Aiya my hair sucks now wtf.
Since I have no new pictures to post up, Imma blog about some of the stuff that we did in Japan but I never got around to writing about!
Actually I dunno why I blogged so little while I was there. I think I only wrote about half our outings and posted like 5 pictures per outing only.
This is me and Angela nearly 2 years ago. Told you I had no eyebrows. And no makeup from the looks of it although I really was wearing some (what a waste wtf)
This is Kyoto (or part of it)
So anyway, one Friday after school we were loitering around Shijo when we decided to give this restaurant we’d always walked by but never went to before a try.
So we gathered a bunch of friends. Ya people from Associated Kyoto Program very gung ho and united wan wtf.
Clockwise from bottom left: Ayumi, Ruby, me, Christine, Angie and Kelsey.
The restaurant is called The Lock Up wtf.
It’s a themed restaurant! And the theme is prison, obviously.
So the whole outside looks like the facade of a prison. And when the group of you go in, a Japanese girl dressed in a police uniform with thigh high boots and handcuffs /huhu wtf tells you you are under arrest wtf and handcuffs one of your group and takes you to your ‘cell’.
This is the entrance. Sorry no picture of hot girl in police uniform dunno why we didn’t take!
More of the entrance. In typical Japanese style, we had to leave our shoes at the door.
And your cell is where you sit to have your dinner!
The cell wtf. That’s Kelsey and Ruby.
And Neal and Morgan.
And us.
Ooooo someone died in here wtf.
More ambience shots.
Then halfway while we were eating dinner, the lights started flashing and the alarm went crazy!
Then someone shouted “escaped prisoner!” =.=
Then someone in a Chucky mask came in and ran around our cell while police ran after him and shot at him with toy guns to stop him. =.=
Chuckie running behind JJ. He’s carrying a light saber too =.=
Quite stupid la the fight scene between the cops and Chucky the Criminal. Some more the alarm so loud it was very hard trying to close my ears and eat at the same time wtf.
I was quite relieved when Chucky finally died and the police dragged him out wtf.
Lock Trey up better no need to disturb me anymore wtf. No la I miss him actually he’s in Kentucky or something (eating KFC WTF) nono I mean doing his Masters.
Me and Christine! Who’s working in Hong Kong now 🙁
There you go my first ever restaurant review. Which wasn’t very review-like also I don’t remember anything about the food wtf and I never understand why people want to take photos of their food it’s only going to come out in one color and shape anyway wtf.
*AudUpdate: I hate waiting!!!!! I hate the rain!!!! I hate it when my nail polish dries up!!! I hate Vivi October issue for not downloading faster!!!
I went in meaning to get a trim and get my hair back into shape.
Jam and Suet were still trying to get me to cut short! Jam kept chanting “cut short cut short” and they shoved hair magazines in my face wtf.
At first I held my ground and told Raymond “never mind I just want to trim”
But then I saw a lot of pictures of nice shorter haircuts and I started wavering why am I so easily persuaded!
Apparently, the last time I got my hair cut also I already told him the next time I come in I will cut short! I don’t remember this at all but after he said that it sounded familiar wtf.
So I said ok la just cut short la wtf and found a picture for him which I liked.
But I was really quite scared ok! Cos I said it impulsively and after that I found it really hard to breathe and had to suck in great lungfuls of air before I could say “eh I’m quite scared la” wtf.
But Suet kept saying “hair grows” as though I dunno! I know it grows la ok but what am I going to do in the meantime? Look like shit wtf T_T
I think they should just get together with the hairstylist to form a UN diplomatic mission la wtf so persuasive can persuade Osama to come out of his cave wtf.
Cut already! I kept saying “eh my hair so short now” and they said “no difference also” aih.
Looking very worried.
Jam playing hairstylist!
I have no idea how to repeat the miracle that is them blowing my hair into so nicely!
They blew it into huge curls, then turned on the dryer again and blasted my hair with it again and when my hair settled it was messy and tousled and wavy very nice!
The back.
Suet took so many pictures for me!
Trying to decide if I liked it. I was not crying ok wtf my eyes are red cos I think I edited this picture wrong wtf.
While the other two were doing this wtf.
Ok I guess it doesn’t look that short but it is when your hair used to go all the way down to your waist!
More pictures to emphasize wtf.
I like my hair la! But I am very worried that I won’t know how to style it and will end up looking like a 10 year old and get called midget even more T_T And I miss my long curls T_T I picked up one of Suet’s locks and sighed wtf.
Then today I was watching a Jolin video and stared at her long hair in envy wtf.
As you can see, i was playing with the colors and I have no creative talent.
This is after my hair settled down a bit not so puffy already when first blow I looked like I was from the 60s wtf.
Now you know my toothpaste brand wtf.
Side view of settled hair.
Quite a lot of difference in terms of length no meh! But idiot guys cannot tell wan la ok.
I went out with Eng and Skin and George today. Then I told Eng that I cut my hair yesterday and he didn’t say anything wtf.
Then later I told Skin and he just said “oh really?”
Then later on I came home (and my MSN nickname was “princess aud is short hair aud”) and Skin messaged me and said “eh you cut your hair?” WTF
Then Darren (who insists he is the original Darren not Yeff wtf) asked to see a picture of my hair so I sent it to him and he said NO DIFFERENCE wtf but then after that he said it’s nicer but when I said “I thought you said no difference” he said “ya” WTF WHY LIKE THIS WAN GUYS!
So listen girls, no point asking your boyfriends to look at your hair also because you are just wasting your breath wtf.
I got my first paycheck
And I dunno what to do with it
Actually I do wtf.
Tomorrow I’m going to go get a haircut! And touch up my roots! And then maybe a manicure!
And then go shopping do you know how many pretty Ah Lian shops I have walked past these last few months and not bought anything I cannot wait T____________T
Anyway I was looking through Angela’s photo album.
And I realized that there are maybe like 1o albums of pictures of us in Japan that she never sent to me! (and some that she sent to me but I have no idea where I saved them T3T)
So I painstakingly printscreened a few of them – mostly purikura cos I felt like doing a purikura post.
Angie – can you please put all the Japan pictures into a CD and send to me please please please T3T No wonder when I looked at my own albums I thought I didn’t have many memories in Japan WTF
Us in our early days in Kyoto. Angela is as pretty as usual but I look so different! Like a boy! Dressing up in his sister’s clothes! (i.e. like Ooib WTF)
Must be the damn haircut. Suet was right when she said I had terrible hair sigh.
And maybe I didn’t use to put on so much makeup either. (Where are my eyebrows 5555 wtf)
Look at the pretty effects!
This was our favorite machine. You could take like 10 pictures of yourself in a row and fit them all into one sticker.
With Jon, Trey and Neal. Wah Neal used to be thinner in the beginning lor wtf. And Trey is giving me a noogie why is he like this T3T (actually he looks like a ghost here so “kuai lou” is very apt wtf wtf)
Christine, Takeshi and Masato.
Oh Masato (far right) might be coming end of the year I love it when people come to KL (Hi Angie *hint wtf)
At a 100 yen per sushi plate restaurant in Osaka.
Seriously why was I so dark last time. Did I not know how to shade myself from the sun wtf.
Thank god I wised up before we went to Koh Samui. Yes I confess that when we were in Japan, we also flew to Thailand for spring break. (the Angry White Men wanted to go to a nice beach)
Now I can say it out loud because my parents finally found out WTF.
Didn’t tell them I went to Thailand because they would be like “why fly all the way to Thailand but don’t want to come home” (Also I think at that time there were terrorist bombings in Bangkok wtf)
Anyway, story for another day maybe next post imma blog openly about it wtf.
The first time we got extensions.
More purikura in Extension Era.
I think I’ve posted these up before but never mind.
Taken back when our nihongo still sucked and our stock phrase was “すみません日本人じゃないんだけど” wtf (“sorry we’re not Japanese”) so store keepers wouldnt think we were retards wtf.
Look at my long hair how am I supposed to cut it short now T_T
So yesterday Darren had a free ticket to watch Babylon so I happily agreed to follow.
We were a bit late going to the movie because I went to KLIA first to send Ooib off:( (byebye Ooib have fun in Illinois wtf and Germany!)
So we went in when the movie had already been running for 15 minutes and the theater was all dark.
It was damn dark! So I flipped open my phone to help me look where I was going.
Cos Darren la went in front of me already not much help there wtf.
So I vaguely saw what looked like blurry shapes where I thought the steps were.
But while I was stepping out with my foot I suddenly had a feeling that I was going to fall!
But I dunno why I cannot stop my foot from moving! And I was also thinking aiya I cannot see anything anyway just take a risk la fall ma fall la wtf.
So I fell.
DUSH damn loud ok wtf. Fell on my ass and crushed my feet and ankles below me T________T And my shoes flew somewhere too wtf.
Then Darren was rushing to me saying “eh sorry sorry didn’t wait for you” wtf and picked me up T________T
But dunno why I had trouble putting on my shoes wtf and in the end just hobbled barefoot to my seat aihhh T_______T
So now I am the proud owner of a bruised right heel (wah when I got up from my bed this morning I nearly fell down wtf cos damn painful to stand on my right foot T_T) and a bruised and scratched left ankle aih.
Oh ya after the movie we met up with everyone else and apparently my fall was so loud that Natasha sitting on the other side of the the cinema said “Eh Panties it was you who fell down ar so loud you know the sound!”
(Ya her nickname for me is Panties but that’s a story for another day wtf)
Apparently she saw someone come in with their phone light on and then she heard a loud BOOM wtf and the phone light went off before coming back on hahahahaha why so dramatic
Ya so the story of my life told before I go downstairs and get more medicine to rub on my bruises.
I’m wearing sneakers to work tomorrow.
Completely flighty post up ahead.
Ok I want to cut my hair and I’ve been thinking about this for ages.
Actually I don’t want to cut my hair.
No I want to.
See what I mean!
Okay I want to cut my hair because:
a) I have had long hair for 2-3 years already (even when my hair was shorter I had extensions so it’s still considered long ok wtf) and I feel like a change
b) MY HAIR SUCKS LA OK dye and curl every day until its fried and dead wtf.
You know in tv commercials when they show girls whose hair look like twigs before they put on the conditioner wtf. Mine looks like that! Even without computer graphics wtf. Trim also no use deep condition or hair masque or serum also no use.
Ironically the only time it looks healthy is when I curl it (cos cannot see) but then how can I keep curling everyday it will die even more sigh vicious cycle.
So I was looking around for short styles to cut!
When I say short I mean between ears to shoulder.
Something like this! Ok not this cut, but something around this length. I think when Angela first cut her hair it looked like this a bit.
Like this! I really really like this haircut but Suet says it’s not nice and Mummy Ooi says its too oldfashioned wtf.
She says this one nicer. But I swear to god I’ll look like an idiot with this haircut. A six year old idiot wtf.
But then I flipped through more pages and I remembered all the styles I can do my long hair up into!
AIHH what am I to do!
If I cut means I cannot braid it, or bun it up, or straighten or whatever!
But but it’s like dead hair anyway now…
HAIH I DUNNO what do you think!
Guess who is still alive?!? DENG DENG DENG IT’S MEEEE !!! *grand entrance wtf
wtf who is this
Hello! Because Audrey is still busy with her manual labor, I’m going to write this entry /boo
This entry’s purpose is to let everyone know that we are still each other’s soulmate/best friend/closest friend/BOA friend (best of all wtf)/ex roommate/future apartment mate/bridesmaid/travel buddy/sister/world/universe/milk and cereal/ apple and strawberry/McDonald fries and coke/whatever. Don’t look down on our friendship ar! It’s never going to change EVERRR!!! Fuck distance, fuck uncertainties! We can do this! (borrowing Suet’s quote wtf)
Ok emoness starts.
All my summers were without Audrey but this summer just seems so different because when September comes, I will still stay here in Vancouver as she will be in Malaysia. It has been months since we both sat in that Ham shower room, crying those last tears, saying irrelevant things, playing with our toes, making promises….I thought we made it clear that it was good bye, but it’s still so hard to believe that we won’t be meeting at the airport, screaming when we see each other, and talking surprisingly loud because of excitement 🙁
It’s still hard to believe that I will never again, SIGH, be able to be with her 24/7 for 3 months, tuck each other into bed, eat lunch/dinner together wearing PJ, laugh at the same silly jokes over and over again (eg, Jeannie’s picture or Mild’s mis-buttoned jacket), or simply just go shopping linking arms. Seriously, I cannot imagine not to go shopping w/ Audrey again.
For the past 4 years, I hated going back to Mt. Holyoke whenever the summer ends. But right now, I honestly wish I can go back for even just one more semester to resume those mid-night talks on our beds, those times when we put on make up infront of the best mirror in the world, and those moments when we got damn shy and hid into our blankets. *BIG SIGH.
Oh, and how can I forget the nights when we were both so pathetic, lying on our beds, sobbing on our telephones, then bringing tissues to wipe tears for each other. I enjoyed our emo times together:
This is in Japan. That day we decided to dress emo and take purikura wtf
Haha, and those times when we went Karaoke and sang the same song CONTINUOUSLY for many hours wtf just so we could record the best round and admire later wtf. We would treat it damn seriously as though it’s a national competition, we would sing standing up and praise each other for each good tone.
Notice at the bottom of the picture, me and Aud acted as fans and cheered wtf
Actually, we praise each other for everything. We always think each other’s jokes are the best while others have to tickle themselves to giggle a little. And we always think each other’s remarks are the smartest (umm, actually I doubt some of Audrey’s la, like “In my opinion, I think when a country is rich, its people will be happy.” Captain obvious wtf).
And if anything goes wrong, we go through it together :
I believe I can always find another best friend, another roommate, another travel buddy…etc But seriously, I cannot find another unique combination like me and Audrey 🙁
SIGH. Those were the days my friend, we thought they never end.
But what can we do, it already ended wtf
let me just move on and talk about my life a bit wtfwtf
Well, so I’m back in Vancouver and this is home! =D My plan is to work a bit, hopefully also travel a bit before my life is all about work or school, and then I will return to the States again for grad. Aiya lazy to write already, let me just post some recent pictures and finish this wtf.
Graduation T_______T
But after this, I get to go home and see my dog /boo
This is Coco <3
and my other dog Baby :
Aud gave me for birthday gift /boo
And this is me driving my car, tell me I’m damn cool :
Oh, and I had this garage sale T3T But even I sold my clothes for 4 for $1 also no one will buy cuz all the people who came were all alot older and my clothes are too small for whites. So the only time I made money was when kids came and their parents bought my clothes for them. Sigh, and by kids I mean 7 or 9ish T3T I always know I’m short la but I thought at least I dress mature wtf
So below is a picture when I was being sad cuz no one buys my stuff :
This is me and my best friend Esther at a BBQ party!
and I got damn serious sun burn from it T3T I thought I got skin cancer WTF
This is me and my other best friend Annie at the beach waiting for the annual fireworks competition. Canada won this year ! Usually it’s always China because China always damn competitive when it comes to international competitions wtf This year they lost ! I think it’s because they spent all their money on the Olympics wtf. (instead of saving dying rural people wtf)
There really isn’t much to do in Vancouver 🙁 Except for shopping
and go to a bubble tea shop to drink/eat and chat
This is Coco’s 3-year-old birthday /boo
I gave her that huge bone for gift /boo
And just in case anyone wonders about Jerry wtf
He is fine .. as you can see Sigh.
The other day my mom wore my clothes and made me take pictures for her around my house.
This is when I realized that my photography skills are so good *shameless wtf
I want to go buy one of those pro cameras 🙁 But all so expensive sigh
This picture she damndamn looks like me right ?
And as for myself, I now do some modeling for professional photoshoots/boo
I get professional make up artist also /boo
I lost alot of weight also. Guess how much I weight now. 39kg ! Can die already wtf So my mom started making me drink this Chinese medicine to I duno do what, she said “adjust my body quality” wtf.
And the day b4 yesterday I went for another shoot !
This time I am Geisha wtf
This is the geisha make up.
It’s supposed to be a modern/casual geisha wtf so doesn’t have the white face paint.
and I haven’t recieve pictures for this shoot yet.
And this is my new black hair ! <3
And I miss Audrey Ooi Feng Ling T___________T
Ever since work started, there hasn’t been enough hours in the day!
I actually work in a sweatshop hand sewing clothes for the North American market wtf.
The hours are really long so I have no time to do anything much other than come home, eat, watch a bit of tv and sleep how glam wtf.
Plus it’s a very hush hush operation because the labels actually say Made in Indonesia instead of Malaysia wtf wtf so I cannot tell anyone what I am doing WTF.
NO LA I don’t sew clothes to sell. I screw on caps on tubes of toothpaste instead wtf wtf.
I like what I do but I make a lot of mistakes T___________T
Like screw on the wrong caps on the wrong tubes wtf.
Honestly I am not a person who pays a lot of attention to detail. So this is quite a challenge for me to start focusing on the stuff that are small but do matter.
Force my brain to work in a whole different way sigh. I guess it can be cultivated la since I got myself used to being so careful with Add Maths but when I first started it I nearly failed wtf damn a lot of stupid mistakes.
Aih just let me improve faster la god *prays
Anyway, working has made me SO appreciative of my weekends!
I now long for days where I can wake up and not have to get ready, and just lounge around in tshirt and shorts and go yamcha without makeup on.
I don’t think I’ve ever gone out without makeup on (aih low self esteem la wtf) so on Sunday when I went out for a drink with Skin and Eng they asked me like at least three times (each)
“Eh you not wearing makeup ar?”
“Oh ok” *keeps staring
“Eh you not wearing makeup right?”
Anyway pikshurs from photoshoot!
Don’t really like the pictures of me wearing the cap.
But Ooib looks like a complete tool here HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOOK AT HIS GRIN
Couple picture #1
Couple pic #2
Hate my eyebrows T_T I guess the Shu Uemura guy was right when he said I need RM30 to trim my brows T_T
I love this picture of me and Suet we both look so tall and the background is so pink /boo
Me and Ooib. Feel quite bad for him because the photographer kept forcing him to smile (something he doesn’t do much wtf) and he ends up looking like he wants to eat her camera for breakfast wtf.
Family photo
I look very serene and gentle here. Mother thinks so too because she said this is “nice for a change” and chose this photo.
God I am a bunch of nerves!
Today was my first day driving to work (after a week of being dropped off and picked up by the Parents Ooi)
No problems while driving!
But then when I parked and got out of my car I realized I’d parked in TWO spots wtf.
At that time I just walked off nonchalantly off (because I didn’t want to seem too worked up WTF how does my mind work I dunno)
But now I can’t get my mind off it!
What if someone gets angry at me (Monday morning blues) for taking up two spaces and runs his car keys along the side of my car wtf.
I talked to my friend who works in the same building and he told me he couldn’t even get parking today so he had to park beside the road wtf god knows how many other angry workers were forced to do that too!
I went down to shift my car just now but it was raining (outdoor parking don’t expect me to run in the rain to save my car wtf)
But now I can’t stop thinking about it. *chews on fingernails.
But too late already la most of the day is already gone anyway the hordes of potential car vandalisers would be too:(
More blogging later (rest assured that I did not sideline any work to write this post ok)
Jam drew a picture of my car bless her wtf.
HAHAHAHAHA I did not park like that la okay!
This is more like it wtf.
Look at us, the working half of the Club, but still so free to come up with rubbish like this.
Besides doing work, our days are spent msn-ing and vying to see who can come up with the best jokes (she wins most of the time wtf)
And the other day she came to pick me up for lunch and we went to Dome like proper Office Ladies with our starched shirts and tailored skirts!
But then we sat down and gawked at the price and walked out again WTF aih no more face all classy OL image gone poof just like that.
Bunch of random updates:
I think my ibuddy is dead T_______T
He no longer responds when people message me! When I click “test ibuddy” he lights up and moves, but other than that he just stays still and dark wtf:(
He got annoying after a while with his nonstop actions but I miss him now 🙁
I finally got to read the Kite Runner! I bought the Other Boleyn Girl in the US, and Tze had the Kite Runner in UK so we were supposed to come back and exchange books but idiot she forgot to bring her copy back.
I finally got my own copy and cried my way through 200 pages or so. Then I finished it and Fat Her took it over.
And for the next 2-3 days he kept bursting into my room wtf.
The worst was when he threw open my door, rushed in and tearfully proclaimed “Aiyo Hassan died ah!”
Then he shuffled out again WTF.
I know what is one thing I must do before I die! Or at least before I get old and ugly wtf.
I must visit the Wolong Nature Reserve (I think it’s in Sichuan) they have something like 60 pandas there
And for RMB 1000 ($133) visitors can enter the pasture and play with the young pandas there According to, “The young pandas seem as harmless as a bunch of puppies, but they are solid, frisky, and numerous, and we saw them unintentionally knock down slight Japanese women several times.”
AHAHAHAHAHAHA I wanna be knocked down by a panda too wtf. So okay when I finally save up enough money to go somewhere I am so going to Sichuan (hello Shanshan!)
Ok quick recap of my week:
Morning – wake up, wash up, makeup, go to work, struggle to stay awake (although I am getting better at this!)
Afternoon – lunch, do more work, maybe attend a meeting, work
Evening – go home, eat, shower sleep wtf.
Sundays – be Grandma Ooi’s tongkat / cane wtf. She refuses to use her cane so guess who is her hooman walking stick.
Friend: hi!
: you there?
: can borrow your DS catridge?
I didn’t see his MSN message and so didn’t reply. Upon receiving no reply.
Friend: if dont want to lend me tell me
: dont ignore
Tell me will you get angry or not if you receive this kind of message!
Where can simply assume I’m ignoring him! If I didn’t answer means I’m not there la! And how can simply assume that I am at my computer at all times? Like as though my whole life is about staying at my computer so I can reply them if they ever message me.
Me: wtf
: seriously its thing like this u say that make me angry
: if i nv answer means im not there la
: why must tell me not to ignore and stuff
Friend: why u so sensitive?
: i know you are not there
Me: yea so why cant u wait for me to reply
: instead of saying things that sound like u think im ignoring u for fun
Friend: just in case you get back you saw msg you might think no need reply
Me: why would i think no need to reply
Friend: enough with your princess behaviour
: its ok
: damn “bapai”
Me: if i dont want to lend u i’ll say la i wont ignore
: ok lor fine lor enough on both sides
Friend: dont think that im the only one making you angry
: ok fine as you said
Me: ok
Seriously I kik si until dunno what. I can’t really pinpoint it but i think I am mad because (a) he assumed I was there and messaged me sounding quite accusing (b) he assumed that I didn’t want to lend it to him so I just decided to ignore him (c) this isn’t the first time he’s done this. Every time he messages me and I’m not at the computer he’ll nudge and message me periodically until I answer him. And his messages are always something like “why never answer?” “why you not replying me?” “are u ignoring me?” “eh why so lansi?” I WANNA STRANGLE SOMETHING
It’s not that he doesn’t know that I tend to leave my computer on and go off! Why he thinks I must be there to receive and instantly reply every message he sends is it?
Today I even thought maybe my MSN was showing my playlist because my music was on, so he could have thought I was there but it wasn’t showing!
ARGH JUST KILL ME LA somore call me “papai” which translates to like…princessy or big shot and nobody should say anything wrong to me wtf.
Lee Chong Wei T________________________________T
So professional working woman is back wtf.
I like my job so far! And the people are all very nice (must say because some of them read this wtf)
But god hate feeling tired all the time T_____________T
I feel so sleepy that I even contemplated stopping blogging just so I can spend all my free time sleeping =.= [I dunno how Hui Wen blogs as often as she does maybe I should just blog once a month now wtf]
I really really like what I’m doing so far but god where has my energy all gone!
Ok I know why la it’s because I’ve been waking up 5 hours before my usual wake up time wtf so it’s really as if I have jet lag!
I swear nobody will recognize me in the office because I am sooo quiet there like never shout or laugh much or anything wtf.
Probably because not much energy (especially before 12 pm) Maybe work has changed me and from now I will be very quiet and sedate and boring T_T
How ar maybe I should take Brands essence of chicken wtf. Or 100 plus ar.
But cannot take coffee cos today there was a meeting, and I ordered green tea but I THINK SOMEONE STOLE MY GREEN TEA LOR because I took the only hot drink cup left and took a big gulp AND IT WAS COFFEE
Then I made a disgusted face and the guy giving the presentation saw aihh and he looked very disturbed.
I drank most of it because cannot waste and I was a bit cold anyway so must drink warm drink.
But then I don’t usually drink coffee so after a while I got dizzy wtf and then I started fidgeting in my seat and my foot couldn’t stop tapping wtf aih stupid caffeine.
But at least it woke me up la because I was falling asleep there who asked them to dim the lights T_T
But guess what I got today!
Windows Live Messenger ibuddy!
This isn’t even my picture I am too tired to take one myself so I stole this pic.
I was so excited! Faster ate dinner so I could install it and play with it.
If you look at it you’d realize it’s the 3d version of the MSN green man logo.
And if you install it and plug it in, it reacts whenever anyone messages you or sends you an emoticon….
by lighting up and turning from side to side HAHA damn cute.
So if someone sends me a MSN puking emoticon, his face turns green and he moves side to side very fast and heart also beat very fast hahahahaahha
Or if someone sends me angry emoticon, he turns red and heart beats very fast also HAHAHAHA
But when he’s calm he turns light blue and moves in a very gentle way wtf.
But after a while I got a bit tired of him because he crazy wan people don’t send messages or anything also he keeps moving around and changing colors like a traffic light wtf.
Ok now I’m going to sleep.
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