confirmation until the last minute, me not feeling like going anymore cos too mafan wtf.

By the time I arrived all the performances were over *dark

All pictures stolen from Hui Wen & Smalls!

Me and Smalls in matching dresses!

Damn stupid ok because I’m shorter than Smalls, her friends took to calling me Smaller WTF.

Hui Wen, whose back from Singapore (so what else is new wtf) <3

(Why the guy behind like this T3T)

Joelyn (damn hot), Smalls (damn cute), Hui Wen (damn pretty), me (damn. wtf)

And then this stupid Smalls said “let’s play truth or dare!” and dared me to go chat up the guy in white behind me WTF.

Damn weird ok he looks like Ali G and dances like a whirling dervish T__________T

Like he stood on the podium and shot his arms out in all directions (like an octopus what is with me and octopuses (octopi?) today)

Didn’t want to go near him in case eye got poked out by shooting arms wtf so they settled for this other guy.

I have never gone up to a guy before in my entire life T_T so when I went up to him I just said “Hello can I have your number” wtf and he gave it to me *agog

Aih why am I so short sometimes I look at pictures of myself and it depresses me T_T

But Shannon is pretty short too!  I stood on a step and I was the same height as him already!

With everyone (well almost everyone) at the end.

Andrew wanted to be pimpin’ wtf.

So did Shannon but one of his hos went berserk wtf.

It might look like I chao kong but that is really not the case because I wasn’t wearing pink undies that night ok wtf.

All of us.  I like this picture but so dark:(


Baby you can drive my car

 Edit: Sorry everyone I know I haven’t been very good at answering comments lately:( It’s taking all my time to even update my blog.  Promise I will answer when I get my time under control!!

Update #1:

I watched Mamma Mia!  Nuffnang was  kind enough to give some of us tickets, and when Mehlin stood up and announced “WHO WANTS TO GO FOR MAMMA MIA” I am proud to say I was the first one to jump up, stick my hand up and shout “memememememe” wtf.

It was so so so good! shiny-eyes.jpg Clearly I am a big ABBA fan so I knew all the songs!

And I sang along to all of them wtf.

I was seated between Darren and Edmund (much to their dismay wtf)

I think Darren actually liked the movie!  Cos we both laughed at the same things (possibly he is even more easily entertained than me).

But when I looked over at Edmund he was either smiling ruefully or had his fingers on his temple WTF.

But when I started singing into the right side of his face that’s when he edged away from me wtf.

Then when I peered over to look at Desmond his face was a mask of grimness hahahaahahah certainly not his type of movie wtf.  (Before the movie he asked casually “so what is this movie about” and I told him “it’s a musical” and watched his face freeze hahahahaha)

But Jerry apparently loved it!  Cos when I came back to the office after a meeting he had on the Mamma Mia soundtrackshiny-eyes.jpg

And had it on for the next five hours *grim

Until *I* the most enthusiastic supporter of ABBA finally told him to turn it off or I would go nuts wtf.

Update 2:

I scraped my car against the pillar when parking in Pyramid today T_T

HAIH fuck this shit la!  I hate driving!  I hate parking!

No matter how many times I reversed and went forward I remained in the same spot *grim

Then in the end I scraped the side of my car against the wall aih.

I tried reversing but the side went “kreeek” again wtf.

Haih how can I defend women drivers when I myself suck this much.  Sorry Mount Holyoke I have let you down I cannot be feminist wtf.

How ar!  What if the paint comes off and my car rusts!  (and I get tetanus wtf no la kidding wtf)

Before this I was thinking of repainting my car to a cuter color but I found out its a whopping 2-3k to do it so I thought “never mind it’s a luxury I can do without”.

But now my car also so much scratches already i really feel like painting it.

Can I paint it myself ar wtf.

I brought it up with Jam and Carol separately.

Brush-stroked car wtf.

Haih maybe I can buy spray cans and spray myself ar.  The type graffiti artists use wtf.

Another day (of driving) tomorrow *gloom

AudEmo AudSocialButterfly

I went to your wedding

Maybe I should make it a weekly thing to write about my day on Saturdays.

Since that’s when any of my social life occurs (if it does at all wtf)

So this weekend was spent mingling with people whose average age was 75 wtf I am not joking.

My dad’s cousin’s daughter was getting married!  So after work on Friday I went straight to a family dinner  which seemed to be made up of the entire population of Penang over 65 wtf.

I never know their names I just call them chim poh or chik kong.

Chik Kong on the far right is one of my favorite grand uncles.

He’s got a degree (an unusual thing for someone of his generation)  and when I was researching for my thesis he gave me sharp nearly day-to-day accounts of where he was during the Japanese Occupation and May 13!  And he gave me loads of papers documenting our ancestry cos he’s a record keeper like that /boo

But it’s been just a year since I last saw him and he used to be so clever and sharp but now he’s forgotten my name T___________T Haih Parkinsons T___________T

My dad with his favorite aunt I think.  That’s my grandma in the middle, another grand aunt, and my aunt standing.

Favorite Aunt is married to the Chik Kong above.  Their love story started during the Occupation I think and it was very sweet!  Her aunts didn’t approve of him and he had to do all kinds of things to get them to give their blessings to their relationship haha.

Then the next day, I had to go for 日本語授業 which fried my brain.

No more sleeping in on Saturdays 🙁

Waiting for Mummy Ooi to take me to class.

Rushed to the dentist after class to fit for my retainer.

(Broke my first one, lost my second in Tokyo and never bothered to get a new one.  Now teeth are shifting and am having visions of waking up one day with a smile that belong to Bugs Bunny wtf)

Would never do so am getting new retainers.

Think I’ve been reading too much Marian Keyes because I’m typing like her wtf.

Then rushed home and got changed and headed out for tea ceremony.

No time to do hair also T_T

In the car.

In the car with Grandma Ooi.  Told her to look at the camera but she was confused.

With my mom and another aunt (I can’t keep track)  You know how I vacillate between thinking I’m too skinny to I’m fat?  This is one of the times I think I’m fat wtf.

With Favorite Granduncle.

With Mum again.  Was getting quite bored because I have a lot of relatives and the bride and groom had to serve tea to every single one of them wtf.

Parents’ turn!

Then mine!  Cos I’m not married so I have to serve them tea instead (and get angpau mmmm)

And this was right after I asked the bride for a second angpau WTF thinking I would get two aih I held out my hand for it and she frowned a bit and held it out of my reach wtf.

A bit of the dinner atmosphere.

Was trying to take ambience shots but clearly I possess not an inch of talent wtf.

The bride’s parents.  (By now you should be able to tell I am related to the bride although if I saw her on the street I wouldn’t know who she is wtf)

Bride & groom!  Trust me to take a nice bright shot of the parents but when it comes to the newly weds I put on the wrong flash wtf.

Cutting cake!

With mother (really getting bored now)

I like the rose bush/trees!  And the candles around it at first I thought if someone knocked over a candle it would be hell wtf but come to think of it roses don’t burn (tried burning a rose petal wtf) so I guess we were safe wtf.

Really bored.  Taken very hastily because there was a 15 year old kid at our table who was convinced I look like Zhao Wei and kept urging me to go into movies WTF.  (Didn’t want him (or his mother) commenting on me anymore than could be helped wtf)

Hate course dinners and had to keep fighting the urge to keep going to the bathroom just for something to do.

There is only so much conversation you can make to adults about what you studied at school and what you’re doing right now.

To be honest, seeing so much old age around me scared me a little:(

You know in Buddhism there’s 5 things that Gautama sees when he goes out into the world wtf.  I think he sees a sick man, a dead man, an old man, a monk.. (shit am missing one more)

Anyway of all of them I think old age scares me the most.

To not be able to do things as well as you did when you were young… or to not be independent (not that I am now since I can’t even open my own can of Coke wtf)… or the worst to forget your memories T___________T

Like Favorite Granduncle has Parkinsons and his wife has Alzheimers….and Grandma Leong (mum’s side) is also losing her memory sigh T___________T

I can’t imagine how it must be to be them and know that bit by bit your abilities are slipping away or that your memories are going and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

But at the same time they were all so jolly and contented!

There was this one auntie called Anna who had a stroke years ago.  She couldn’t talk or do anything properly and would take 5 minutes to say a sentence.

And because of that her husband and kids lost patience with her WTF and treated her like shit!

How can!

The husband doesn’t talk to her at all and her kids snap at her when she asked them for help to teach her how to speak again.

And I guess she couldn’t control her nerves very well so she burned her husband’s shirt while ironing or something and he yelled at her!!!  How is it her fault!  Not like she said “Hello Stroke won’t you come and attack me” wtf.

So she did everything herself and taught herself how to speak and do everything else again.  Her husband still hates her wtf but she’s so full of joy and optimism I dunno how she does it.

Everytime she comes over and laughs over something I look at her and want to be her /boo

That will be my life ambition!  (no more marrying rich men wtf)

To be happy no matter what happens.


An epic love story wtf

Once upon a time, there lived Compaq Boy.

Compaq Boy lived in a little Compaq House in Compaqland.

One day, Compaq Boy grew up and became Compaq Man.

But Compaq Man wasn’t any ordinary Compaq Man!  He was a Compaq Geek Man.

Because Compaq Man was a geek, Compaq Man had trouble getting the Compaq Chicks.

Nobody would give him a second look!

Poor Compaq Man.

So he decided to do what any self-respecting geek would do.

He bought a computer.

And went online.

And met the most beautiful girl in the world!

Hello Compaq Girl!

By golly, she was a beauty wtf.

The more Compaq Man talked and webcammed with Compaq Girl, the more he knew it – this was the girl he was waiting for his whole life!

But wait a minute – what was going on?

Where was his Compaq Girl?!  Generic Computer had kicked the bucket!

What was he thinking, buying Generic Computer?!

He knew what he had to do!  So he rushed out…

And bought the computer that was meant for him his whole life.  (Much like Compaq Girl)

His romance was saved!

And so Compaq Man got his Compaq Girl and lived happily ever after with their Compaq Computer.

The End.


LV Beii

Remember last post I talked about stalking online boutiques?

To be honest, I’ve never really paid much attention to online shopping sites.

Cos what clothes sites do people normally look at?  Forever 21?

Have it in US (dirt cheap)


Too expensive might as well go to the store to try it on if going to spend so much on clothes.

And no offense to the local shopping sites but a lot of them look like they come from the same factory in like Batu Pahat wtf and sell clothes for the same price as say Sungei Wang.  Which shouldn’t be because they don’t have to pay store rent!

Some are nice like Bamboo Stereo everybody’s favorite wtf but their stuff is not anything I would wear.  Sure, they are very cool and funky and hip and vintage and I am none of the above wtf.

I am very act cute wtf and apparently very girly too (haih actually I am not and I assure you if you ask people who are close to me they will tell you I do not act feminine at all and actually even my personality is not cute but just my image is *sour)

So apparently my image is girly.  And Ah Lian HAIH Jerry said I am this close from being mistaken for a typical Sungei Wang girl (which I actually am wtf) or someone from Kepong WTF HAHAHAHA sorry Darren wtf.

Never mind let me embrace my image with spirit wtf.

So the other day when Beii sent me her online boutique,  I

So many nice things!

And all my style!  All very girly, very feminine and cute.

Tze likes this!

I like this a lot!  I’ve been looking for a tiny-patterned floral dress for very long!

But when I asked Tze she said it was nice but not my style.

I asked her why and she said it’s too long WTF.

This one also very cute!  But I’m not sure how the bottom ruffles would look on me.  Do you think I can wear it as a dress *slutty

And this one!  This one is my love ar nobody fight with me to get it I am so getting this.

(I am aware it looks like 10 of my other dresses with no waist and ribbons and bows but who cares)


And a lot more la you go see yourself wtf.

There goes my salary (next month’s I mean wtf).

AudRubbish AudShopping

A day in Aud’s life (Malaysian Edition)

I love rainy Sunday afternoons!

With nothing to do except look at online shopping sites, watch Gossip Girl, try to explain to grandmother about downloading shows to watch wtf, and discussing the availability of porn online with her wtf.

Eh nowadays ar, computer got dirty movies already, says Ah Ma (in Hokkien)

Yea Ah Ma  I know.

Don’t play, nowadays everything also got, says Ah Ma.

So more than 10 years after the advent of the Internet, she finally knows.  Better late than never I suppose wtf.

So for the benefit of  my soulmate (/beg) Imma blog about a day in my life in KL (because she doesn’t know what my life is like here T_T and we used to experience every single aspect of our lives together T__________T)

So yesterday, I woke up at 11.30!  (a full hour earlier than when I normally wake up you see what working has done to me)

Morning sunshine!

SIGH actually this picture is a lie!  Cos I woke up as usual and got dressed and put on makeup as usual and I was talking to my Babie Angie then she told me to a Day post!  So this is for her.

So I said “but how! I am already dressed!  Takkan I go back into bed and pretend I just woke up and take pics ar?”

She said “YA OKAY”

Hence the picture.  See my makeup was already done and I was dressed.  But my hair was still in curlers so that must count for something.

Let me just keep living a lie la wtf.  So I took off my curlers and my hair was extra puffy *sad

(Why my mirror so dirty)

Talked to Angela!

To let people know we are still soulmates wtf.

Then Tze picked me up!

I swear to god we are one /boo because every single time we go out we wear similar outfits.  Even tho we have totally different styles!  Like now she’s wearing a very Blair yellow top and blue jeans and heels, and I wore a yellow shirt and blue jeans with suspenders and heels /boo

And we both hardly ever wear jeans!  When I was getting dressed I thought today we wouldn’t be dressed same cos she never wears jeans but we did without any planning /boo

(And the week before, we were both in shorts and heels, and before that, cardigans, white tops, and shorts)

We went to Midvalley Kim Gary.

I love Kim Gary the food damn nice ok what do you know I am so easily satisfied.

Forgot to take of my food before I started wtf.  My black pepper pork chop rice and Coke.

Went to buy a new Loreal mascara while Tze stocked up on Shiseido.

Then Jam arrived from her lunch with her friend who’s going back to Australia.

Trying out MAC concealers.

Me while waiting for Tze and Jam (still in MAC)

And then they wanted to shape their eyebrows so off we went to Shu Uemura.

I peered into the store cautiously but thank goodness my enemy (the Nazi eyebrow plucker) wasn’t there wtf.

I loitered around looking at makeup.

Tze and Jam waiting to get their brows done.

tze: and this is me and aud! i posted this up cuz there are no nice pictures of me in this entry wtf. and if u can see the brush poking out i need to tell everyone that this is seriously the best foundation/blusher/powder brush there is ok it makes your face look airbrushed /boo

Jam under the knife wtf.

Tze’s side of the counter.

And then I got bored waiting for them.  I thought maybe I should get my brows done too?

Well curse the minute I thought of that wtf because guess who popped up to do my brows?

As luck would have it!  The Nazi of course wtf.

Me with Nazi’s arm.  Didn’t say much to him cos was scared he would pluck out a chunk of my brow wtf.

Was trying to show this shoe in Topshop they had on display that fit me perfectly!  But Jam took this picture with flash wtf and it surprised me look at my face wtf.

I am always amazed when I find things that fit me.  Even better when they are on display.  I ALWAYS feel like I have to buy them just cos they fit me and I found them so easily don’t care if they’re not that nice I always think they are nice cos they’re small wtf.

But that shoe was RM 250 so it can fuck off wtf.

Heart glasses.

Then yamcha in Starbucks.

I didn’t know when this picture was taken also!

Ghost ohhhhh

God this place is really infested with spirits WTF.

Latat dropped by!

And I followed him home because he lives near me.

Then I faster got under my comforter and messaged Yuen Heng “eh you pick me up later I need to sleep now” WTF cos I damn sleepy la dunno why!

Woke up, waited for him for half an hour (called him 5 minutes before that and said if you don’t get to my house in 5 minutes I’m not going out anymore wtf)

Then went for dinner (which was supposed to be his birthday dinner cos I totally forgot about it) and movie.

No pictures cos he’s cool like that wtf.

And then I came home and practiced doing faces in front of the mirror wtf.

The end!



Things I have learned over the past few days:

1. Green tea can not be kept until the afternoon because bubbles will form and it will have the weirdest taste after that.  (But asking people to drink it and watching their faces is always fun wtf)

2.  Haagen Dazs has ice-cream mooncakes!  Outside is a layer of chocolate and inside is icecream while the yolk is made of mango icecream.  I don’t even like sweet things but I love thisshiny-eyes.jpg

3.  I am going back to school!  Fine I’m not really, I am just taking a prepatory course in Japanese so I can take the proficiency test in December.  Better take it as soon as I can so I don’t forget my Japanese.

4.  I have forgotten my Japanese wtf.   I didn’t realize it until just now when I was filling out the form I realized I used to know all the words but I couldn’t remember them until I looked at the hiragana haih.  Then usually I talk to Masato in English but today I said we have to speak Jap cos of my exam then I only knew how hard it is for me to think of how to say things T______________T

God bless me wtf.

5.  I wrote it in my previous post but I’ll say it again.  I am going to Korea in December!  very excited!  Going with coworkers but the trip includes a skiing package *apprehensive.  How ar go ski sure get very dark wtf some more I have no sense of balance at all and just the thought of skiing makes me tired what is this.

6.  Jam tagged me to do a hairstyle post!  So here goes:

Actually my hair always kinda stayed the same.  I always have bangs due to my flowerhorn forehead wtf.

I think this was… middle of 2004?  Before I left for the US.  Stupid perm I hate hairstylists who persuade you to get a perm Imma never ever get a perm ever again.

Good lord wtf.  Still 2004.

Then I chopped my curls off before I went to the US for easier maintenance.  I think I also dyed it some copperish color.

(God I just look at me and Angela 4 years ago and want to weep)

It grew a bit.

And longer!  And I also got 7kgs fatter wtf.  December 2004

Just cos this pic is silly!

September 2005.  My hair got longer and I cut stupid straight bangs that made me look 5.

Bangs got longer again.

(Suddenly I think my hair evolution is damn boring.  But aih start already finish it la)

Then I found out about the power of curlers!  But still quite noob at it.  Spring 2006

Still Spring 06.  Look at me so pan cute!  I had pigtails!

Summer 2006!  The lion haircut that Suet hated.  I think this was one of the blondest it ever got.

Fall 2006.  I finally mastered the art of curling!

More pretty curls.

And this is me after a good shave WTF.

October 2006.  Light brown extensions.

February 2007.  Red hair + pink highlights.

September 2007.   Blond highlights I am undecided as to whether I like them.  Took off my extensions and cut my hair shorter.

Dyed red and trimmed hair all round.

Went back to curls I am so boring.

My masterpiece of a hairstyle wtf.

Looking at this set of pictures makes me hate myself for cutting my hair T________________T

Because I look like this now T_T Still nice la still nice *comforts self wtf.

Ok time to sleep I spent too much time on this.







先に行けないと思ったけどadvを書くようで 、行けるようになった♪






I needs some happy.

Think I’m  just tired but when I’m tired I get sad and think of nonsense wtf.



The other day I was talking to Carol and I found out that I am very inadequately prepared for my future!

She is a year younger than me and she is already prepared in the event of her not getting married: she will get married with her best friend with whom she has made a marriage pact with.

Ok I know this idea is not new because Julia Roberts in My Best Friend’s Wedding did that too but why did I not think of this earlier!

I asked Tze and she already thought of her backup husband too!  Is this some sort of female thing that everyone knows about except me!

So I hastily decided on mine: Will and Trey wtf.  Must have a backup backup wtf in the event that one of them does get married when I am not wtf.

If you are getting married to a backup husband, love is obviously out of the equation wtf.

Cos if you had found someone you were in love with then of course you would get married right no need to think so much.

So a backup is about being practical.

The important thing is that you have to get along with him  very well (enough for a lifetime).  And that he has good traits to pass on to your kids wtf.

Carol told me to pick Will (possibly because he’s the only guy friend of mine she knows) because pros : US green card wtf, British passport, investment banking.  Cons :  quite dark wtf sorry I want my kids to be fair

But a green card is so appealing!  Therefore, Trey’s pros : US citizenship, good genes = mixed babies wtf, IQ of a genius (certified).  Cons :  we might divorce because we fight too much wtf.

Haih cannot la these are not perfect backups.  Plus a backup has to know he’s a backup and none of mine know WTF.

This is an issue I must address in the very near future wtf.  After all I am already 23 and still single and I have 7 more years before I turn 30 *solemn

Looking like shit with Jam & Tze. The Club minus one Suet come back T_____T55555 wtf.