

Oh my god I just had the weirdest thing happen to me.I was browsing aroung a few pre-chosen blogskins to determine my NEW LOOK.

I clicked on a bookmark and waited for it to load. Suddenly this red screen flashed on my browser and I saw words that looked like somebody had used their mouse to scrawl them out and they said “audrey jia you …(something something I didn’t see what)”

Then the screen changed to what I had clicked on.

When I tried to press back nothing came out. Why like this?! Am I hallucinating? Or did someone actually leave me a handmade card online or something?

Ruth, is it you?

It’s quite surreal.

Oh ya, I’ve found my NEW LOOK. If I cannot convert the html to Blogdrive, I’m switching over to Blogspot.


The Dark Side

Cis! I’ve been trying for the whole night to find a nice suitable NEW blog template, but tak jadi.Anyway, update on Life.

I have shed my loserism and have been actually busy for the past few days.

Yesterday, in my usual kaypoh manner, I followed Hsin to her group shooting. Their assignment was to film a music video, and this is no small thing so obviously Pat Aud had to follow to be a busybody.

And naturally, with the presence of Aud Ooi around, suay things just have to happen.

With my luck with vehicles (cars, buses, trains, planes, you name it), the car we were riding in, Jen’s, had to overheat and break down.

Luckily, we stopped at a nearby police quarters, figuring that the best and safest place to break down was in front of the police station.

We spent 1 1/2 hours in the sweltering Malaysian sun.

After that we managed to reach the filming location with the assistance of Hsin’s Terence and his car, and there I proceeded to spend another 5 hours in the sweltering Malaysian sun.

Thus, I am now at least 7 shades darker.

All my months in fucking freezing New England wasted! I probably cannot even use Body shop concealer 02 anymore! They will have to formulate Body shop concealer 147 specially for me!

I have thus decided to dye my hair even blonder, start wearing white eyeliner and become Malaysia’s first ganguro.

I shall stop cleaning my room! I shall leave empty yogurt cups around and wait for my very own raccoon family to breed! I shall bathe only once a week! I’ll be infamous! My mother will disown me!

I think I’m suffering from sunstroke.

*Pics to come later. Hsin is on the phone and ignoring my pleas for her to send me the pics we took.

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

I’ll be back

Yes, peeps I am back in Malaysia.

Am suffering from intense jet lag and after-stress.

Had 2 of my flights delayed. Ended up rushing to the airport 2 hours earlier to catch a rebooked flight to Chicago from my place cos my original flight had been delayed cos of bad weather in Chicago.

Never mind.

Then after that I gladly boarded the plane to Tokyo from CHicago and fell asleep.

Two hours later I woke up and looked out of the window. The fucking plane was still on the ground.

Left engine something wrong.

We only took off 2-3 hours later.

Because of that I missed the connecting flight from Tokyo to Singapore.

Panicked all the way from Chicago to Tokyo because I thought I would have to spend a whole night in Narita with an elementary command of Japanese. Started chanting Japanese phrases in my head to practise speaking with the natives.

But pokoknya, arrived safely at home la.

And the good thing is, I think I lost weight on the journey back here! Too stressed I think.

And met a few more interesting people on the way.

(a) 46 year old Korean man who sat next to me on flight from Chicago to Tokyo. Ended up turning on my laptop and watching Sorry I Love You with him.

(b) friendly acne-faced Singaporean from Carnegie-Mellon.

(c) Old lady with osteo-arthritis who’s going on a cruise in Alaska with her son in June.

(d) Cute guy studying in liberal arts college in Kentucky! bwahahha. Actually spotted him in waiting lounge in Changi. Thought he was Jap cos of his hair, face and clothing. Turns out he’s Malaysian and very siao to talk to XDXD

AudSuay AudVanity

Manyak suay

Today has been the most suay day of my life.I shall keep it short, because I only had 4 hours of sleep last night and am falling asleep.

Woke up to send Yen off. (Bye bye my love! Have fun in Beijing and Taiwan and buy a phone card! <3)

Had to go shopping to buy some stuff for the Oois. Went to take the bus to the mall.

Apparently, bus does not go to Holyoke Mall anymore.

Ended up in Springfield bus station, which is halfway to New York.

Springfield bus station is very sleazy. Filled with blacks and latinos jingling with bling bling and tight jeans and basketball jerseys.

Ate McDonald’s for lunch at Springfield bus station surrounded by scary-looking blacks and latinos who look like they carry guns around for fun.

Caught the next bus back to South Hadley.

Finally got to the mall and bought what I had to buy.

Bus to go back to Mt Holyoke never came.

Had to take taxi back. I could buy a Roxy skirt with what I spent on transport today.

Then back in my room, I COULDN’T FIND MY AIR TICKET.

I called the airline to ask if I needed my paper ticket to fly. They said obviously. They said if I lost ticket, I would have to pay USD100 for a new one.

And the storage people were coming to take my stuff away.

Made storage guy wait while I ripped through my boxes, searching for my ticket.

Finally find it in the last box, with help from Divya. While packing, Angela and I thought it was one of my phone bills and stuffed it in.


At least I’m not as suay as Divya, who lost her passport when coming to Malaysia at age 14 to play in a squash tournament.

She kena locked up in a police station.

AudAtMoho/USA AudNerd


Interesting tidbits of the day:1. I left my thumbdrive in my jeans and put my jeans into the washing machine. >(

2. For the first time in my life, I dry-swallowed a pill. It wasn’t that I’ve gotten over my fear of tablets or that there wasn’t water around; it was just cos my hand-eye coordination sucks and I swallowed my pill before putting the cup of water to my mouth.

3. My friend has gone mad. No, seriously. Okay lah, maybe not going mad, but she’s either
(a) having a nervous breakdown or
(b) possessed.

This morning (while I was still asleep), everyone else apparently heard her, who stays next door to me, alternating between crying, laughing and wailing in her room.

Divya summoned her courage and went in to check on her.

She – I dont want to mention her name – told her that Jesus, Allah, Buddha and other gods were inside her and it was her duty to “spread the message”.

Things she said:

She’s committed a sin by having a girlfriend (she’s lesbian) and she’s realised that her mother is an angel (her mum has always been very against her being lesbian) and she’s going to break up with her girlfriend now and set her free.

Her mom was also a lesbian, but gave up her own girlfriend to have her (my friend). She had her by having sex with her own cousin.

She pissed a MHC staff off by telling her that there were people in the world chanting black curses towards her.

She has the cure for AIDS. God also told her she is going to marry Bob Marley’s son.

She had this epiphany when she read a book on Pandora’s box,

She came up to me, hugged me, told me I was beautiful and told me to watch more TV (although she’s usually always nagging me about watching downloaded stuff on my comp) – because sometimes TV has a message. She told me to watch Spirited Away because “the director knows”.

The worst part is, she’s a senior and all seniors are supposed to hand up their papers today so they can be graded for their graduation testimonial.

Because of this, she did not finish any of her three papers due. Divya said she might not be able to graduate now. I dunno if that’s true.

Her mother and uncle came rushing down from New York. I think they took her home with them now cos when I came back from dinner her room was silent.

I feel so sorry for her. I seriously thought she was possessed, dah lah I so superstitious wan.

But I guess its a nervous breakdown, probably brought on by exam stress and pressure from her mother for being a lesbian.

Shit this is fucking depressing.


Exam hiatus

Finals are tomorrow, so wish me luck because if you don’t I am most probably going to fail physics.
If you do, thank you! But I will also still most probably fail physics. >(

So, see you people in a few days.


To move or not to move?

My blog very boring LAH.How ar how ar?

The picture on the left has disappeared a long time ago, and so has my tagboard. >((

I see other people’s blog I feel damn jealous and tulan LOH. Why is mine so freaking ugly!!

Especially Jia Min’s and Ruth’s. See my links for their blogs. I don’t even know how to link them now cos I’m using Mozilla Firefox. :((

Should I move to Blogspot? Seems like they got all the good templates.

But Blogdrive got memories attached to it!

How ar how ar?


The number you have dialed is not in service

I received a phone call this morning at freaking 8.30 am.I raised my head groggily from my pillow and looked at Beth, cos I thought that was her alarm clock.

Finally I realised it was actually my phone ringing on the shelf next to me so I picked it up.

“Hello?” (in forced sweet/high tone because my voice, manly in usual circumstances, sounds like a dinosaur’s in the morning)

“Hello..” (guy says in weird, throaty, breathy voice)

“Who is this?” (not getting that its a prank call by a sexual harrasser)


“I dunno!” (thinking that it’s one of my dumb friends in Malaysia who has nothing better to do than wake me up and play guessing games with me)


(getting irritated) “Wait, are you American?”


“Then I don’t know you.” (hangs up phone with style)

Hahahha! He must be damn zhar tou. It didn’t even occur to me that he could be a scary phone sex person, I was only damn irritated that this person has nothing better to do than call me and make me guess who he is.

But it’s most probably someone calling from a nearby jail. >.<
Cos that happened last year too.